mossberg cruiser vs shockwave

However, I had a torn rotator cuff, and someone offered it as a solution. Between the three, theres roughly a 4 difference between the persuader and the Shockwave, and close to a 2 difference between the cruiser and the Shockwave. Its biggest competition is the Remington 870 which is a much smoother action but with Remingtons quality control problems the last few years, the Mossberg 500 is the more reliable choice. Then I got a little more serious and loosed three rounds of Federal Vital Shok buckshot at center mass of the humanoid target from the 80s action star position at seven yards. The one thing this is really good for is a gateway to a legal short barreled shotgun. That situation is extremely close-range like inside your typical residence. But with COVID x Looting (I mean mostly peaceful protests) x Election in 90 days. Straightened out no? And is the Shockwave, in 12 ga., actually still being produced? So at the federal level, you dont have to pay any special taxes or fill out extra paperwork to own one, but they are restricted in several states. When the lead has to fly you wouldnt notice that recoil much and no doubt gonna ruin anythings day you need to use it on. I remember a number of years ago we were at the range for qualification. TheRaptorgripis mostly horizontal and brings the guns overall length to 26.5 which means it eludesNFArestrictions. At least he finally got a hit. Same as all my other guns. Even so, I cant think of any plausible situation where Id rather have a Shockwave or a Remington Tac-14 instead of either a full-size handgun or a proper shotgun with a shoulder stock. I do live out Thanks in Advance. $54.00. Mossberg 590A1 Retrograde Shotgun - 12 Gauge 20" Barrel 9-Shot #51665. This Mossberg Shockwave review will cover the specification of this firearm along with its background and purpose. If a being has fun shooting it, maybe its worth the money.? mazda 3 duratec swap. The Mossberg 590 Shockwave: Small in size but always big when it comes to performance. Now, we already got the stock problem out of the way with the shockwave, so if you are looking for a stock, here are the differences between the 2: Maverick 88/500 Security 5+1 with 18.5 barrel - 39.5 overall, Maverick 88/500 Persuader 7+1 with 20 barrel (also add the 590 8+1 here as they are the same length) - 41 overall. GG&G designs, tests and manufactures Mossberg 930, Mossberg 500/590 and specifically Shockwave accessories. Success! When I am sleeping , I have my shotgun next to my bed in a scabbard. Dont want a bump on the noggin. Just purchased the 50659 a 14, shotgun for the wife. 2009-2022 LuckyGunner, LLC. The horizontal nature wants to push the recoil of the shotgun upwards, but the forward weight of the shotgun fights this natural rise. The course consists of three rounds of nine-pellet buckshot at 15 yards and two rounds at 7 yards. And if your primary concern is intimidation factor and ability to blast away, the Shockwave shines in that regard. I like that this scabbard, fully encloses the Mossberg Shockwave , and it has multiple color options. I decided the buckshot portion of the Oklahoma Law Enforcement Shotgun Qualification would be a fair test of the Mossberg 590 Shockwaves potential. TheShockwaveoffers the same dependability youve come to rely on from Mossbergs other dependable pump-actionshotgunswith theirtwinaction barsandanti-jam elevator. Mossberg Shockwave Review [2022] by refactor February 01, 2022. Agree? Thanks! Is it a 20 yard weapon? Its not pretty, but its not supposed to be. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. copperass salmon fly. Never saw it priced like that since and likely never will . The lifter (or elevator, which lifts the shell from the magazine into the chamber) is a unique design on the Mossberg in that it is NOT solid it is two bars on the side meeting at the front with a small cross-bar. My options for stocks and grips are nearly endless with the Ergo grip. I am very concerned about accidently shooting off part of my left hand Sell to the uninitiated. Like dozens of them. The Shockwave grip exploits a legal loophole that allows for such a compact firearm that is REALY close to a short barreled shotgun (or a handgun that fires shotgun shells) without being either. If any of you buy one of these butt stocks for your Mossberg, I'll buy your old one for $25.00 (including postage) if in excellent condition. (, We noticed that you have previously logged in with your, Check what do you get by creating an account, Bookmark and compare your favorite firearms, Best Mossberg 500 Stocks [Hands-On Tested], There are two parts that really change the weapons capabilities, the, Mossberg agrees and when designing their Shockwave, they included the grip and named the weapon after it. Its great for high volume bird hunters, skeet shooters, and of course, its great for competitions like 3 Gun. Aesthetics * * A normal pistol grip on a 12 gauge shotgun it is a very uncomfortable, and very harsh grip to have. However, it can be handy in areas where afull-size shotgun can not. This issue is not all that uncommon with the 500 series and its one of the known weaknesses of the Mossberg safety. If you own the Mossberg Shockwave or want to get one, heres a few things I recommend you get with your gun. Packing date on the box is 11/06/2020 so pretty recent manufacture, It looked fun to jump out of an airship until I found out my parachute was a backpack. In reference toself-defensetools, my personal rule has always been if I wouldnt take it to a high-round-count school, its just a toy. Mossberg 590 Shockwave Details Now let's get to the gun itself. Different strokes. General Overview: Mossberg 590 Shockwave. Mossberg & Sons, Inc. Copyright 2022, Standard pump-action features include dual extractors, steel-to-steel lockup, twin action bars, and anti-jam elevator, Top-mounted ambidextrous safety (Mossberg), Crossbolt Safety (Maverick). The Pistol grip with the short barrel would be the range toy / Home Defense, while the Standard Stock and Long Barrel would be good for Clay's or hunting This combo typically runs in the $330 - $350 range montesf1030 5 yr. ago I noted that theShockwavedoesnt have a cruiser grip. Nothing wrong with buying something because it looks fun. In 2017, Mossberg introduced the 590 Shockwave, and the entire shooting community sat up and took notice. Marshals. They have a long track record of producing firearms and their Mossberg 500 shotgun is a quintessential American shotgun. Youre kidding, right? The 590 Shockwave is classified only as a "firearm" according to a certain three letter agency; It's not a class three/NFA firearm. Links to actual articles and vids would be much appreciated, in addition to your (collective) experiences. Remingtons on the other hand, is in front of the trigger guard and although it is not a real problem when youve got a buttstock to help support the firearm, it is downright awkward in this Shockwave configuration. Have an 870 w/spring loaded M4 style stock, and a Moss. On the Mossberg, the release button is behind the trigger guard and is very easy to engage in this Shockwave configuration. For a lot of us, this wouldnt be our first gun, so with that out of the way, we can get on with evaluating this type of gun on its qualities, which the article did. Just a fun gun. No. We did a write up on the. There is a button that you can press that will allow you to unlock the shotguns action without firing it (this is also good). Easiest way to find Scope Rings that will work with your rifle and scope. Anyways Long story short you may be better off hanging out until things die down a little bit, Lord knows gun manufacturers and ammo producers are running round the clock to replenish their supply chain, and actual deals will return at some point. Being a smaller lad with a corresponding bone structure, and pushing 60 years old, recoil is an issue for me. Its thicker near the rear, but all good things are. during rapid fire recoil , which I came close to doing . Id also welcome recommendations for which SLINGS people prefer, for Home Defense. Inside the stock is a recoil reducing buffer system. Mossberg 590 Shockwave 20 Gauge Pump-Action with 14 inch Barrel $549.00 $449.99; In Stock Brand: Mossberg; Item Number: 50657; Mossberg Maverick 88 Cruiser 12 Gauge Pistol Grip Pump Shotgun $272.00 $249.99; In Stock Brand: Mossberg; Item Number: 31008; Mossberg 500 Bantam 20 Gauge Pump-Action Shotgun Combo $571.00 $459.99; In Stock . I can find the 500 for super cheap and it has the option of both the pistol grip or a full stock if I feel so inclined. We use email to verify the accuracy of our reviews. I would score it at least three points down. But Im also really comfortable with shotguns in general, and that goes a long way toward figuring out how to run the Shockwave. [Part 1], Stuff You Should Know About Buckshot [Part 1], Sig Sauer P365-380 Review: Its Fun to Go Fast. Excellent recommendation! Travis Pike is a Marine infantry veteran, firearms enthusiast, and NRA certified instructor. The fact that many people cannot shoot it as accurately as a standard shotgun will not matter to a thug who just demanded your property, body, or life. Even with the gun up at eye level, were still just making the best of a bad situation. Same here and it is indeed fun, though I dont know why this review is running now, theyre old news. It's a Mossy 500 that comes with an 18.5" barrel and a 28" Barrel, PLUS a standard stock and a Pistol Grip. The negatives of the Raptor birds head grip are similar to those of the cruiser grip. Accuracy * * * * Mossberg are very much a legacy brand within the world of firearms. ?, profit? We use cookies to help provide you with the best possible online experience. The Shockwaves barrel is 14.375 compared to the standard 18.5. All Rights Reserved. I have the shockwave and enjoy it. / 6 They are just non-NFA firearms. Otherwise, a handgun. And the forend has a fabric strap to help prevent your hand from slipping off and getting in front of the muzzle. Of course, the only way to find out for sure is to shoot one. Shotguns, by federal legal definition, have a smooth bore, are more than 26 in length and have a shoulder stock. The point of this post when you really think about it is there is not much of a difference between the length and weight of any of these guns to make a significant difference for the majority of people, I just chose to keep the bias and opinions off the post because none of these guns are bad options, but I will say that the shockwave has the disadvantage of not being classified as a legal shotgun. Phil fires one round on each from the waist. While you can do this yourself, dont do this yourself unless you know exactly what you are doing and could repeat it on a friends gun without breaking a sweat, otherwise you are better off purchasing a youth stock and replacing the stock instead of cutting the one you got when you purchased the gun down. Go buy one at the fun shop, no ATF entanglements, no tax stamp required. Told him so. If you are going to hold your shotgun low at waist level when firing, a Shockwaves birds head grip is ergonomically superior to a pistol grip. guns & At that point you have the functionality of an SBS without the tax stamp. The Mossberg 590 Shotgun is the upgraded version of the Mossberg 500 that is specifically designed for LEO, Military, self-defense, and 3-Gun competitions. You also get QD sling points right above the pistol grip to make carrying the gun with the stock folded possible. Theres also another difference that makes the Mossberg 500 platform perfect for this Shockwave firearm configuration (its almost impossible to talk about a Mossberg 500 anything without comparing it to a similar model Remington 870). Hes a lifelong shooter who just happened to be mediocre enough with a gun and a keyboard to combine the two and write. Zombie apocalypse has already begun, in the Congress! Barrel Length: 14.375 The author attempted to categorize the weapon type. It is available with a composite stock and forend, and variants can include heat shields over the barrel and ghost ring sights. This is an important distinction, by utilizing the Shockwave grip on a production model offering, Mossberg helps consumers avoid the hassles and cost of dealing with NFA firearms. My accuracy was a little more consistent, especially on follow-up shots, but I wasnt any faster. southwestern community college california. Lastly, while Ive been a lifelong (intermittent) target shooter (and former hunter) I think its obvious Im not up on the current market for gadgets and farkles for guns, so can folks please recommend the best/most powerful/RELIABLE/easiest to use gun-mounted FLASHLIGHTS for the Shockwave? It has an excellent strap that makes a big difference when I am hiking and carrying it long distances. Somebody tell me hes kidding. And some of them are amazing. how to reset muddy trail camera. Also bookcases can be strategically placed to serve as a backstop. Im pretty sure the reason Mossberg doesnt want you doing it this way is because if you hold the gun too close to your face, the recoil is going to make you punch yourself in the nose, so dont do that. Those who say it cant be fired accurately might just be range warriors who only shoot from a bench. The 500 mainly has the advantage of a removable forearm, and/or wood furniture. Especially in that motor home. VISM CVSCB2917U Tactical Shotgun Scabbard, USCCA Review [for 2023] | Written by a Firearms Attorney. Shortly after its release, Remington followed with their own version called the Tac-14 based on the Model 870. They utilize a different magazine tube that allows an extra shell to be loaded for a total of 9 shots on 20" barrel variants, and, like the model 500 and Maverick 88, there is a 6 shot 18.5" barrel version as well. Its designed to basically replicate a AR 15 style stock and is a thoroughly modern option. Absolutely not. The bead is just there to confirm and to help make small corrections. We already have an account registered for email address The biggest downside is getting used to the Compstock and then going back to a traditional stock and remembering what real recoil feels like. If your home state doesnt hate fun like mine does, go get yourself one. Its got a plain bead front sight and a 5-shot magazine tube. Long on theory, short on performance. Love the Glock as well but feel more secure against things that go bump in the night with the Shockwave. Nice, but definitely a Hogue Tamer is a smart investment. Personally, I dont think its a great self defense shotgun. Now how many here buy them for that. The Raptor Grip is available in Black, FDE, OD Green and Gray. We took a look at some of the best stocks for one of the best shotguns - the Mossberg 500 family. Love the gun. The Shockwave is superbly comfortable, even with serious buckshot loads. In which category, then, does the Mossberg Shockwavefalltool or toy? This means that it would cost you an additional $200 to make your own AOW at home or you can purchase a Mossberg Compact Cruiser 500 or 590 AOW from your local FFL dealer, and it will only cost you $5 for the transfer. By entering this website, you verify that you accept the Mossberg Website Terms of Use, including but not limited to the requirement that you are of legal age to purchase firearms in the state which you reside. It is sturdy, it is rock-solid. As my vision softened, I saw a perfect clover leaf groupingin the targets face. Some of which you might already have, but if not, you might want to pick them up. Its kinda cool, but a bit awkward to shoot. Fortunately I was able to locate a friend who had one inTexaswhich has fewer fun-hatingstatelaws. I am also omitting the 7 shot models because Im pretty sure they are the same length as the 18.5 options just with a longer tube. It is MUCH easier to store and handle (especially in confined spaces). Click below for a FREE LESSON! The Mossberg 590 is a refined version of the 500 with a larger round capacity. Be the first to rate this post. You just cant be sure of where the muzzle is pointed when its down at hip level unless you have put a ton of time into mastering that specific skill. The potential score is 90 with a minimum passing score of 63 (70%). Thats the tough question to answer. Mossberg 590M Shockwave - 12 gauge. Are these little shorty (non)shotguns as effective as traditional shoulder-mount guns for defense? Just before I press the trigger, I aggressively push out with my support arm and pull in toward me with my firing hand and that minimizes the movement of the gun. I included it because its likely one of the best pistol grips only options for a shotgunner on a budget. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Really enjoyed the article and (most of) the comments. Capacity: 6 rounds This is important because the ability to adopt a firearm to roles and situations is a critical one. [Part 2], Why Wont the Ruger Mini-14 Just Die? Another important legal distinction is the receiver. Women are always leery of using a shotgun and worst when attempting to convince them to use a shot gun w/pistol grip. 5+1 capacity is 1 shell more than the Remington option, The unique piece that makes this firearm legal (and enjoyable to shoot). Its black polymer without any kind of tactical do-dad or gadget. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Not everything has to be about urban combat. That was my justification for considering aMossberg 590Shockwave. Mossberg is now making the Shockwave in 20-ga and .410 as well, so users should be able to find one to suit them. I generally dont shoot most of the people who bother me come in my house. chrise-65 (182) 100%. The Blackhawk Knoxx Breachersgrip Gen 3. The shell lifter. NFA. Mossberg 590 "Compact Cruiser" - 12 gauge . = Damn near everything is sold out. If you use this firearm as intended, it will be even uglier with use. The Shockwave Raptor grip isnt a stock, but it attaches to the rear of your Mossberg 500. Mossberg Breacher Accu-Choke. Best 9mm Pistols [2023]: Full Size, Compact, Sub Compact, and Intended Use, Best AK47 Rifles You Can Buy for Under $1000. Products. I tried this on a few different trips to the range and I found that after 10 or 15 rounds, I could find the sweet spot and more or less keep all the pellets in the center of the target at 5 yards. It greatly reduces the recoil of your average buckshot and slugs to the point its more like shooting an AK than a shotgun. Recognizing the 500 as a great tactical shotgun, Mossberg created the 590 to make a model that perfectly suits tactical use. Brand New. When it comes to keeping your home and family safe, Mossberg and Maverick pumps can't be beat. There aint one. Mossberg Shockwave The horizontal nature wants to push the recoil of the shotgun upwards, but the forward weight of the shotgun fights this natural rise. Means it eludesNFArestrictions have, but if not, you might want to get one, heres a few I! Go buy one at the range for qualification any faster length and have a smooth,! Gun and a 5-shot magazine tube a high-round-count school, its just a toy little consistent... Zombie apocalypse has already begun, in 12 ga., actually still being produced shotgun is a Marine infantry,... And that goes a long way toward figuring out how to run the.... Were at the range for qualification more like shooting an AK than shotgun! 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