Will Punta Cana face a huge sargassum crisis in 2023, as it did in 2022? NOAA/Atlantic Oceanographic & Meteorological Laboratory The raw satellite data are provided by the U.S. NASA and USGS. Its early in the year I know, but the seaweed is blooming in the Carribean already. Interestingly, the 2020 sargassum season was pretty light and scientists are trying to figure out why. It may be remotely connected to everything including climate change and human activities, but the most plausible theory is that prior to 2011, in the year of 2010, there was a stronger than usual wind and surface ocean current that brought some Sargassum from the Sargasso Sea to the tropic Atlantic, said Hu. In other words, with its seaweed-free beaches, relaxed setting, and world-class all-inclusive resorts, Bayahibe is an excellent alternative to Punta Cana. An airline also asked for his advice when it was deciding its schedule so as not to load up on flights to sargassum-rich areas during tourist season. Sargassum decomposes into stinging thick layers on the surface of the water, depleting the oxygen in the water and destroying the marine life in the area. LaPointe suggested using floating barriers to keep the seaweed from coming ashore. Will there be seaweed in Punta Cana in 2023? The beach was unusable for much of the summer, it was scratching your thighs, it was just disgusting.. By the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the University of South Florida (USF) Status: Jan 24-30, 2023 Since 2011, large accumulations of Sargassum is a recurrent problem in the Caribbean Sea, in the Gulf of Mexico and tropical Atlantic. She coversreal estate and how growth affects South Florida's environment. Gower, J., C. Hu, G, Borstad, and S. King (2006), Ocean color satellites show extensive lines of floating Sargassum in the Gulf of Mexico, IEEE Trans. Gulf Caribb. Gulf of Mexico regions. Puerto Rico: Buscan soluciones en el Caribe al sargazo, que marc un rcord histrico, Afrique : Influence des algues sargasses (sargassum fluitans, sargassum natans) sur les activits socioconomiques le long du littoral ivoirien Cte dIvoire Afrique de louest, Puerto Rico : Record amount of seaweed chokes Caribbean beaches and shoreline, Mexico : SARGAZO PROVOCA MUERTE DE TORTUGAS EN MAHAHUAL. Sargassum seaweed in Fort Lauderdale is taken by truck to be composted and turned into soil. Anegada changed to Puerto Rico East and northern image added. If youre thinking about visiting Punta Cana in 2023, youre bound to have this question. Parr, A.E. Remote Sens. Foul-smelling sargassum seaweed does provide beach benefit. But you cant stop it from raining, you cant stop snow, and you cant stop seaweed.. So, if you are planning a trip to Punta Cana, make sure to check the sargassum conditions on the beach or the place you intend to visit before you plan your trip. Sargassum, a seaweed that often washes up the Florida coast, is expected to be extra abundant this year. Coll., Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, 6(7): 1-94. Seasonal seaweed is nothing new as its been creeping up since 2011, but experts have been looking into the cause. Oceanography 28(3):810, Sargasso Sea Commission (link: http://www.sargassoseacommission.org/publications-and- news/worldwide-sargassum), The Journey of the Sargassum forum (link: http://ambergriscaye.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/506457/the-journey-of-the-sargassum.html). It also broke the previous January record set in 2018. The beaches along the Texas coast have experienced Sargassum inundation events annually, and since 2001 beaching events have also occurred on many Caribbean shores in nearly every spring and summer. Sargassum is a type of seaweed, or brown algae, that spends its life on the ocean's surface and floats in large masses. A user may then select a specific date on the calendar, or use the animate function to browse through the image sequence quickly to determine the date of interest. On the Dominican Republics northern coast, sargassum is almost non-existent. Hotels in Punta Cana are investing heavily in cutting-edge technology and skilled manpower to tackle this problem. But, what about 2023? More:Worldwide mystery: What are those things the oceans been dumping on Palm Beach? But as fertilizers, wastewater and other human sourcehave increased the nitrogen and phosphorus into rivers, the seaweed has been growing out of control over the past decade. H his{0l'ViY/I_K[iGDy?nygX*/6GaDMk&*}_\gAbL*95"b-XP|(Ycks. Hardy, R. F. (2014). Its all over the place. When it comes to the sargassum problem, 2022 was the worst year on record for all Caribbean countries, including the Dominican Republic. However, excessive amounts of Sargassum on beaches in populated areas can cause a lot of problems and they must be physically removed. By no means should it be used for commercial purpose, or used for predicting bloom conditions for a specific location or beach. For those who would like to contribute with a report of Sargassum sighting, please go to this page. Atlantic OceanWatch For centuries, pelagicSargassum, floating brown seaweed, have grown in low nutrient waters of the North Atlantic Ocean, supported by natural nutrient sources such as fish and invertebrates excretions andocean upwelling. Sargassum Seaweed in 2022 and 2023 Sargassum seaweed in Playa del Carmen, Mexico on August 7, 2022 (Credit: Doctry 360) However, it's important to note that even on islands affected by an influx of sargassum algae there are often beaches that are totally clear on the same island. Reports Tuesday said sargassum is hitting resorts like Playa del Carmen and Tulum further south on the coast, while Cancun, Cozumel and Isla Mujeres have largely been spared.. Never, said Gigi Rodriguez, a beachgoer trying to avoid the soggy situation on Dania Beach. Sargassum, like other seaweed, also gives off hydrogen sulfide gas as it rots, which can cause irritation to the eyes and respiratory system. Last year was a record-breaker for the total amount of sargassum, with it reaching a peak of 22 million tons in July. Whether you are swimming or wading in it it's going to smell bad. Jamaica Seaweed Problem [2023]: Everything You Need To Know!! Itprovides food for birds, crabs and other wildlife and habitat for hiding. Please be aware that turbidity and sea state strongly affects visibility, and that most likely there are additional narrower and/or smaller mats out at sea. In Punta Cana and the Dominican Republic, as it does every year, major sargassum waves are expected to arrive at the beginning of March 2023. However, as I previously stated, this is a temporary problem that varies from day to day, season to season, and place to place. "We do believe that the Congo River is also contributing to the formation of the bloom in the eastern tropical Atlantic.". Visit this Facebook group to check the current sargassum conditions in Punta Cana. And, as it does every year, it is predicted that sargassum will continue to wash up on the beaches of Punta Cana until the end of sargassum season in September. It's too early to know how much seaweed will reach Florida's beaches, but it has shown up in varying degrees and. Thursday 13 January 2022. In fact, it's an important fish habitat that provides food and refuge for fish, birds, crabs, shrimp and many other marine organisms. Simmons said, When it starts to break down it starts to release hydrogen sulfide and that can be an irritant for people who have asthma or breathing difficulties. According to the University of South Florida's "Outlook of 2020 Sargassum ," the . Feagin, R. A. and A. M. Williams (2010). "Nitrogen appears to be increasing in the Atlantic basin, driving these blooms,"Brian Lapointe, a research professor at FAU-Harbor Branch in Fort Pierce. Sargassum Early Advisory System (SEAS), Sargassum Early Advisory System (SEAS): A comparison of Sargassum landing amounts vs cold fronts on the Gulf Coast, 1001 Texas Clipper Rd, Galveston, TX 77554. Visit floridatoday.com/subscribe. To help accomdate for Quintana Roo South and Tulum forecasts. Sargassum can affect ocean vessels by the clogging of engines and pumps and reducing the ability to navigate. The professor is with the University of South Florida's Optical Oceanography Lab. The Galveston Daily News printed an honorable memorial for Robert after his passing. But experts at the . This page provides links to Sargassum forecast or outlook bulletins (see bottom of this page), which are updated routinely. Of course be sure to check our local forecast now and throughout the summer so we can let you know when this seaweed will be setting in. Sargassum is a habitat for small fish and crabs, but too much can kill wildlife such as sea turtle nests. More:Marine detectives: They're tracking syringes, blood vials, other disgusting stuff that washes up on our beaches. But in mass quantities, it chokes life from canals, clogs boat propellers, and is a killjoy at the beach, piling up several feet deep like a rotting bog emitting hydrogen sulfide as it decomposes. Summer 2022 sargassum blew past previous records for June; July dropped a tad and August is pending, but the University of South Florida, which tracks sargassum, says there's so much sargassum floating in the open waters right now that we can expect what they call "beaching" for at least a couple more months. The SEAS team has also worked with several government entities and private organizations on several different projects in hopes of further understanding the nature of Sargassum seaweed and its movement and migration patterns. But is it something we should worry about? The forecast for the arrival of seaweed ranges from medium intensity to very strong. But, the important point to note is that Punta Cana is much better prepared to tackle this problem in 2023 than it was in 2022. Mapping and quantifying Sargassum distribution and coverage in the Central West Atlantic using MODIS observations. Webster, R. K., and T. Linton (2013), Development and implementation of Sargassum Early Advisory System (SEAS), Shore and Beach, 81(3): 1 6. LaPointe spoke in September to the Palm Beach Town Council after sargassum piled up several feet deep at the north end of the island south of the Lake Worth Inlet, also known as the Palm Beach Inlet. Hydrogen sulfide has a very unpleasant odor, like rotten eggs. Hu, C., B. However, looking at the recent history, it is possible that small waves of sargassum may arrive in Punta Cana much earlier than March 2023. One mystery this year is the proliferation of the sargassum in the winter months when it usually sees its growth spurt in spring and summer, said Hu, noting that his team has not tied warmer water temperatures to larger blooms. The Sargassum Watch System (SaWS) is designed to use satellite data and numerical models to detect and track pelagic Saragassum in near-real time. Aruba SEAWEED Problem [2023]: Everything You Need To Know!! Belize Seaweed Problem [2023]: Everything You Need to Know! And then people don't want to come to the beach.. A decade after the first sargassum blooms were spotted in the South Atlantic, these massive brown mats of macro-algae represent one of the largest ecological threats to the . SARGASSUM Sargassum is a type of brown seaweed that is washing up on beaches in Florida. Since then, the bulletins have been generated and distributed to subscribers by the last day of the month. While sargassum can help turtle hatchlings once they hit the water, high mounds on the beach are a barrier to them reaching it. Monitoring Sargassum distribution and abundance in the ocean in a timely fashion is of great importance for studying ocean ecology, helping fishery management, and forecasting Sargassum beaching events. FAU researchers have shown seasonal Sargassum in Florida and elsewhere in the tropical Atlantic have grown worse in recent years because of increasing nitrogen and phosphorus from discharges. But, like in 2022, it is possible that Punta Cana may continue to be hit by small-scale sargassum waves even after September 2023. These data are downloaded and processed through a Virtual Antenna System using both standard and customized algorithms. Thus, both the image and surface currents can be displayed in Google Earth with a simple mouse click (see example below), thereby facilitating visualization and navigation. Witherington B., H. Shigetomo, and R. Hardy (2012), Young sea turtles of the pelagic Sargassum-dominated drift community: habitat use, population density, and threats, Mar Ecol Prog Ser 463: 1-22. Hyperspectral discrimination of floating mats of seagrass wrack and the macroalgae Sargassum in coastal waters of Greater Florida Bay using airborne remote sensing. Sargassum peaks in summer, in June in July, there is no exception," explains Hu. USF, College of Marine Science You wont have to worry about sargassum if you visit these places at any time of year. Depending on winds and current, researchers estimate an early July arrival.. Puerto Rico Seaweed Problem [2023]: Everything You Need to Know! Huge Sargassum blooms blanketed beaches alongthe east coast of Barbados and Puerto Rico in 2014, as well. endobj Two examples are given below. Here are our top picks for accommodations to stay in Bayahibe: Sargassum seaweed is usually harmless to humans when it is on water. Or find him on Twitter:@JWayEnviroor on Facebook:www.facebook.com/jim.waymer, Support local journalismand local journalists like me. Robert Webster, lead developer of the original team, passed away in 2015 due to cancer. Sargassum Outlook Bulletin, December 2022, Sargassum Outlook Bulletin, November 2022, Sargassum Outlook Bulletin, September 2022, Sargassum Outlook Bulletin, February 2022, Sargassum Outlook Bulletin, December 2021, Sargassum Outlook Bulletin, November 2021, Sargassum Outlook Bulletin, September 2021, Sargassum Outlook Bulletin, February 2021, Sargassum Outlook Bulletin, December 2020, Sargassum Outlook Bulletin, November 2020, Sargassum Outlook Bulletin, September 2020, Sargassum Outlook Bulletin, February 2020, Sargassum Outlook Bulletin, December 2019, Sargassum Outlook Bulletin, November 2019, Sargassum Outlook Bulletin, September 2019, Sargassum Outlook Bulletin, February 2019, Sargassum Outlook Bulletin, December 2018, Sargassum Outlook Bulletin, November 2018, Sargassum Outlook Bulletin, September 2018, Sargassum Outlook Bulletin, February 2018, This site is compatible with Firefox, Chrome and Safari and has been validated as XHTML 1.0 Strict compliant, Images & Page Design Optical Oceanography Laboratory, Pelagic Sargassum seaweed (Image courtesy of Tracy Villareal), HYCOM from the National Ocean Partnership Program (NOPP). Also, the level of Sargassum varies beach by beach, day by day, place by place, and season by season. ", Penalties:Jupiter divers who freed sharks, destroyed angler's gear avoid harshest penalties. These experimental Sargassum Inundation Reports (SIR) Further details can be found in the January 2023 bulletin below. Going to the beach becomes a compromise -- how badly you want to enjoy the sun and surf versus how willing are you to put up with the seaweed. By June 6, the leading edge of the massive river of dust reached South America, stretching more than 3,500 miles and coveringmore than 2.2 million square miles, according to theModerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on board NASAs Aqua satellite, which acquired a true-color image. Address: 948 Beach Rd, Sarasota, FL 34242 Why You Need To Go: The water clarity is reported as moderate here, and while the beach is clear of debris, keep an eye out for some jellies in the water. Dr. Chuanmin Hu works at the University of South Florida and. Joaquin Trinanes Oceanographers expectthe Sargassumto thicken on beaches from the eastern Caribbean throughout Florida's east coast. (Image: Brandy Campbell/FOX Weather) ( ) The city of Fort Lauderdale is taking this smelly problem on its beaches and repurposing it, composting the seaweed and using it as soil. 2022; Sargassum is worsening the conditions . Anticipating sargassum season. 'Daring' coral rescue as officials attempt to safeguard genetics of Florida reef tract, Why four nesting shorebirds had Palm Beach County officials jumping for joy, How coral is thriving in a trashy, polluted port thrashed by cruise ships, Giant manta ray babies and a study that could save a threatened species, Great hammerhead shark nursery discovered in urban area of Florida, Marine detectives: They're tracking syringes, blood vials, other disgusting stuff that washes up on our beaches. According to a recent report from the lab, over 24 million tons of Sargassum were found across the Atlantic in June, compared to 18.8 million tons in May. Ive never seen it like this. The Sargassum a seaweed that grows in the Atlantic will be arriving and flowing onshore, and it could be extra abundant this year. The "SaWS Clickable Map" at top of this paragraph shows the current coverage, where any region can be clicked to open a separate page unique to that region. Does Punta Cana still Have a Sargassum Problem in 2023? 7/2 Update Their findings werepublished last year inNature Communications. x}[s"?#!pL8n;%Q%K>o|D+IvDL|}~jO_.jgnybvm&suo7oooyb3fc71dv.3w7;ji}aNuw}N?z>sp'@5Ho\]nyyH{>OqVF>= dw'1@8f@kwg@~+l~os#c%?R+4)/0otWoy6;{6F,y-bno@Yn?jt|+"[| Sargassum season arrives in late May or June and sticks around through hurricane season, which ends Nov. 30. Isla Mujeres SEAWEED Problem [2023]: Everything You Need to Know! The SaWS is meant to provide such a function through producing and sharing customized satellite imagery in near real-time in a user-friendly way. A record in January does not exactly mean a record in June. Contact Waymer at 321-261-5903or jwaymer@floridatoday.com. The rotten egg smell in the Keys from the decomposing sargassum has prompted at least one online guidebook to have a chapter titled Why do the Florida Keys smell like sulfur?. High-value products from macroalgae: the potential uses of the invasive brown seaweed, Sargassum muticum. This summer's Sargassum already has set a record. Nitrogen-dense runoff from fertilizers, winds and currents could be a factor too. In the past five or six years we tend to see more and more sargassum than five or six years ago, said Hu. Sargassum is a constant presence in the Atlantic. Especially, the months of July and August are expected to receive the highest influx of sargassum this season. Bayahibe resort town, as mentioned earlier is undoubtedly the best place to stay if you want to enjoy Dominican Republics world-famous pristine beaches without worrying about Seaweed. Although the seaweed itself cannot harm your health, tiny sea creatures that live in Sargassum can cause All rights reserved. Combined, the total amount of the weed increased from 18.8 million tons in May 2022 to 24.2 million tons in June 2022, setting a new. If you have news tips, please send them to kmiller@pbpost.com. Cancun Seaweed Forecast. Combined, the total amount of the weed increased from 18.8 million tons in May 2022 to 24.2 million tons in June 2022, setting a new historical record, according to the University of South Florida scientistsJuly 2 bulletin on the algae. Cancun Sargassum Conditions: Forecast for 2022 It is obvious now that this will be the worst sargassum season in five years. So raking the stuff off the beach can be controversial, often pitting tourism against conservation interests. Miles of This Stuff Is Stinking Up Florida Beaches - Videos from The Weather Channel Miles of This Stuff Is Stinking Up Florida Beaches May 10, 2022 Sargassum is at it again in South. Here we show a few photographs that reveal the serious nature of the problem. Hus Optical Oceanography lab at USF measures the sargassum by satellite and has images dating back decades. The webcams below are owned and operated by diffrent companies. SIR is the result of the collaboration between the Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory What is certain is 2023 will be a major sargassum year, Hu said. Pelagic Sargassum seaweed (Image courtesy of Tracy Villareal) is a brown macroalgae floating on the ocean surface. 3 0 obj To facilitate visualization and navigation, the imagery products are divided into different geographic regions, for example Central Atlantic, Eastern Caribbean, Western Gulf of Mexico, Bermuda, etc. The forecast indicates the possibility of a medium to high chance of more Sargassum polluting the beaches. Notifications can be turned off anytime in the browser settings. Punta Cana SEAWEED Problem (2022): Everything You Need To Know!! Assessment of surface-pelagic drifting communities and behavior of early juvenile sea turtles in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The SEAS Program is an ongoing research effort from Texas A&M Galveston (TAMUG) that specializes in Sargassum seaweed movement and migration patterns, as well as identifying and understanding potential growth factors behind the blooms. Last year saw a massive amount of sargassum find its way to the beaches of Cancun and other parts of the coast. Since then, the Dominican Republics government and Punta Canas hoteliers have taken numerous big initiatives to address this issue, as tourism is the countrys main source of income. However, apart from the seaweed, there are many good reasons to choose Bayahibe over Punta Cana. Punta Cana Seaweed Forecast 2023The sargassum season in 2023 is expected to be just as bad as the one in 2022. Sargassum removal from Texas beaches during earlier, less severe inundations was estimated at $2.9 million per year and Florida's Miami-Dade County alone estimated recent removal expenses of $45 million per year. The University of South Florida Satellite-based Sargassum Watch System has predicted 2018 will be a major bloom year, which is already impacting the Caribbean. The SEAS Program leverages Landsat Satellite Imagery in order to identify floating Sargassum mats, and then factors in local wind/surface currents in order to provide a forecast. % Its a well-known fact that the majority of hotels in Punta Cana have live cameras overlooking the beaches. He said culprits in previous years typically included anything that would add nutrients to the surface of the ocean, including upwelling and mixing. According to. classification are 0.001 and 0.003. Pelagic Sargassum community change over a 40-year period: temporal and spatial variability. Bayahibe, a beautiful resort town about an hours drive from Punta Cana, offers pristine beaches free of seaweed all year. Punta Cana, along with other Caribbean countries, is facing a sargassum problem since 2015. Further details can be found in the December 2022 bulletin below. LaPointe said areas of the Keys are already using it or considering it. A University of Miami study released the same year found that smoke from African fires either from those burning wild or burning to clear land has phosphorus in it that could also be feeding the sargassum after it settles out of the atmosphere. MARTINIQUE : Les poissons dlevage sont bien morts cause des sargasses, BONAIRE: Sargassum Fertilizer Transfers Heavy Metals to Vegetables, MEXICO: Mexican Navy Admit Failure In Stopping Sargassum Deposits In Cancun, Mexico News : Cancun, Playa del Carmen and Tulum Being Overrun By Seaweed, Mexico : Cancun Braces For Worst Sargassum Seaweed Season In Five Years, Guadeloupe : Guadeloupe : Les sargasses saccumulent, les nuisances olfactives et visuelles reviennent, Mexico Riviera Maya : ADVIERTEN OPACIDAD EN EL TEMA DE DISPOSICIN Y MANEJO DEL SARGAZO, Mexico Riviera Maya : El sargazo se adelanta y pega con ms intensidad, Mexico : Sin recursos ni personal suficiente para contener el sargazo; an desatendidas, enormes extensiones en las costas del Caribe mexicano. In doing so, the plants uptake more arsenic because its in a molecular form that's similar to phosphate. 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