copyright Steve Barrington 2009 thru 2022. Torque Use Plain Flat Washer. Fits Detroit Diesel 11.1L & 12.7L Series 60 Engine Codes EK, GK, GT, GU, SK, TK, WK or WU. 0000056295 00000 n 55 ft lbs then 120 degrees 55 ft lbs then 120 degrees. 0000023713 00000 n endstream endobj 4 0 obj<>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 5 0 obj<>/Height 1055/Type/XObject>>stream Full 2F rebuild, trans and xfer case built, ready to mate and burn rubber. All rights reserved. 3 satisfied customers 2004 international vt365. 0000022832 00000 n Cookie Policy | I've looked in the Body and the Engine manual for the 2F. You must log in or register to reply here. Please select the number of verifiable months youve been driving professionally using your Class A CDL within the last 3 years. Who wrote this in The New York Times playing with a net really does improve the game? 12.7 liter 0000011021 00000 n %PDF-1.6 % Diesel Hub - The Diesel Owners Resource, 4WD Hub - Four Wheel Drive & Off-road Tech. Detroit Diesel 11.1L & 12.7L Series 60 Engine Inframe-Overhaul Rebuild Kit, Cylinder Kit 23532555, Detroit Diesel 11.1L & 12.7L Series 60 Engine Inframe-Overhaul Rebuild Kit, Cylinder Kit 23532556, Detroit Diesel 11.1L & 12.7L Series 60 Engine Inframe-Overhaul Rebuild Kit, Cylinder Kit 23532590, Detroit Diesel 11.1L & 12.7L Series 60 Engine Inframe-Overhaul Rebuild Kit, Cylinder Kit 23532591, Detroit Diesel 11.1L & 12.7L Series 60 Engine Inframe-Overhaul Rebuild Kit, High Performance, Cylinder Kit 23532555, Detroit Diesel 11.1L & 12.7L Series 60 Engine Inframe-Overhaul Rebuild Kit, High Performance, Cylinder Kit 23532558, Detroit Diesel 12.7L Series 60 Engine Inframe-Overhaul Rebuild Kit, Cylinder Kit 23530612, Detroit Diesel 12.7L Series 60 Engine Inframe-Overhaul Rebuild Kit, Cylinder Kit 23532554, Detroit Diesel 12.7L Series 60 Engine Inframe-Overhaul Rebuild Kit, Cylinder Kit 23532557, Detroit Diesel 12.7L Series 60 Engine Inframe-Overhaul Rebuild Kit, Cylinder Kit 23532558, Detroit Diesel 12.7L Series 60 Engine Inframe-Overhaul Rebuild Kit, Cylinder Kit 23533204, Detroit Diesel 12.7L Series 60 Monotherm EGR Engine Inframe-Overhaul Rebuild Kit, Cylinder Kit 23533595, Detroit Diesel 11.1L & 12.7L Series 60 Engine Inframe-Overhaul Rebuild Kit, Cylinder Kit 23532555, AFA Diamond, Detroit Diesel 12.7L Series 60 Engine Inframe-Overhaul Rebuild Kit, Cylinder Kit 23530612, AFA Diamond, Detroit Diesel 12.7L Series 60 Engine Inframe-Overhaul Rebuild Kit, Cylinder Kit 23532554, AFA Diamond, Detroit Diesel 12.7L Series 60 Engine Inframe-Overhaul Rebuild Kit, Cylinder Kit 23532557, AFA Diamond, Detroit Diesel 12.7L Series 60 Engine Inframe-Overhaul Rebuild Kit, Cylinder Kit 23533204, AFA Diamond, Detroit Diesel 12.7L Series 60 Engine Inframe-Overhaul Rebuild Kit, Cylinder Kit 23537592, AFA Diamond, Detroit Diesel 12.7L Series 60 Monotherm Engine Inframe-Overhaul Rebuild Kit, Cylinder Kit 23533595, AFA Diamond. %PDF-1.6 % i have come to the conclusion that every bolt that i try to take off will break ` ExplodingCubes, I realize your trying to be precise and thats always good, but I've never torqued a bellhousing, partly because it is in some awkward areas. EPI Clutch Kits and Drive Belts are the #1 aftermarket choice by more dealers, racers and enthusiasts. The Detroit 60 Series engine platform was unique in many ways. Main Bearings on Detroit Diesel 14L Series 60. ?z:.6g'ClX3U(\Vg*fr. 1-5 Months Meanwhile, injection events are initiated by ECM controlled electric solenoids. SERIES 60 SERVICE MANUAL 4. HyTSwoc [5laQIBHADED2mtFOE.c}088GNg9w '0 Jb 0000024207 00000 n Bolt Torque Specs For 60 Series Detroit guru10 net. 0000009203 00000 n Fitzgerald has over 20 years experience building gliders and over time we have used our experience to offer you a combination of performance and reliability like no other truck on the road today. 6-11 Months More Specs THE NEW DD15 - TAKING THE DD15 REPUTATION TO NEW HEIGHTS Detroit Torque Serie 60 Cabesa - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Providing quality Parts, Repair and Service 0000029601 00000 n & l^>A?f Amv!E$`7AH$? 7*8mHmaM$ AC8l6A$aA!6a aH50A$mA00$ a &a$0m l6oL0m l6oL0a a IaA6l?H aH L0mIaH al?AaH a0Iaa H6aA$L6l?A$6oA0a$l6oA H0l0 l6l? l0a#A7L6ml0aal?m Paa l0Tl0o aai a %al?a am +El0@l0 rRl6l7 mm r- VaFn w 3(l6a gL67SaA#$l0o ApH"{ DCa"~ c_(8aK cAAI$BHhH$N! $5 $H A/A$ _ A I_ / A" KH$ _ _ /A IAA A AI_A $ KIKA A$A _A AA|$$%A A $A A$A} IA AH$AH | H H$A H$ _AA A|$H$A/ AA_$ A} %$A$_I A H$$$nH _pH dI l $A/H H H#p E ] _|$! hb```f``R\ cB 4 Years In CDL School Now 0000026170 00000 n I am new to the 60 series detroits, i have a couple cats and cummins I have overhauled,but no detroits.I bought a head and head gasket set to put on.I have coolant leaking from the side of the head. trailer <<56E8079A087749D797584FB086CCEC8F>]/Prev 974873>> startxref 0 %%EOF 83 0 obj <>stream 14.0 liter The Detroit 60 Series diesel engine is one of only a handful of quintessential engine families that have earned widespread praise in multiple industries, including the class 7 and 8 on-highway segment. how hard is the over head to run and injectors to set. This system paved the way for superior injection control, thus maximizing fuel economy and performance in addition to granting the vehicle various diagnostic features and reduced emissions. Detroit also says that a new "scuff plate" MUST be installed to prevent the bolts from loosening. also what special tools needed . That usually equates to about 60 ft/lb. Orlando Florida 32805, 2012 - 2019 ProGear and Transmission |, Troubleshooting Eaton Transmission Gears and Shafts, Troubleshooting Eaton Fuller Transmission Bearings, Fault Code Fault Code Isolation Procedure, Eaton Fuller Transmission Torque Recommendations. We've been in business for almost 30 years developing world-class CVT Clutch Kits. Affiliate. 0000010814 00000 n 25-04 Clutch Replacement, Detroit Automated Transmissions ; 26 Transmission . 0000017658 00000 n 0000050737 00000 n Unless otherwise specified by the pump manufacturer, use a bolt torque of 26-30 lb-ft (35-40 0000034539 00000 n Fits Detroit Diesel 12.7L Series 60 Engine Codes GK with HP range between 470-500. The factory reman is remanufactured by Detroit Diesel with all genuine Detroit parts. torque = 298 Nm, 220 lb.ft, Detroit Diesel Series 60 Displacement, arrangement and compression ratio In 1993, it was popular on many USA buses in the 11.1 L (677 cu in) displacement. 0000017113 00000 n Stroke %FV1\nH`(qbcYt+f@KZQk#(lxzcqr5xxCKTli?l5>PfNobhHj What is A person who sells flower is called? Torque specs: Shown above is one cam cover, sequence is the same for intake and exhaust cam cover. 11.1 liter Values calculated using industry accepted formula T = KDP where T = Torque, K = torque coefficient (dimensionless), D = nominal diameter (inches), P = bolt clamp load, lb. Any transmission part you need we have it! Injection events are commanded by the ECM, but physically carried out by the EDU. ^a6 H$ZaaAI6Dl?aA a m0aA aH/l6A0l6H l?$I%0a l76d,@ ? d /oa _l?" OB+oa $)aAB"L6/ m$g 0 P_0 _Xl71 _ a JR K @0oA A`~o%6 G kaA_A/_$ $/!?$ $ AIA A~A4 ~T(h'm) a & Measure the bolt at rest, then pull it til it stretches like .006. . 12.7 liter N')].uJr Horsepower and torque curves for the 515 horsepower variation of the 14.0L Detroit 60 Series. }B Qpk$BI%_A ~ @I@ ,H*pAH$m A A 9VA5H%B !A_A$ IH I?A$} Copyright © 2009 - 2021 Diesel Hub, main bearing cap bolts, connecting rod cap bolts, cylinder head bolts. AAXI!I H$A A$H"tKA&0$JJKj_ -l5j O7hF=$ }2`Y_AdV We may earn a small commission from affiliate links and paid advertisements. 350-425 hp 261-317 kW @ 2100 rpm bender, Jun 1, 2012 #6 + Quote Reply Jun 1, 2012 #7 Posted 11/19/2012 22:10 (#2706774 - in reply to #2706533) Subject: RE: 60 series Detroit flywheel bolt torque. width: 37.5 in, 953 mm 2W4F&HG["kxK)_^)/c&&l%#w?1CFB'u);6[%4yn7|e^h Do I have to put any type of read more james Roberts Maintenance assistant Vocational, Technical or Tra. TLC Liners and 2.50mm Top Ring Pistons, Fits Detroit Diesel 12.7L Series 60 EGR Engines. Same day shipping available, worldwide. Detroit Diesel Series 60 Cylinder Head Bolts Prior to 2002 torque = 250 - 285 Nm, 184 - 210 lb.ft After 2002 torque = 298 Nm, 220 lb.ft Detroit Diesel Series 60 Diesel Engine Specs Detroit Diesel Series 60 Displacement, arrangement and compression ratio Displacement 11.1 = 11.1 liter, 677 CID 12.7 = 12.7 liter, 775 CID 14.0 = 14.0 liter, 855 CID 11.1 liter - 130 mm, 5.12 in EPI also offers high quality replacement driveline parts such as Axles, U-Joints, CV Joints, Front End and Suspension parts, Brakes and more. 1100-1250 lb.ft, 1492-1695 Nm @ 1200 rpm Fits Detroit Diesel 12.7L Series 60 Engine Codes GK with HP range between 470-500. 7 1 1095 45.3 51.3 60.3 2822 116.6 132.2 155.5 4039 167 189 223 4720 195 221 260 [:4MTBL#U B*7%V[[l]R&_joBu%fip1M='nATKY?*| L?4$08zd- P.1E&tV"[J" :ixWQn36l?4'zCcb}v|4sT! Take a one week membership if you only need manuals for a specific engine. After 2002 These engines are mostly used in class 8 trucks, but can also be found in industrial and generator applications as well as occasional marine applications. 14.0 = 14.0 liter, 855 CID . 118-137 lb.ft, 160-185 Nm, Detroit Diesel Series 60 Cylinder Head Bolts 0000037659 00000 n What are the disadvantages of a clapper bridge? length: 56.6 in, 1437 mm Quality Transmissions 0000003549 00000 n 390 foot pounds What is . Furthermore, the Detroit 60 Series features a single overhead camshaft to operate its intake valves, exhaust valves, and fuel injector plungers. Each company we work with has specific experience requirements for their drivers. hb``d``3a`e`x1Ac#24hcCX*uCFLE\;QTC r8ni= 6K0*l?Nr|#5G)fm3XJQwG~Bxt\rse9IB;g e @$` ? endstream endobj 36 0 obj <>]/PageLabels 29 0 R/Pages 31 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 37 0 obj >/PageUIDList<0 15187>>/PageWidthList<0 612.0>>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 38 0 obj <> endobj 39 0 obj <>stream 14.0 liter - 1273 kg, 2800 lb, Detroit Diesel Series 60 Dimensions 12.7 liter The Series 60 engine is an in-line 6 cylinder, with wet replaceable liners, overhead cam and electronic engine control. Loosen and remove the ten bolt and isolator assemblies that attach the base to the cylinder head. Cast Iron Housing: 180-200 Lbs.-Ft Standard Nut. What's the torque specs and torque sequence for a 14L 60 series detroit valve cover, it's a 1 piece cover with 10 bolts. Detroit Diesel has released a new Compact Gear Train Assembly for the Series 60 2002 engine. 53 Series Detroit Diesel Two Stroke Engine Specs, 71 Series Detroit Diesel Two Stroke Engine Specs, Ford New Holland 6.6L and 7.8L Diesel Engine Information, 4WD Hub - Four Wheel Drive & Off-road Tech. i need the flywheel and clutch 60 series Detroit diesel engine torque spec? 14.0 liter - 133 mm, 5.24 in Lift the base straight up off the cylinder head.Section Inspection of Two-piece Rocker Cover. If you feel information contained on this website may be incorrect, please contact us. '(x6~_X+,mv@Ds(.hs=r=Ez{ MgSN {3}q^lxg0,KKbWTmN6~ |3m Use Lockwasher. pressure wax as supplied on high strength nuts) = .10, hot dip galvanized = .25, and plain non-plated bolts (as received) = .20. email: First and foremost, Detroit essentially pioneered the electronically controlled diesel engine segment with it's 1987 model year 60 Series. An improved engine block was introduced after November 30th, 1994; engines with serial number 6R210293 and later feature this engine block design. 3 Years Lift the cap off the base. length: 56.2 in, 1426 mm 0000026759 00000 n 2y.-;!KZ ^i"L0- @8(r;q7Ly&Qq4j|9 You are planning an exercise that will include the m16 and m203. }ab|Q . height: 49.6 in, 1259 mm I thought there was a standard bolt torque chart somewhere that specs out grade, diameter, and pitch. 250-350 hp, 187-261 kW @ 2100 rpm Do you have the Detroit 60 series bolt torque specs? The bolts should be tighten by alternating end to end and side to side. Model ID Charts; 60 Series General Information; 4000 Series. This simplified the engines computer system and may have provided improved reliability and diagnostic functions. $$ aAA Fits Detroit Diesel 12.7L Series 60 Engines Produced 1999-2003. This new assembly offers weight savings, noise reduction and height reduction. We offer Same day shipping, worldwide. Remove the counter bolts on each side last. NEED FREE SUPPORT FROM ONE OF OUR EXPERTS? TLC Liners and 3.50mm Top Ring Pistons. or 12.7 liter - 130 mm, 5.12 in Thanks! Fits pre-1991 Detroit Diesel 11.1L & 12.7L Series 60 Engines with Non-TLC Liners and 2.50mm Top Ring Pistons. 11.1 liter - 16:1 I gave up. Fits Detroit Diesel 12.7L Series 60 EGR Engines using the Monotherm piston 23533593, Fits Detroit Diesel 12.7L Series 60 Engines with cylinder kit 23537592. Engine Make: Detroit Engine Cubic Inches: 775 Engine Model: S60 12.7L Engine Notes: Series 60, 12.7L Other Notes: Year/Serial: Fuel: Diesel Cylinders: 6 Bore: 130mm . Don't worry about it too much. 906 West Gore St H!_aA %u$ 1. 0000018125 00000 n 06-04-2010, 02:44 PM. plus The values correspond to the following options/information: 12.7L engine (heavy duty/premium version), DDECIII or DDECIV (3rd or 4th generation DDEC), 1991+ model year on-highway truck application. 1450-1650 lb.ft, 1966-2237 Nm @ 1200 rpm, Detroit Diesel Series 60 Bore, stroke and weight Camshaft, Camshaft Seat each camshaft by pushing it towards the dizzy side of cylinder head. Use 26 new bolts (P/N 23530768) for Series 50 heads and 38 bolts for Series 60 heads. hWmo9+Mo5i: l-^o/twBoc{fv?cJ"5mhK$P"5T(-I)C.EUM`0na3ny>uO';3&]4z^94rEq0# |OOA[V$'|UUyjR:#ZE'4DDPJ!0:N?n_wyXY.xVjpMr:8'>w124roJto*oZt*'a~_'lw/7y8SD7nD;?AW94.K\zB#)3X&gD3Nw3?f+"3-GJXp !Uc7Q*7r-wA]6,E&u6/&l|;VUe|,AnApVk,WE>*"N nfX2] (M,5uY@XCBk,bP8KQX >qeqN m+e7mFAJmx:w i:uaM,q^B:=mziKB(UO ^cY*Um ^kZ x)).;,\r-[0v30yc\q"{Yxupo0u3-w:I!8`~]J\EWc?ehu[GPorwu/G8,qMk,4WGh 9oYySzN]O_~|**c?G=a! 35 0 obj <> endobj xref 1 Year Without your consent employers will not be able to contact with job offers, would you like to opt-in now? endstream endobj 70 0 obj <>stream 347-391 lb.ft, 470-530 Nm, Detroit Diesel Series 60 Connecting Rod Bolts 22mm "Heavy Pin," 2-piece pistons. 0000001276 00000 n 0000041168 00000 n 12.7 liter - 160 mm, 6.30 in jorge luis. The in-house reman is remanufactured by Fitzgerald Glider Kits using a combination of Detroit parts and some aftermarket parts that we have tested over the years for better longevity, fuel mileage, and durability. TORQUE-TENSION REFERENCE GUIDE Printed in U.S.A. Supply Part Number: 9702365 AS 06/14 Torque Poster . Fear: Trump in the White House. Bob Woodward. Last time I mounted it, I used blue loctite with no correct torques. Torque specs pressure plate to fly wheel 60 series Detroit deisel. The Detroit 60 Series engine family uses EUI (electronic unit injector) fuel injectors that are operated by the ECM (engine control module). For more information on our data collection policies and procedures, including opt out information, please see our Privacy Policy. 0000011884 00000 n torque = 250 - 285 Nm, 184 - 210 lb.ft . The DDEC system was updated several times over the course of the 60 Series' production. Detroit Diesel engine information, parts/service manuals, flywheel housing SAE sizes, torque specifications, and model identification charts. %PDF-1.3 % 35 49 its power and torque. 14.0 liter - 17:1, Detroit Diesel Series 60 Power and torque The old clutch had a grease line but the new one just has a zirc, should be fun to grease that one up! Detroit Series 60 Jake Brake Torque Specs. Compression Ratio gN+o?a2&``vv)w T@L3ut`3X@ {" Y~;Ym1|(1-@WUU|D@ k. endstream endobj 66 0 obj <> endobj 67 0 obj <> endobj 68 0 obj <>stream 0000043351 00000 n 11.1 = 11.1 liter, 677 CID The EUI injectors are unique in that they have the inherent properties of both an electronic and mechanical unit injector. Which is greater 36 yards 2 feet and 114 feet 2 inch? approx: Remove the ten oil pan bolts, washers, isolators and sleeves or ten bolt assemblies. Barrington Diesel Club Discussion in 'Trucks [ Eighteen Wheelers ]' started by Bigkenny, Jun 1, 2012. Arrangement CLUTCH HOUSING NUTS 5/8-18 Threads Aluminum Housing: 140-150 Lbs.-Ft (Oiled), With Nylon Locking Insert. Fits Detroit Diesel 12.7L Series 60 Engines Produced after 1998. . What is the torque spec for the pressure plate bolts on a 12.7l 60 series detroit? I've been searching and looking for a while. Head bolts - 46 - 50.5 lbs (there is an order sequence for the bolts) 1250-1400 lb.ft, 1695-1898 Nm @ 1200 rpm What are torque. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Thanks so much for the help! I'm all zipped up and ready to join the tranny/engine together. 0000060199 00000 n }kt {wqO1wL;v:5pIcxl?taS.q[y^-ywWk:%tr.%XX Figure 1-230 Gear Case Torque and Torque Sequence 5. At that time, it differed from most on-highway engines by using an overhead camshaft and "drive by wire" electronic control. 12.7 liter - 1270 kg, 2794 lb l?a$AKaAXl6 -OaA Why were Mexican workers able to find jobs in the Southwest? 0000024613 00000 n 4 stroke cycle %A H$aA$#`$tIH% $$ QA/ $2 %J A!$"k/H. This drive-by-wire system relied on an electronic control module (ECM) and injector driver module in order to actuate electric solenoids on each individual fuel injector. V)gB0iW8#8w8_QQj@&A)/g>'K t;\ $FZUn(4T%)0C&Zi8bxEB;PAom?W= LD2`v&8[>[RRbHln`%fVZd-DU""uv\1lsP[[:bo6kI^6=6yP!y;Um3BveyM$2=1 But sometimes, due to metallurgy of the bolt it might take 65-70 to get it to actually pull the .006. characteristics of the engine e.g. Originally produced in 11.1 and 12.7 liter variations, the popular 14.0L Detroit 60 Series was introduced for the 2001 model year to tackle the heavy duty segment. It is recommended to use a bolt length that allows for thread engagement of 1-1.5 times the diameter of the bolt used to connect the hydraulic pump. Torque in steps: 19ft-lbs (228in-lbs), 38ft-lbs (456in-lbs), 57ft-lbs (684in-lbs), Then to 76ft-lbs (912in-lbs) (all B series) # 3. 60 Series Information. what type of danger zone is needed for this exercise. 32-02 Suspension U-Bolt Torque Check ; 32-03 Lubrication of Front Suspensions with Grease Fittings ; 33 Front Axle . height: 49.6 in, 1259 mm 2. YOKE LOCKSCREWS Job Listing Rules. H\n@C_mKRb'`;H11>w"]]n?K=:B!\K3%i>K1I~8?Ki?.s) Click on the PayPal button The Detroit 60 Series 12.7 Liter is currently available for install in all kits we offer: For specs and install options on the 14 Liter Detroit 60 Series please contact our sales department at888-335-4181, send us a message on our contact page, or open up the chat window at the bottom of the page if an agent is available. You will be taken to a text document with download links, Detroit Diesel Series 60 Main Bearing Bolts I think the real torque spec for the flywheel is right around 50-60 ft. lbs and the pressure plate depends on your clutch size. 97 FZJ80, 3xlocked, 37" Cooper STT Pros , 4.88s, 5" lift, M12000, I've always just tightened them with a 1/2" drive and have never had any problems. 0000047184 00000 n >):M|6 KKH/ M%+ 0pIA!a$I$HA(AH W$(H h$AIaH H$_AHH$AG*d@Ah H$l$ H I$ $ A02C1A} B %.$H$APIA_ H$A} AAiH$I jAH H$I% XH$A KA a$ I/AA h$AI%$A A_M I AH$ $ A% A_A I%H$A AA$6 H /$ $6 H |$A A$1 A A$H$_ lAH$A/IA$_A H H J H$A/A$A$A I XIA/ I JAKH ATdaPd4_UHH4T$_UPv %U$o A]_H"/A~ @H/iH%H:HPt!_aA APt @h$Lm fAa !o t amh$ }t 6"@daF aoA4aaD8276A `EC00A XaaXH ZA 6m 6aaA{ aK 6a ^a0a(H%ai&A{ aK06A^ aH'Kl?a I h$VA/al6a Ai 6aaAaaA%al0A Ka AA H/6 i ^o6A aAA$ xl7mIA^a A6i A a A A6l6a l6aH$A/6aI a A A/6l0A ^? I A ^ mAI^a0l6$A ^ A $aaAI^ 6aA Torque on a 7/16 grade 8 bolt can be 40-60 ft pounds. 65 0 obj <> endobj 74 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<8633155DC4B34FFF821E972AD592BD7C>]/Index[65 26]/Info 64 0 R/Length 70/Prev 225900/Root 66 0 R/Size 91/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream DETROIT 60 SERIES 12.7 LITER The Detroit 12.7 liter 60 series engine is widely known for its durability and longevity in the trucking Industry. "`8tByg 1 K=_#)"a?AT1Zp(gLQ?fUs|wO`^lp|St;,q:K`g'=~ 4sDJP2RM UI7Od~;XknbCb:cO@X9J6,$5,q)iVn0Gt)MiF)BS, .n!]eH4|k5YLAF }}Dx(.#R{vV3P:_cj)2'I5qro&.{~\":wi0u)hURztd[I}Q&/i%oPh_Fa{Da Torque to 55 ft lbs, then turn an additional 60 degrees. width: 37.5 in, 953 mm Curves for the 2F ( x6~_X+, mv @ Ds (.hs=r=Ez detroit 60 series clutch bolt torque specs MgSN { 3 },... ].uJr Horsepower and detroit 60 series clutch bolt torque specs experience requirements for their drivers 133 mm, 5.24 in the! Series 50 heads and 38 bolts for Series 60 Engines with Non-TLC Liners 2.50mm... 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'Trucks [ Eighteen Wheelers ] ' started by Bigkenny, Jun 1,.! I 'm all zipped up and ready to join the tranny/engine together the number of verifiable months youve been professionally. Last time I mounted it, I used blue loctite with no correct torques 7AH $ 184 - 210.... Nuts 5/8-18 Threads Aluminum housing: 140-150 Lbs.-Ft ( Oiled ), with Nylon Locking Insert Fits Detroit. Pre-1991 Detroit Diesel 12.7L Series 60 engine Codes GK with HP range between.! Aaai^ 6aA torque on a 7/16 grade 8 bolt can be 40-60 ft pounds REFERENCE... Suspensions with Grease Fittings ; 33 Front Axle jorge luis ixWQn36l? 4'zCcb } v|4sT Nm, 184 - lb.ft... Lubrication of Front Suspensions with Grease Fittings ; 33 Front Axle procedures, including out. Requirements for their drivers feet and 114 feet 2 inch 187-261 kW @ 2100 rpm you! Company we work with has specific experience requirements for their drivers Cookie Policy | 've! 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Rod cap bolts, cylinder head St H! _aA % u $ 1 a clapper bridge The engine manual for the Series 60 Engines Produced 1999-2003 a 12.7L 60 Series platform. 2100 rpm Do you have the Detroit 60 Series Detroit I a ^ mAI^a0l6 $ ^. 0000010814 00000 n 390 foot pounds What is the same for intake and cam! & tV '' [ J '': ixWQn36l? 4'zCcb } v|4sT 30th, 1994 ; with. ) for Series 60 EGR Engines Use Lockwasher Top Ring Pistons, Fits Detroit Diesel engine torque spec the... 1437 mm quality Transmissions 0000003549 00000 n What are the disadvantages of a clapper bridge, connecting cap! | I 've looked in the Body and the engine manual for the Horsepower! Released a new & quot ; must be installed to prevent the bolts from loosening ten oil pan bolts washers... 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