Shocked by the terrible news, Brigham smashed his hand against his leg in dismaynot just at the loss of a friend and prophet but at the loss of the keys Joseph possessed. John presided over the first group he led. "John D. Lee Arrested". Brigham Young tags: inspirational, insult, rage. Early on a Monday morning in September 1857, about 140 men, women and children on a California-bound wagon train were slaughtered under a flag of truce by Mormons who apparently considered the act . hamish blake olympic tattoomr patel neurosurgeon cardiff 27 februari, 2023 / i how old was stewart granger when he died / av / i how old was stewart granger when he died / av . TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. He did not murder his own parents," she says. In this case, the "real message" would have been that the Indians should be left to "do as they please." Why did Brigham Young allegedly send a message telling Southern Utahns NOT to kill the emigrants unless he was countermanding previous orders? [8] This letter has yet to be found,[9] but accounts say that it asked Young what, if anything, should be done with the BakerFancher party camped at nearby Mountain Meadows. The Mountain Meadows Massacre victimized several groups of emigrants from the northwestern Arkansas region who had started their treks to California in early 1857, joining along the way and becoming known as the BakerFancher party. They were murdered by a small Mormon militia and its Indian allies in a horrible ploy: after a four-day gun battle with their attackers, the pioneers accepted a truce that turned out to be a deadly lie. (The Rome-News refers to him as a Brigham Young University student, but could only confirm that he attended BYU-Idaho.). For the desperately poor Mormon settlers in southern Utah, the Fancher party, with its hefty supply of cash, arms and hundreds of valuable horses and cattle, was simply irresistible. His brother Joseph was baptized the next day and Brigham Young was baptized approximately one week later. And why does the Deseret News continue lying about Mountain Meadows to this day? Many of the wives to whom Young were sealed were widows or elderly women for whom he merely cared or gave the protection of his name. The document is among the Brigham Young Office Papers at the Church History Library. February 24, 2023 | 4:46pm. Like. [12], However, by the time that the express rider delivered Young's letter to Haight, the massacre at Mountain Meadows had already taken place. Hosford & Sons, NY. A woman who stabbed her husband to death left a note saying she had "taken so much abuse over the years" and that she accepted "her punishment", a court has heard. Despite the influences of a strict, moralistic family and being exposed to the religious fervor that . Phineas Howe Young (also found as Phinehas) (February 16, 1799 - October 10, 1879) was a prominent early convert in the Latter Day Saint movement and was later a Mormon pioneer and a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). Brigham Young first became involved with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints around 1830, according to PBS, very soon after the religion was created by Joseph Smith.The Church of LDS is a form of Christianity, but with additional beliefs, including that the Book of Mormon is a holy book and that the church founder, Joseph Smith, was a prophet sent by God, according to History. (22-36, 43-45) The rebels divide the kingdom, but we already see signs that the plan is falling apart. He initially refused any such payments, a move that landed him in jail for a . "This evening I am with my wife a lone by my fire side for the first time for years," Young wrote in his diary in January 1842. Apparently I succeeded, since critics in the employ of the LDS Church claim I dont prove Brigham Young ordered the murders. "[20], When Young sent his report on the massacre to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs in 1858, he said that it was the work of Native Americans.[21]. ), But even if Brigham Young's complicity were not at issue, Mr. Turley conceded, troubling questions about the massacre remain: ''It's an event that seems very incongruous with the people who did it. ''Nothing happened in the place that did not happen under his direct orders. This had a great impact upon Brigham, who was four years his junior, and confided that I had more confidence in his judgment and discretion, and in the manifestations of God to him, than I had in myself ("Brigham Young: Journal of Discourses," 8:37). His son Phineas was 15 . In other words, Young thought whites would and should receive preferential treatment now and forever. In such a framework, the message to "not interfere" would be subordinate to the main message: let nothing stand in the way of the Mormon-Paiute alliance. It misfired six times, and he then pointed it at a post and all six shots discharged properly" (Remembering Joseph" by Mark L. McConkie, 73-74). Stuart Taylor and his son Jacob join other spectators at the 139th annual Golden Spike Celebration in Promontory Summit, Utah, on Saturday, May 10, 2008, as the wood-fired . Anxiously awaited is a book due to be published in 2004 by three Mormon church historians that will exonerate Young. "If we only looked at what Brigham Young said in 1845, we would miss . Beau's son was 9 years old at the time of his father's death. Justice for his peoples wrongs was heavens responsibility, not his, he said. [18], Some time after Lee's meeting with Young, Jacob Hamblin said that he had heard a detailed description of the massacre and Mormon involvement from Lee and that Hamblin had reported it to Young and George A. Smith soon after the massacre. The latter is filed in sequential order in Youngs well-preserved and bound letter books. While the church leaders temper and strong words at the pulpit earned him a reputation for coercion, in truth, those who knew him best often spoke of his caution and his abhorrence of bloodshed. The evidence has been so corruptedsuppressed, destroyed, and fabricatedits hard to determine the date the murders took place, let alone trace all the ins and outs of the conspiracy behind the crime. '', The emigrants, a group of prosperous Arkansas farming families known as the Fancher party after its leader, Alexander Fancher, could hardly have picked a worse time for an overland trek. Taken in by local families -- including those of men who had participated in the attack -- the children were eventually returned to relatives, some later providing devastating testimony about the massacre. Two new books are reviving old accusations that Mormon leader Brigham Young masterminded massacre of 120 men, women and children who were slain at Mountain Meadows in southern Utah on Sept 11 . They were clubbed, stabbed or shot at point-blank range, then stripped and left to be scavenged by wolves and buzzards., LLC. Will Bagley, a history columnist for the Salt Lake Tribune, is the author of Blood of the Prophets: Brigham Young and the Massacre at Mountain Meadows published by the University of Oklahoma Press. We will always love him and miss him, Randy Davis, Davis father, wrote in a Facebook post Monday. She believed Gods legions would hunt them down in every land & place. With help from Mormon apostles in Missouri, Eleanor arrived in Utah on July 23, 1857, where she allegedly charged that men in the Fancher party had helped her first husband murder Apostle Pratt. Darriynn Brown has been charged with the murder of Cash Gernon. While yet a boy, his mother had often counseled him to be a good man that the Lord might bless my life. March 28, 1884: Or was it March 8? While this Indian council is important and requires extended scholarly discussion, this much can be said: No evidence suggests the councils focus was the Baker-Fancher party, much less its destruction. In an 1858 report to the federal Indian commissioner, Young blamed local Indians and, by implication, the United States government, whose ''fatal policy,'' he wrote, ''treats the Indians like the wolves, or other ferocious beasts.''. Hell on Wheels is fiction based on history. Dr. STEWART made a post-mortem examination, and stated that JOHN KENNEDY came to his death by being stabbed in the abdomen with a sharp instrument, apparently a knife. But we only make the tragedy worse by saying that it was something other than what it wasby trying to fit events into a pre-conceived theory of conspiracy. Good history must be based on facts. Virtually all the . On that march Joseph Smith taught Brigham Young how to lead men. The crudely worded entry appears to refer to the Fancher party and suggests that Young encouraged the Indians to steal the group's cattle and engage them in a fight. According to Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) historical records, Brigham Young was sealed to as many as 56 women. There are two ways to interpret the evidence about who ordered the brutal murder of 120 men, women and children at a remote Utah oasis on the road to California on September 11, 1857. He was always a kid at heart but also so smart and embraced the adulthood that he needed to. Also susanevansmccloud@blogspot.c, Copyright 2023 Deseret News Publishing Company. Of the 23 who survived him, 17 received a share of his estate while the remaining 6 apparently had non conjugal roles. Brigham Young was born on a farm in Whitingham, Vermont, on June 1, 1801 and received little education as he grew up. In short, Youngs letter must be taken at face value: It was a determined, almost frantic, attempt to stop the massacre. On September 8, 1857, Captain Stewart Van Vliet, of the US Army Quartermaster Corps, arrived in Salt Lake City. Two of the southernmost establishments were Parowan and Cedar City, led respectively by stake presidents William H. Dame and Isaac C. Haight. Phineas Young was an older brother of Brigham Young, who was the president of the LDS Church and the first governor of the Territory . The Indians initiated the assault, he wrote, and Mormon settlers joined them only reluctantly, fearing reprisals if they did not. Brent L. Top,professor of Church History and Doctrine at BYU, in an interview explained a little more about how these experiences influenced Brigham Young: In an article written by Top, he elaborates more on what Brigham Young taught about the life that awaits us after death: For more incredible insights into what prophets and apostles have taught about the spirit world, check out Life After Death: 6 Insights into the Spirit World. Glendower's troops are not ready. But despite two trials, one execution and many official investigations, the event -- known as the Mountain Meadows massacre -- remains shrouded in mystery and rumor. Young died in Salt Lake City, Utah Territory at the age of 80. when arreseted, PRYOR had a . Source: Jeffery Ogden Johnson, "Determining and Defining `Wife': The . The young boy testified against his father on Wednesday, saying, "You stabbed me." Visit Insider's homepage for more stories. "[13], Historians debate whether the Haight letter absolves Young of any complicity. [11] After his rest, Haslam picked up the reply from Young and was instructed to return to Cedar City with the letter quickly and not to "spare horseflesh."[11]. . This answer reflects the complicated nature in the definition of plural wife. As to the number of wives with whom it is known that he had conjugal relations, sixteen wives bore him 57 children (46 of whom grew to maturity). Share this quote: Like Quote. The massacre lasted less than five minutes, but when it was over, 120 men, women and children had been clubbed, stabbed or shot at point-blank range. Hamblin said he was told by Young and Smith to keep quiet, but that "as soon as we can get a court of justice, we will ferret this thing out. On one occasion she told me that if I would not neglect to pray to my Heavenly Father, he would send a guardian angel to protect me in the dangers to which I might be exposed (see The Faithful Young Family"). * He gave the names of forty odd Mormons who took part in the massacre, and said that Brigham Young was instigator of the whole proceeding. Ms. Denton, who is descended from Mormon settlers, said the killings were inspired primarily by greed. His brother Brigham ordained him a patriarch in 1877, shortly before Brighams death. ''There are very candid statements on the part of participants to a church official under the agreement of confidentiality,'' Mr. Turley said, adding that the file, along with other sources he and his co-authors were using, would be made public once their book was published. Americans enjoy a good mystery, and they like conspiracies. From the early Nauvoo days, the Young brothers performed quartet-style for the Saints; the Prophet Joseph especially enjoyed hearing them sing. Brandon Christopher Risner, 21, was booked into the Floyd County Jail on Saturday and is charged with murder, felony obstruction of law enforcement officers, aggravated assault and concealing the death of another. Life After Death: 6 Insights into the Spirit World. Following his return to Nauvoo in 1841, Young affirmed his complete loyalty to Joseph Smith by embracing the controversial and still-secret practice of polygamy, despite his initial personal . 2015 - 2023 This is a photo of Brigham Young and his brothers taken in the 1860s by C.R. In the early days of the Mormon church, these relationships were commonly called proxy marriages. "The week following I did the same, but to my surprise, I could not find the errors that I anticipated, but felt a conviction that the book was true.. Several of his wives lived in the Lion House or the Beehive House; others had separate residences. He was the ninth of eleven children, growing up in an unsettled frontier environment characterized by frequent family moves to various communities throughout upstate New York. Promised safe passage from the area in exchange for surrendering their weapons, the besieged group complied only to be systematically slaughtered. Or did his belief in heavenly justice prove him an unlikely culprit? When I learned that Orrin Porter Rockwell, the notorious Mormon lawman and Danite, had rushed Mrs. Pratt across the plains in record time, I knew what happened at Mountain Meadows. Joseph Young was a witness to the infamous Hauns Mill massacre during the tumultuous Missouri days of the LDS Church's history, according to The Faithful Young Family.". The knowledge of how George A. Smith felt towards the emigrants, and his telling me that he had a long talk with Haight on the subject, made me certain that it was the wish of the Church authorities, that Fancher and his train should be wiped out, and knowing all this, I did not doubt then, and I do not doubt it now, either, that Haight was acting by full authority from the Church leaders, and that the orders he gave to me were just the orders that he had been directed to give, when he ordered me to raise the Indians and have them attack the emigrants.[27]. The line was purchased by Union Pacific in 1875. How this hostile atmosphere led to murder in a mountain valley 300 miles south of Salt Lake City, however, is fiercely contested. There were several times when Brigham Young's life was spared or his health inexplicably restored, according to BYU professor of Mormon History Donald Q. Cannon ("Brigham Young on Life and Death"). Brigham Young to Isaac C. Haight, 10 September 1857, Letterpress Copybook 3:82728, Brigham Young Office Files, LDS Church Archives. The great historian Harold Schindler spent 40 years learning everything there was to know about Orrin Porter Rockwell, Man of God/Son of Thunder (the title of his definitive biography). Update 6/10/2021 7:22 AM. Brigham Young even served as president. The mob killed men, women and all but 17 of the smallest children . . For the decade prior the emigrants' arrival, Utah Territory had existed essentially as a theocracy led by Brigham Young. Of the 23 who survived him, 17 received a share of his estate while the remaining 6 apparently had non conjugal roles. Copy. At Lee's sentencing, as required by Utah Territory statute, he was given the option of being hung, shot, or beheaded, and he chose to be shot. No credible evidence exists that Young wanted the massacre. Bottom line: Yes, Brigham Young was clearly a racist. Decades later, Young's son, who was 13 in 1857, said that he was in the office during that meeting and that he remembered Lee blaming the massacre on the Native Americans. She was the daughter of Isaac Decker, a long-time friend of Brigham Young and his father John Young. They are also fascinated by stories of murder and especially murder on a grand scale. As one of John D. Lees wives put it, The Mormons were so insulted and indignant over the death or murder of Pratt that they Raked untold Vengeance on the poor Emigrants.. Young was too cleverand too religiously devoutto have destroyed the emigrants and thus irreparably harm the reputation of his people. The family the Lord had put his hand upon did not fail. Of course, anti-Young historians say otherwise. Then, in 1870, Young excommunicated John D. Lee, a Mormon official and militia leader in southern Utah, because of his participation in the massacre. In 1868, Brigham Young signed a grading contract with the Union Pacific Railroad to work on the transcontinental line in Utah. One of his wives alleged he ordered the deaths of people who tried to leave the faith. He asked his father, who had read the book through, what his feelings were. Instagram: susanevansmccloudauthor. See Page 1. In 1857, at the time of the Mountain Meadows Massacre, Brigham Young, was serving as President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) and as Governor of Utah Territory. ken james becky sampson ken james becky sampson. The U.S. posted bounties of $500 each for the capture of Haight, Higbee, and Stewart, and prosecutors chose not to pursue their cases against Dame, Willden, and Adair. Many Mormons -- particularly in southern Utah -- left the church over the incident. He was a brother of the Mormon prophet, Brigham Young (1801-1877). "[Young] is not only the president here but he is the president of the states and kingdoms of this world no matter if they have not elected him." In a very real sense, Brigham Young was the law. This railroad operated between 1871 and 1881 and was founded by prominent Mormons such as Joseph A. Black print with blue underprint on cardstock. ''The evidence is unambiguous. It was one of the worst American civilian atrocities of the 19th century. In 1830, Young was contacted by Samuel H. Smith, a missionary in the recently established Latter Day Saint movement. ''The legends attributed remarkable powers to the emigrant poison that match no substance known to modern pharmacology,'' Mr. Bagley writes, noting that a federal agent who investigated the tale dismissed it as ''too improbable to be true.''. A second form could seal a woman to one man for time and another for eternity. [5] It is unclear whether Young held this view because of a possible belief that this specific group posed a threat to colonists or that they were responsible for past crimes against Mormons. Appointed governor by President Millard Fillmore seven years earlier, Young ran the territory as a Mormon theocracy, flouting federal jurisdiction over the courts and the local Indian population and, equally unnerving to East Coast politicians, practicing polygamy. He bravely faced his father today. His 11-year-old son answered questions about the day his mom and sister were killed. (Mr. Bagley and Ms. Denton said they had not seen the file but were skeptical it would alter their conclusions. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. And the suppressing of evidence, Andrew Hamilton said in 1735, ought always be taken for the best evidence.. According to Mormon doctrine, he points out, murder in defense of the faith could be considered just. Brigham Young Did It. Seventeen children, all under 7, were spared. Some settlers, the story goes, believed the pioneers had been involved in the murder of Parley Pratt, a popular Mormon apostle, in western Arkansas earlier that year. At first, it blamed Indians; later, it claimed a rogue church official was responsibleand after two trials, Mormon militia leader John Lee was hanged in 1877 for the killings. James Haslam, who rode the 500-mile circuit in six days, recalled, Young told me [when riding back south] . Read more quotes from Brigham Young. Brigham Young desperately wanted to claim the region as the promised land for the persecuted Mormon people. He was the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) from 1847 until his death in 1877. No. About. For instance, at first, Phineas was expecting perhaps even a little bit hoping to find error in this new, strange book and to expose the errors he found that they might not lead others astray. Phineas Young was a printer; building contractor; and Mormon bishop, missionary, and pioneer. It makes me shudder. In this case, he argues, Young saw bloodshed as a righteous act, one that would avenge the Arkansas murder of the apostle, Pratt, and send a sober warning to the United States government about the risks of invading the Mormon state. Rodriguez, of Henderson, Nev., allegedly stabbed her 6-year-old son 25 times as he called 911 for help. There were five stalwart brothers in the John Young family. Brigham Young was born in 1801 born in Whittingham, Vermont. Young settled in Salt Lake City. After enduring a four-day gun battle with their attackers, the pioneers accepted a truce that turned out to be a deadly ploy. Source: Jeffery Ogden Johnson, Determining and Defining `Wife: The Brigham Young Households, Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, Vol. John Young Jr., the eldest brother, became a Methodist minister at a young age, as did Joseph, the second oldest, who was deeply solemn in his dedication to religion. After I had answered His inquiries, he stated that he wanted us all, but he especially wanted my brother Brigham.". "We went west willingly--because we had to.". Brigham Young, who quickly took command of the church and its followers, tried to stifle any dissent and banish his rivals.The killing of Phineas Wilcox was part of his consolidation of power . But neither author uncovered written proof that Young had ordered the massacre. When asked by Horace Greeley in 1859, Brigham Young said that he had 15 wives, but some of those sealed to me are old ladies whom I regard rather as mothers than wives. Samuel H. Smith, a long-time friend of Brigham Young was clearly a.. 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