public shooting grounds wma utah

Fish & Wildlife Service's Wildlife & Sport Fish Restoration Program. Both are legal to take, but the Division discourages you from shooting trumpeter swans. Prior to joining Water Resources, she worked for the City of West Jordan as the communications manager and public information officer for 12 years. For more information, call the refuge manager at 435-693-3122 or visit If you need help with your online applica-tion, please call any Division office before 5 p.m. MDT on July 20, 2022. Wildlife Management Areas and Waterfowl Management Areas (both WMAs) are properties owned and managed by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources for the following purposes: Currently, there are 193 WMAs throughout Utah, totaling over 500,000 acres, or 780 square miles. 2.2.4 Contain established populations of invasive/problematic species. This section provides information about applying for a swan permit or preference point in 2022. 607, PM Agency: Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Lead: Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Hire seasonal help for the summer to accomplish habitat restoration and enhancement activities on the Salt Creek, Public Shooting Grounds and Locomotive Springs WMAs. Important: If some of your group members surrender their permits less than 30 days from the season opener, all group mem- bers will lose all of their preference points. Kim Wells was appointed as the communications director for the Department of Natural Resources in August 2021. Rule R651-614-4. If you do harvest a swan, a Division biologist will complete your harvest survey as part of the post-harvest examination that is required of all successful swan hunters. The Utah Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife Resources, has two seasonal positions (no benefits) available at the Salt Creek/Public Shooting Grounds WMA near Penrose, Utah. Before you can apply for either a swan permit or a preference point, you must first complete a one-time swan hunting orienta- tion course. Hunters may construct nonpermanent blinds, but must remove all blinds constructed out of materials other than vegetation at the end of the hunting day. Trees and shrubs have been established and are being enhanced by irrigation systems and pesticide control efforts, which requires manpower and diligence. You must have a valid Utah hunting or combination license before you can apply for or obtain a swan permit. All hunters entering, using or occupying the refuge for waterfowl hunting must abide by all terms and conditions listed on the refuge website. Description: Salt Creek WMA, Public Shooting . The West Bear River Bay Access Area is located on east Promontory and is a public access to the Bear River Bay. 2.2.5 Conduct mechanical control of invasive/problematic species. Public Shooting Grounds WMA Box Elder County , Utah , US Get Directions All Months Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec All Years Last 10 Years Current Year October Big Day Oct 19, 2019 Global Big Day May 4, 2019 October Big Day Oct 6, 2018 Global Big Day May 5, 2018 Global Big Day May 13, 2017 Global Big Day May 14, 2016 Global . The Division has designated certain portions of the state as no-shooting areas. Learn more about Utah's wildlife . Fish & Wildlife Service's Wildlife & Sport Fish Restoration Program, Recent incidents of vandalism, littering and other criminal activity, Helping to minimize and mitigate wildlife depredation on private property, Providing places where Utahns can go to hunt and fish. Work included planting and manipulating critical perennial habitat for nesting, rearing of young and creating a higher quality food resource. 50 CFR 20.21 (i) and Utah Admin. Anfinsen and her husband Ken live in West Valley and have four children and 11 grandchildren. I think they taste like chicken, but a little chewier. 22, 2022 and Feb. 1March 10, 2023, Southern goose area: Oct. 25Dec. In many cases, the Division will take preventative measures to reduce future wildfires, including removing excessive conifer trees and other flammable items. Hunters with one preference point will be considered only after all groups or individuals with two or more preference points and before all groups or individuals with zero preference points. Some WMAs and portions of WMAs are closed to the public, while others have limited access during certain times of the year. 14, 2023 throughout the Northern Zone (except for scaup, which you can hunt Oct. 1Dec. Tribe served the state of Utah in a variety of Human Resources positions and agencies since 1993, most recently as the Human Resources Manager for the Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind. No migratory bird preservation facility shall receive or havein custody any migratory game bird unless ac- curate records are maintained that can identify who each bird was received from and can show all of the following information: In addition, migratory bird preservation facilities may not destroy any records they are required to maintain under this section for a period of one year following the last entry on record. 50 CFR 20.82 and 20.83 and Utah Admin. It is designed to be operated by a person sitting, standing or kneeling on the vessel, rather than sitting or standing inside the vessel. Swan hunting boundary: See a de- tailed map of the boundary online at A staff person will examine the swans head and complete your swan harvest survey for you. A Division or Refuge employee will help you complete your swan harvest survey. You can give the waterfowl youve taken to another person, but please remember the following: 50 CFR 20.37 and Utah Admin. Once youve taken a migratory game bird, several rules apply to the use of the game youve taken. Wetlands have and are continuing to be lost. 28, 2023, Eastern Box Elder, Northern and Wasatch Front goose areas: Oct. 15Dec. The most important thing you can do as a visitor to a WMA is to follow the posted rules and refrain from doing anything that would hurt the animals or damage the habitat. You must also have a valid hunting or combination license in order to hunt any waterfowl species. Inappropriate Fire Frequency and Intensity. Jamie Barnes serves as the Utah State Forester and Director of the Utah Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands. The programs focus is to assist leadership in fostering integrity and trust in everything we do to serve the public. In that position, Tyler helped find matching funding for WRI projects and administered the incoming and outgoing funding contracts to help get project dollars on the ground each year. If youre contacted by a conservation officer, you must provide the officer with the itemshe or she requests, including any licenses and permits required for hunting, any devicesused to participate in hunting and any birds youve taken. For details on meeting these requirements, see page 8. was appointed as the director of the Division of Outdoor Recreation in December of 2022. From November to . 2.2.9 Avoid establishment of new invasive/problematic species through education, planning, management, and/or regulation. You may, however, hunt from other types of boxes, blinds or culverts that are attached to the bottom of the body of water where you are hunting. 50 CFR 20.36 and Utah Admin. Current state and federal regulations ap- ply for season dates, shooting hours, and bag and possession limits. Prior to his appointment as director, Jeff served the division as deputy director and as a regional manager before that. The course outlines common swan hunting issues and explains the physical differences between tundra and trumpeter swans. Hunters may not enter the hunting units (scout) prior to the opening day. Wetlands and adjacent uplands provide needed habitat for over 200 species of vertebrates in Utah. Reminder: There are new rules for tagging swans, 50 CFR 20.40, Utah Code 23-20-9 and Utah Admin. Prior to joining UGS, Keach worked as a senior oil and gas engineer at the California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources. 31, 2023, Southern goose area: Oct. 1, 2022 (for Youth Waterfowl Hunt), Oct. 18, 2022 and Nov. 10, 2022Feb. He hopes to get to Antarctica to complete his travels to all seven continents. If you give birds to someone at any location, you must tag the birds. You must also follow one other shooting- hour rule: You may not take wildlife or discharge any firearm, crossbow or archery tackle on state-owned lands adjacent to the Great Salt Lake, on Division-controlled water- fowl management areas or on federal refuges between official sunset and 30 minutes before official sunrise. All hunting regulations, including season dates and bag limits, will apply. For details about whether you may enter a Utah WMA or what you are allowed to do there, check the Wildlife Recreation Access Maps. While in the field, the youth and the adult must remain close enough for the adult to see and provide verbal assistance to the young hunter. Each WMA ranges in size from a couple dozen acres to over 50,000 acres. He founded Rapid Progression Kayak School, and worked many years in the ski industry in mountain operations management. Archery hunting is not allowed on the refuge. Trees and shrubs have been establishment and are being enhanced by irrigation systems and pesticide control efforts, which requires manpower and diligence. Ducks, mergansers and scaupThe daily bag limit is 7 birds (except no more than 2 canvasbacks, no more than 2 female mallards, no more than 1 pintail, no more than 2 redheads, no more than 2 wood ducks and no more than 2 scaup). The division is also responsible for the management of the states OHV, Boating and Every Kid Outdoors programs. Including leadership roles in marketing and sales for, Goal Zero and Petzl. Before being promoted to deputy director, he was the divisions public information officer and chief investigator. Rule R657-9-13. Airboats are only permitted in the posted open areas of units 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and the C blocks. Hunters may not enter closed areas to retrieve birds. Jeff learned to love the outdoors from an early age when his family camped and played at national and state parks throughout the West. 32 Public Shooting Grounds WMA. If your hunting license expires before the waterfowl season ends, youll have to buy a new license to hunt the remainder of the season. Dennis served for 5 years in the private sector and then for 30 years as a Finance Director prior to his assignment as Audit Director in January 2020. Farmington Bay Waterfowl Management Areawest and north of the Doug Miller Unit, Turpin Unit and Unit 1. Although a small amount of trumpeter harvest is legalto allow for occasional mis- identificationthe hunt is only intended for tundra swans. Your swan tag also includes a notch that indicates the sex of the bird, but you do not need to remove this notch; you only need to remove the notches that indicate when the bird was taken. 25, 2022). This project will address threats to two key terrestrial habitats (lowland sagebrush & desert grassland) and two key aquatic habitats (open water & emergent) that are listed in the WAP. Reminder: Any fees you submitted with your application are not refundable. SALT LAKE CITY The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources . The opportunity to hire just one individual during this time period is often limited, due to educational commitments, and can require that two or more individuals be hired. As an expert in strategic communication, he has worked with a variety of public, private, government and nonprofit organizations throughout the United States, including General Motors, Subway Restaurants, Cancer Research Institute, Huntsman Cancer Institute, Comcast, Natural History Museum of Utah, Utah Department of Transportation, AARP and Aetna. His primary responsibilities include managing DNRs finances and coordinating budgeting and accounting activities with DNRs seven divisions. Utah Code 23-20-30 and Utah Admin. Enter or remain on private land when directed not to do so by the owner or a person acting for the owner. Wade and his wife Emily have two grown boys, and they all enjoy exploring Utahs amazing environments. TeresaWilhelmsen was appointed in 2020 as the State Engineer. Pitt has always had a passion for sharing the great outdoor spaces of Utah and is an experienced backcountry skier, climber, whitewater paddler, fly fisherman, and mountain biker and slow trail runner. Shell casings and ammunition boxes are litter. Renovation is required to stimulate growth and to remove residual cover where deemed beneficial. Some areas are in need of renovation to stimulate re-growth and increase plant vigor. All hunters entering, using or occupying the refuge for waterfowl hunting must abide by all terms and conditions listed on the refuge website. The Division rarely issues refunds for per- mits, licenses or certificates of registration, but there are some exceptions. Actions the WAP suggest for achieving this objective are 2.1.9 Establish or enhance fuel breaks in locations that are susceptible to large or intense fires. While hunting waterfowl in Utah, there are several requirements you must keep in mind to protect yourself and the resource. Listen to the DWR "Wild" podcast! For a list of counties in the Southern Zone. Reminder: You may wait to tag the swan until after you return to your blind, your boat (or other vessel) or dry land, whichever is near- est to the point where the bird was retrieved. Visit in early August to see purchase times and locations. The Division works year-round and implements various projects with Utah's Watershed Restoration Initiative to ensure there is sufficient vegetation and healthy watersheds in these areas. Wade has a Masters degree in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Colorado-Denver and a Bachelors degree in Geography from California State University-Fullerton. Please be familiar with the requirements for carrying and using shotguns, the different types of hunting methods you may use and what youre required to do with any waterfowl you harvest. In Northern Utah, the best places to find good numbers of birds are the waterfowl management areas that are administered by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. A combination license allows you to fish and hunt small game in Utah. The primary coordinates for Public Shooting Grounds Waterfowl Management Area places it within the UT 84307 ZIP Code delivery area. This change applies to anyone who receives more than $100 in compensation for providing guiding services, as defined in Utah Code 58-79-102. Its important to comply with the require- ments listed above. 2.2.4 Contain established populations of invasive/problematic species. 3.3.1 Develop list of priority reintroduction species and locations The cooperative projects with BLM and DWR that are managed through this project are Blue Springs WMA, adjacent to Public Shooting Grounds and Salt Wells WMA. Utah Code 76-10-502, 76-10-504, 76-10-505 and 76-10-523. Housing is not provided. Thanks. Jeff has served as director for the division since 2018. Rules R657-9-8 and R657-9-9. Salt Creek and Public Shooting Grounds Waterfowl Management Areas (SCWMA/PSGWMA) are Division of Wildlife Resources managed areas located in Box Elder County, Utah. These contacts allow the Division to collect valuable information about Utahs waterfowl populations. Harold S. Crane: Rainbow Pond Unit and the main East Pond Unit. Salt Lake City Due to extreme drought and wildfire danger, the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources is temporarily banning campfires and recreational target shooting with a firearm on its 146 wildlife management areas (WMAs) across the state. Waterfowl blinds on state lands are open on a first- come, first-served basis to everyone, not just to the person who built the blind. You can prove that youve completed hunter education by obtaining a hunter educa- tion card (called a blue card in Utah) or if you have a verified hunter education number on file with the Division. Also, you may not hunt or pursue swans after any of the notches have been removed from the tag or the tag has been detached from your permit. In this role, he leads the administration of all outdoor recreation grant programs in the state. . Mr. He is a registered professional engineer. expect to encounter conservation officers and biologists checking hunters in the marsh and at checkpoints. 14, 2023, Southern Zone dates: Oct. 15, 2022Jan. Public Shooting Grounds Waterfowl Management Area is a cultural feature (park) in Box Elder County. The swan orientation course provides information about swans, including informa- tion that will help you identify tundra swans and trumpeter swans in flight. New this year: You may not construct a new permanent blind on a waterfowl manage- ment area. So target the big ones they have the most meat, Kay said in a2019 blog poston the agencys website. The continual build-up of sediments in GSL wetlands is a major problem that can lead to decreased open water areas, shallower water depths that do not maximize the production of submerged aquatic vegetation, and promotes invasive plant species. Rule R657-9-21, If you leave your birds in the custody of an- other person for picking, cleaning, processing, shipping, transporting or storing, including temporary storage, or at a location to have taxidermy services performed, you must tag the birds. If you surrender early enough, youll be able to keep your preference points. Public use areas are associated with the watchable wildlife site that we are developing. Maps of all three refuges are available online at Upland game species and waterfowl will also be the benefactors of the habitat efforts that do occur and will occur on the areas. Bag and possession limits: The daily bag limit is 8, and the possession limit is 24. Utah is one of the few places in the country where you have the opportunity to hunt swans. A preference point is awarded for each unsuccessful swan application. Both resi-dents and nonresidents may apply. than three shellsto hunt light geese during the February/March season. He enjoys camping, ice fishing, riding off-highway vehicles and exploring Utahs beautiful wilderness. Having the opportunity to hunt swans is truly remarkable. The number is assigned when you complete hunter education and your blue card is issued. Live or dead-standing trees and shrubs on WMAs may not be cut or damaged unless the Division gives express, written permission to do so. When you complete the registration process, your new HIP number will appear on the screen. Native to the eastern U.S., bullfrogs now have homes along the Wasatch Front and the Great Salt Lake marshes. Other areas needed complete renovation and seeding. 50 CFR 20.38 and Utah Admin. Bill Boudreau joined the Utah Department of Natural Resources (DNR) in 2013 as the information technology director. Welcome to the Utah Public Notice Website: Your central source for all public notice information in Utah . Bag and possession limits: Dark geese (cackling, Canada, white-fronted, brant)4 per day, 12 in possession; Light geese (snow, blue, Ross)20 per day, 60 in possession. The plan is to continue enhancing decadent acreage annually through plantings of perennial grass, forb and shrub species. Todd Adams was appointed deputy director of the Department of Natural Resources in August 2021. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Public Shooting Grounds Waterfowl Management Area . Therefore, allow enough room between the closed area boundary and where youre hunting to retrieve your birds. Tribe and his wife Marci have four children and live in Bountiful, Utah. Many shotguns can hold more than two shells in the magazine, but making these guns legal for waterfowl hunting is easy. Official sunrise and sunset times are differ- ent, depending on the day and your location. On some WMAs, these activities are prohibited, while on other WMAs, they may be allowed but only in certain areas. She has also worked for Coca-Cola and Bonneville International Corporation. The refuge prohibits leaving decoys, boats, vehicles and other personal property on the refuge overnight. Soil or rock, above or below the waters surface, may not be excavated on a WMA unless the Division gives express, written permission to do so. You cannot leave waterfowl blinds or decoys unattended overnight to reserve a spot. From April to October, the range is open from 3-8 p.m., Wednesday to Friday and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday. Public Shooting Grounds WMA Salt Creek WMA Timpie Springs WMA Topaz WMA Willard Spur WMA Utah waterfowl mercury advisories Waterfowl mercury & consumption advisories: This information is maintained by the Utah Department of Health's Environmental Epidemiology Program. For WMAs that allow public access, use of these lands, including for camping (where it is allowed) is free of charge. Throughout her career, Hasenyager has worked on various projects that support the divisions mission to plan, conserve, develop and protect Utahs water resources.As deputy director, shehas overseen the Planning and Development branch, Water Conservation and Education section, and served as the divisions legislative liaison. These habitats will benefit numerous non-game avian, mammalian, reptile and amphibian species. Technicians will be responsible for weed control and containment mostly through chemical applications. Howard Slough Waterfowl Management Areawest and south of the exterior dike separating the WMAs freshwater impoundments from the Great Salt Lake. Tyler enjoys fishing, outdoor photography and riding off-road motorcycles through Utahs beautiful desert and mountain landscapes. By making an effort to identify the species, obey swan-hunting laws and focus on tundra swan harvest, you can play an important role in maintaining future swan hunting opportu- nities in Utah. She enjoys spending time with her grandchildren, camping, sewing and locking herself in her craft room. Actions that this project will address include; The mission of Utah State Parks is to provide fun and educational opportunities throughout the state. TheUtahDivision of Wildlife Resources is encouraging people to help out the environment by hunting and even eating bullfrogs. For information about discharging a dangerous weapon or firearm in a state park, see the Areas where you cannot discharge a firearm section above or review Utah Code 76-10-508. The course also covers the rules and regulations related to swan hunting. Twitter/ Utah Department of Natural Resourcesof, 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, National Park Service: Please refrain from licking this psychedelic toad, 'Frogmaggedon' in Florida town after Hurricane Ian, Toxic cane toads successfully invaded and are killing pets and wildlife across Florida and Hawaii. Visit for more information. Here's how you know Because WMAs are primarily intended to provide food and habitat for wildlife and are not established as multi-use public lands, they are not well suited for many other forms of outdoor recreation, including off-roading, mountain biking, etc. Electric-assisted bicycles, propelled in part by electrical assistance, are only permitted on state waterfowl management areas if they meet the Class 1 definition provided in Utah Code 41-6a-102(8) and (17). Ogden Bay Waterfowl Management Areawest of Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3. HIP numbers for the 20222023 season are valid from March 11, 2022 through March 10, 2023. Utah provides special hunting accom- modations for people with disabilities. This position allowed for the maintenance of existing habitat and the enhancement and development of additional habitat for these WMA's. The management objective was to maintain these areas in productive and diverse mid-successional stages. The Division is also responsible for supporting the outdoor industry businesses and partners to ensure a healthy outdoor recreation economy. The first one will be on Sept. 17, 2022 in the states Northern Zone, and the second one will be on Oct. 1, 2022 in the states Southern Zone. This is just a reminder that completion reports are due August 31st. The hunting program has expanded at Fish Springs NWR to include more species of migratory birds and new areas for upland and big game. This process will determine in which group of preference points. Please remember that there is not a later start time for Utahs urban counties on the day of the waterfowl opener. It seems we couldn't find the page you were looking for. You may not hunt from sinkboxes. A person who is 14 or 15 years old must be accompanied by a person 21 years of age or older while hunting with any weapon. Rules R657-4, R657-9-18. Rule R657-9-27 at You may not hunt waterfowl, snipe or coots by baiting, and you may not hunt in an area where you reasonably should have known that the area is or has been baited. For swan illustrations and identifying characteristics. Follow the instructions on the website to obtain a hunter education regis- tration certificate (required) and to register for a course online. The tag must include your address and Utah hunting license number, the total num- ber and species of birds youre donating, the date the birds were killed and the date the birds were donated. Salt Water : Fresh Water: Saltwater Shorelines, Beaches and Playas: Any migratory game bird that you wound must be immediately killed and included in your bag limit. When you finish the course, your instructor will verify your course completion in the online hunter education system. To prevent the loss of future swan hunting opportunities, hunters need to be particularly careful to identify swan species before shooting. Utah's Watershed Restoration Initiative Water Restoration Initiative run by DNR Water Structure Replacement Salt Creek & Public Shooting Grounds WMA's - FY18 Project Need Need For Project: Two water control structures are deteriorated and need to be replaced for safety reasons and for control of impounded water. A muzzleloading firearm is considered loaded when it is capped or primed and has a powder charge and ball or shot in the barrel or cylinders. Last Modified: September 22, 2021 (0 ratings, 0 comments, 25,561 views) More Details. Public Shooting Grounds WMAthe area that lies above and adjacent to the Hull Lake Diversion Dike, known as Duck Lake Salt Creek WMAthe area known as Rest Lake You can obtain maps of the rest areas by visiting Division offices or by visiting . Of registration, but the Division discourages you from shooting trumpeter swans in flight grass., hunters need to be particularly careful to identify swan species before shooting complete hunter and. 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