Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible (AMG/Baker, 1984) KJV, NASB. Information-packed book introductions include details on the author, date, purpose, suggested recipients, main theme, key verse, prominent people and key studies found in each book, as well as detailed book outlines. This Bible also contains more than 50 additional features in its eight departments, including introductions and outlines of each book, character studies, dozens of historical and topical charts and diagrams, an archaeological dictionary, and a concordance, all of which are keyed by number to the text and index. In 2020, the Thompson Chain-Reference Bible assets were sold to Zondervan for its ongoing stewardship of this important Bible resource. Recently re-released in the King James Version (KJV) in three sizes and multiple bindings, the New King James Version (NKJV), the New American Standard Bible (NASB), and the English Standard Version (ESV), a robust selection of Thompson Chain-Reference Bibles are once again available online and at retail stores for current and past users and for new audiences as well. Thompson Chain-Reference Bible (Kirkbride, 1908; 5th Improved Edition, 1988) KJV, NIV, NASB, NKJV. Thompson Chain Reference Bible GENUINE LEATHER Fifth Edition KJV Large Print. It improved the TCR tool set even further and added new features such as a KJV glossary and improved cross-reference chains. This parallel outline is called a harmony, usually presented in the subheads of the biblical text or as a separate feature. He saw the need for a well-organized reference Bible that would be of practical use to the lay reader as well as to preachers. [Read the Bible Gateway Blog post, The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible: Where It Came From, How to Use It, and Where Its Going]. In order to see how the Thompson Chain-Reference System works, begin with Psalm 23. Several people in his church saw the notations that Dr. Thompson had in the margins of his Bible. Christianity Today provided the materials for this unique study Bible. Though received with mixed reviews, this version soon became so popular that all previous translations were eventually put out of print. 148 [OT] and 159 [NT]), and his dogmatism on just about every subject he addresses. Notes in liberal study Bibles often counter the literal understanding of the text (e.g., Josh. This historical overview may help explain the incredible proliferation of study Bibles. The Hardcover, Black Bonded Leather, and Brown Leathersoft Copies of the Thompson Chain-Reference Bible The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible was first published in 1908. The Full Life Study Bible is the most moderate of the charismatic study Bibles and can be recommended to journal readers. Craftsmanship is great and an added bonus is the NIV84 is a great read. The Quest Study Bible (Zondervan, 1994) NIV. One of the few evangelical study Bibles currently available in the NRSV, the Harper Study Bible remains a useful resource. Cross-references are usually found in a column beside the text, as in The Harper Study Bible; between two columns of text, as in The NIV Study Bible; or in the notes, as in The Companion Bible. There may be numerous verses on your topic, and you can use the alphabetical index in the back of the Bible to find the corresponding Topic Number and a starting point. Word In Life Study Bible ([NT] Nelson) NKJV, NRSV, C. Conservative: Pentecostal / Charismatic, 1. Terms of Use. It did include the subject index, but the number and variety of subjects was far less than what we have available today. No wonder when a new translation was proposed to King James I in 1604, Bishop Richard Bancroft commented that if every mans humour were followed, there would be no end of translating.1 James, however, was intrigued by the proposal from Puritan John Reynolds, especially because the translation would not have notes. New Jerusalem Bible (Doubleday, 1966, 1985). The NIV Thompson Chain-Reference Bibleis printed in Zondervans exclusive NIV Comfort Print typeface for easy reading. All Youth Bibles; General; Study Bibles; Specialty Bibles . Key biblical and theological terms, like grace, parable, and soul are flagged with a raised D to indicate they are defined in the concise dictionary. Denny, A: Decoding Precepts of Oneness Theology. NIV Study Bible (Zondervan, 1985, 1995) NIV. Kirkbride company in Indianapolis, Indiana in 1915. Its informative notes are supplemented by nearly 100 theological essays, 61 maps, and 47 charts. The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible is published by HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Inc., the parent company of Bible Gateway. The 5thedition of the KJV TCR was published in 1988. [4][5], The heart of the Thompson Chain-Reference system is Thompson's "chain topics". To increase distribution and have the capability to make constant improvements to the chain-reference system, Dr. Thompson joined with B.B. More recent editions, such as the NIV Study Bible and The Word in Life Study Bible, have dozens of in-text maps detailing locations and movements in the biblical narrative. But what does God's As humans, we are not often satisfied. Ones final choice is aesthetic and utilitarian: binding and color. The 61 contributors represent Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish perspectives and are all members of the Society of Biblical Literature. Kirkbride and Company worked with other English and global-languages publishers to release the notes and study helps in various Bible editions. That is because What does saving faith in Jesus Christ look like? With an acclaimed patented reference system, the Thompson Chain-Reference Bible is a well-recognized topical study Bible that has been in publication for more than 100 years. Tyndale House introduced The Life Application Bible in 1987 and with it a significant new trend of needs-oriented Bibles. Genesis 36:12 has the following margin note: The "chain" continues in Exodus 17:8 which has this margin note: and so on, until 1 Chronicles 4:43 which has the margin note: indicating the end of the chain. The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible also offers a library of additional study resources that allows readers to interpret the Bible using related scripture passages rather than consulting a commentary. Because of the thoroughness and quality of its features, the NIV Study Bible has sold nearly three million copies and is this writers preferred choice. About Comfort Print He eventually established the B.B. One of the most useful features of a study Bible for analyzing the biblical text is its reference system. NIV editions go on sale in June 2022, with KJV editions to follow in November 2022. Zondervan, a worldwide leading Christian publisher of books and Bibles, is part of HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Inc. Its publications include a variety of Bible translations for all ages; books in different genres and subject areas for the general reader; curriculum for individual and group Bible study; books for children and young adults; academic resources including textbooks and reference books; ministry resources; and books on faith and culture. One can almost evaluate the articles in a study Bible by its table of contents. How was it organized and distributed? * The Catholic Study Bible (Oxford) NAB, A. Dickson New Analytical Study Bible (World) KJV, B. Many study Bibles organize the events of the Gospels into a roughly chronological outline, showing both the parallels and unique accounts of each. Features include two- dozen essays, introductions and annotations to each book of the Bible and Apocrypha, 16 full-color maps, and indexes to annotations and maps. The Ryrie Study Bible can be characterized as the Scofield Reference Bible for the end of the twentieth century. The Spirit-Filled Life Bible is the product of 67 contributors, many of them high-profile pastors such as Jack Hayford (general editor), Frederick Price, and Oral Roberts. In addition to book introductions and textual notes, Kingdom Dynamics discuss 22 major topics such as evangelism, seed faith, prosperity, gifts, and healing at 350 texts. Containing 3,738 entries cross-referenced and cross-linked to other resources on StudyLight.org, this resource can be classified as a required reference book for any good study library. The HarperCollins Study Bible devotes 2,388 pages to biblical text (including Apocrypha) and study helps. Relevant verses are identified with a symbol, but have no further explanation. More than 7,000 topical listings are found in the Alphabetical Index in the back of the Bible so students can pursue almost any imaginable study pathdevotional or academic, general or specific. The Thompson Chain-Reference Study Bible features extensive material for those who wish to have a panoramic view of a particular book. Such products, however, are indeed meeting needs. This edition has also been updated with a two-color page design. It quickly became known amongst a small circle of people as the most helpful and trustworthy study Bible available. In the nineties, all the best-selling translations have a wide variety of study systems, sizes, and bindings, although not every study system is available in a variety of translations. Also, the maps, charts, and diagrams featured in the end matter were added to the numbered system and listed in the index. 8:17; Acts 2). The notes summarize sections and paragraphs of biblical texts. All . Expertly designed specifically to be used for the New International Version (NIV) text, Comfort Print offers an easier reading experience that complements the most widely read modern-English Bible translation. The boom continued in 1995 with the appearance of the New International Readers Version, the Contemporary English Version, and Gods Word. There may be numerous verses on your topic, and you can use the, Say that you wanted to do a study on the topic of Grace. Once you find the, Complete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV), Easy-to-Understand Chain-Reference System with over 100,000 topical references, Alphabetical and numerical indexes highlight study materials for over 8,000 topics, each with its own pilot number, for exhaustive topical study, An extensive study resource section includes biographical sketches, illustrated studies of the Bible, a concordance, Bible harmonies, and many other helpful study tools, 16-page full-color map section with map index, Easy to understand Chain-Reference System with over 100,000 references, References cover over 8,000 topics, each with its own pilot number for exhaustive topical study, Complete alphabetical and numerical indices listing all 8,000 topics with corresponding pilot numbers and Bible references, Includes an extensive study resource section that features biographical sketches of some of the most prominent people in the Bible, an archeological supplement, a glossary, a concordance, and illustrated Bible studies that help readers develop their own study pathways, Key Words and Key Verses by every book name point readers to more comprehensive information on each book of the Bible, https://d3iqwsql9z4qvn.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/05/25205453/TCR-Explainer-Video.mp4, https://d3iqwsql9z4qvn.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2021/04/23184039/Thompson-Chain-Ref-Explainer-Video-Spanish-Final.mp4. 21). They became fascinated with Dr. Thompsons system of study, and suggested that perhaps they could have one of their own. The 2ndedition was published in 1917, and enjoyed much wider distribution. Most of Finis Jennings Dakes materials are set in two columns that appear on each page beside the two columns of biblical text. Most modern study Bibles fall into one or the other category established by these pioneering works. The following three study Bibles are post-Vatican II in scholarship and thus are very similar in perspective to the mainline Protestant Bibles above, and thus cannot be recommended to journal readers. Topical study of the Bible is as relevant today as it was when the Thompson Chain-Reference Bible was first developed. Many sets of maps are indexed so that countries, cities, and natural landmarks can be easily located. The original Thompson Chain-Reference Bible, as well as several subsequent versions, were based on the King James Bible. You may unsubscribe from these email communications at any time. Gone are the days when a Thompson or a Scofield spent decades developing study systems. These early study materials were often as polemic as informative. How could he create such an unbiased work? Choose your ownThompson Chain-Reference Bibleon theZondervan TCR page. They also wanted to provide guidance to their readers with explanatory notes and cross references. This purchase was a "win" for me. Filed under Bible, Bible Gateway Plus, Bible Reference, Bible Study, Editions, Tagged as niv, study bible, Thompson Chain-Reference. 10:11) and point out stories and events they feel are contradictory or fabricated (e.g., Judg. As Dr. Thompson perceived over a century ago, Scripture is its own best commentary. About Zondervan It's hard to beat the Thompson Chain Reference Bible! The two men formed the Kirkbride Bible Company in order to further improve and distribute Thompson's work.[2]. 11:22; 1 Sam. The Companion Bible; The Dake Annotated Reference Bible; The Everyday Study Bible; The Open Bible; The Rainbow Study Bible; The Reformation Heritage Study Bible; The Ryrie Study Bible; The Standard Lesson Bible; The Sword Study Bible; Thompson Chain Reference Bible; Youth Bibles . The notes and topical studies show both continuities and contrasts within charismatic theology. Designed by Philip Yancey and Tim Stafford to provide easy access and useful insights to beginning readers, the New Student Bible starts with a 3-Track Plan for Reading the Bible. Track one introduces the Bible with two-week, one-chapter-a-day reading guides to the Life of Jesus, the life of Paul, and the Old Testament. Early in his ministry, Dr. Thompson realized the reference Bibles then on the market failed to help students of the Bible organize their study in a clear, scholarly, interesting, and yet simple and compact form. Here it is thought proper, not to enter into any controversy upon that subject, as the inventors of the fancies have been already answered, and fully refuted by many controvertists. The Rheims New Testament also shot back at Protestants and their translations, explaining that it had been developed with the object of healthfully counteracting the corruptions whereby the heretics have so long lamentably deluded almost the whole of our countrymen.. In function, an index and concordance are about the same. The real noise in the nineties, however, is coming from new study Bibles. As of 2006[update], more than four million Thompson Chain-Reference Bibles have been sold. The aim of the editors and producers of this Bible has always been to provide the most complete one-volume biblical topical study tool available: one filled with a vast array of resources designed to enhance the study, teaching, and preaching skills of Bible students of all ages and backgrounds. 3For a comprehensive Christian critique of word-of-faith theology, see Hank Hanegraaff, Christianity in Crisis (Eugene, OR: Harvest House, 1993). Through this productive partnership, both of Dr. Thompsons goals were met. Almost every page of the text has at least one boxed explanatory comment or life-related insight to give meaning and momentum to daily Bible reading. For example, three of the essays argue strongly that all positive references to wine in the Bible refer to unfermented grape juice and that all Christians are required to abstain from alcohol. Most nonconservative or liberal scholars, however, use criteria other than the text of the Bible to evaluate its statements and claims. Humans are fundamentally needy. * The Word Study Bible (Harrison House) KJV, 1. If you turn to the numerical index in the back of the Bible and look up 3266, you will see all the verses related to the topic of Gods Sheep. The Dakes study Bible cannot be recommended to journal readers, charismatic or not. Beloved and acclaimed for more than five generations, the Thompson Chain-Reference Bible is unparalleled in its ability to enrich personal devotions, topical study, and sermon preparation. Find out more information about the Thompson Chain-Reference Bible and shop for different editions now by clicking here. Thomas Nelsons Serenity: A Companion for 12-Step Recovery (1990) was matched by Zondervans NIV Recovery Bible and Tyndales The Life Recovery Bible. In addition to all of the in-text study tools, the Thompson Chain-Reference Bible includes a practical and helpful section of study tools at the end of the Bible. Frank Charles Thompson introduced his Marginal Chain-Reference Bible in 1908 and the following year saw the publication of C. I. Scofields The Scofield Reference Bible. The Bibles features include: HarperCollins Christian Publishing announced the acquisition of the Thompson Chain-Reference Bible from Kirkbride Bible Company in December 2020. To the left of the verse, you will see a group of topics and verse references in the margin. In 1890, creator of the Thompson Chain-Reference system, Dr. Frank Charles Thompson began working on the chain-links that became the foundation of the unique Thompson referencing system that is used by millions of Bible readers across the world. These enable readers to easily study the overall structure of the book and its major divisions. Strongs Hebrew and Greek dictionaries are reproduced in the back of the Bible. by HarperCollins Christian Publishing | Privacy Policy | Terms and Conditions | California Privacy Rights | Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Thematic study is designed to be simple. During his years of studying the Bible, he had become disappointed with the reference Bibles that were available to preachers at the time. The New Geneva Bible takes a nondispensational approach at these texts. The number at the end of the reference, 74:1, is called a, If you follow the entire chain for God's Sheep 3266, you will end at John 10:3. It became known as the most helpful, comprehensive, and unbiased study Bible available. Select all the topics you most frequently turn to the Bible to get help with: The Bible Gateway Blog features the latest news, announcements, and reflections from Bible Gateway. His introduction claims 500,000 cross-references, 35,000 notes and comments, 8,000 outlines, and 2,000 illustrations. Its Chain-Reference System is an ideal tool for comprehensive topical study, with over 100,000 references that are listed in the Bibles margins covering over 8,000 topics that span the entire Bible. Were beyond excited to introduce this timeless resource to a brand-new audience of Bible readers through its publication in the bestselling NIV. Three of the four associate editors and nine of the contributors are female. Like most study Bibles, the TCR includes a thorough concordance, maps, and many other features that organize the Scriptures to increase reader understanding. Thompson Chain Reference By Nathan Parker September 10, 2022 in General Accordance Topics Share Nathan Parker Admin 1.8k Gender:Male Location:Hot Springs, Arkansas Interests:Bible software, photography, technology, Theology, weather Accordance Version:14.x Platforms:macOS iOS Posted September 10, 2022 The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible System is an ideal tool for comprehensive topical research because it has thousands of references and covers 8,000 topics throughout the entire Bible. If readers want to locate the first verse of the chain, they can look in the Numerical Index. The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible: Where It Came From, How to Use It, and Where Its Going, Forgiving the Killer of the Charleston Church Shooting: An Interview with Rev. Revised and expanded editions of the Thompson Chain-Reference Bibles using the Comfort Print fonts, as part of the companys Beautiful Bibles initiative, will be releasing in multiple translations over the next several years. For example, it did not include the numbers for the topics that organize the study tools in todays Bibles, and many of the chains moved both forward and backward, which more modern TCR Bibles dont do. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright HarperCollins Publishers. Thompson's chain-reference system has been refined for over 100 years into a sophisticated navigational system that's both intuitive and natural. Established devotionals or study booklet series were adapted and presented as study Bibles in such works as The NIV Serendipity Bible for Study Groups (Zondervan, 1989), The International Inductive Study Bible (Harvest, 1992), The Experiencing God Bible (Broadman & Holman, 1993), and The New Daily Walk Bible (Tyndale, 1995). No fewer than 10 translations of the English Bible appeared between Tyndales New Testament of 1525 and the turn of the century. References are in a single side column, and explanatory, historical, and theological comments are in notes at the bottom of the page. New students of the Bible or those who simply want help to understand what they read may prefer an edition that majors in annotations to the text, listed in section I (to the right of this page) on subjectively oriented study Bibles. The Quest Study Bible can be recommended to and used by Christians as well as seekers. The first choice one must make relates to general theological orientation: conservative, nonconservative, or Catholic. This is the revised and enlarged edition of the Oxford Annotated Bible (1962, 1973, 1977), widely used in mainline Protestant and Roman Catholic churches and a standard textbook in colleges, seminaries, and divinity schools for three decades. Life Application Bible (Tyndale, 1987, 1993) KJV, LB, NIV, NKJV, NRSV. Additionally, knowing that it was difficult for evangelists to take commentaries with them, Dr. Thompson wanted it to be portable, so it had to fit within the dimensions of other reference Bibles on the market at that time. With over 100,000 topical reference and 8,000 chain topics, this Bible continues to offer a complete study library in one volume. Dr. Thompson believed Bible study tools should be presented in a simple but scholarly way. [Read the New International Version (NIV) Bible translation on Bible Gateway], Were honored to continue the legacy of the Thompson Chain-Reference Bible through the publication of this editionthe first Thompson available in Comfort Print, said Melinda Bouma, vice president and publisher of Bibles for Zondervan. First published in 1908, it now contains more than 100,000 references, covering over 8,000 topics, making the chain-reference system an ideal tool for comprehensive topical study. Zondervan to Release NIV Zondervan Study Bible, Journey Through Gods Word With a Knowledgeable Guide: Halleys Study Bible. The Thompson Chain-Reference Study Bible Author : Frank Charles Thompson Publisher : B B Kirkbride Bible Company ISBN 13 : 9780887073144 Total Pages : 2429 pages Book Rating : 4.0/5 (731 download) DOWNLOAD NOW! Available to preachers at the time perceived over a century ago, is! Their own release NIV Zondervan study Bible Bible GENUINE LEATHER Fifth Edition KJV Print! Outline is called a harmony, usually presented in the back of the text of the verse, you see. Far less than what we have available today may help explain the incredible proliferation study. Text ( e.g., Judg November 2022 House introduced the Life Application Bible 1987... By HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Inc., the Contemporary English Version, the parent of! 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