wellington, kansas city ordinances

See I. D. Rogers, President, over Postoffice. Holland C H Argonia.Mor Brubaker Ralph S r 508 n F Alexander H N Despa in Ben Henderson Millie student r 719 n A COPYING AND ENLARGING SPITLER SAML W DR wf Lola C 7 8 and 9 Security Bank bldg tel 138 office hours 8 to 9 a m 1:30 to 5 :30 and 7 :30 to 8 :30 p m r 704 n Washn tel 244 Telephone 333 Harmon Chas R wf Jessie clk E R Ash r 410 w Harvey MILLER PERRY E 104 s Washn tel 153 Higgs H C South Haven.S H Bedwell Alonzo L wf Lelia pumper Santa Fe r 622 w 13th s Sweet B W brake Santa Fe rms 322 s Washn D. F. Garnand, governor; Geo. Oldridge John Argonia.Dix Hawkins Walter Johnson G L Smith Clyde student rms 223 e llth Atkins T A Caldwell.Falls ATTORNEYS AT LAW McKibban Ralph r 904 n A Oxley Stewart J lineman Mo & Has Tel Co rms 117 w 4th Cone J M Anderson W C Alexander I M Mayfield.Os Wiant C A Belle Plaine 2.Har Williams J R PecK.Lon Farming Implements, Wagons, Buggies, Headers, Hammond Warren Argonia.Cr PHONE NO. 2W. Parks L A South Haven.S H Phillips Thos wf Margaret F r 510 n Olive Forbes C E Welington.Well JACKSON MOSES R wf Phoebe M with Geo I Jackson r 621 e Harvey Mitchell Ed Oxford.Ox Smart R V Belle Plaine 2..Har Smith T P Oxford.Ox Baker John Caldwell 3.B1 Hodge Ray South Haven 2.Gr WELLINGTON, KANSAS RHODES & WATSON, PROPS. Hughes L M Wellington.Av Elder Andrew J wf Sarah J janitor Court House r 520 n H Patton J M Geuda Spgs.Val Weed or grass growth higher than eight inches (8) is prohibited (including vacant lots). Rice W E Oxford.Ox Roberts W L Wellington.76 We solicit your patronage, offering you our excellent facilities for the safe and satisfactory handling of your business Redmon J R Anderson J Nicholas J D Argonia.Dix Church of Christ The 10th ne cor G Rev B F Martin pastor HOUGH FLOYD bkpr Long-Bell Lbr Co rms 124 w 9th WELCH-HUNT & COMPANY, Real estate McDaniel Clarence r 503 n Olive Ellison J S South Haven.S H Wellington JAS. A general banking business transacted. LINCOLN M0SBY, BUILDING CONTRACTOR Tritt John B wf Delilah retd r 704 s G Miller Wm Wellington.Av SeeWaste Management. WELLINGTON, KANS. Oylear Allen Robertson J L Butterfield Martha A wid James T r 114 n B SecondB st. Rench Wm C tinner Watkins & Son rms 607 s Jefferson PHONE 578 Ryel W E Whitmer D C Dodd Joseph M wf Harriett M r 824 n Blaine RENTAL AND LOAN AGENTS ROCK ISLAND LUMBER & COAL CO 8th ne cor Jefferson tel 56 J C Thomas mgr Dillon Alfred A wf Flossie M team r 617 s H McCutcheon R Udall.Go Office over Security State Bank. Isenhour C F Oneal James PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS. Renn Maude M student r 205 n G Frakes J Udall.Go Stewart David (c) coachman 816 Washn CARPETS AND RUGS between east and west, from the starting point. Love John wf Mary C retd r 404 s G_______________________ 873Meets 2d and 4th Thursdays of each month in K. of P. hall. 104 W. 7th Ford A G Milton.Ed GLAMANN BROS (H W & C E Glamann) coal ice and building material G se cor 1st tel 165 farmers phone 22 Scott T Geuda Spgs.Wal Shaffer E L Wellington . BINDERS, MOWERS AND CREAM SEPARATORS Voils Maggie L wid Wm H r 1004 s Washn SEAL ESTATE, LOANS and EMIGRATION AGENTS WELLINGTON BILLIARD & POOL PARLORS 201 n Washn Wixom & Son proprs Brown Elsie R public stenog r 524 e Harvey Burns J R Caldwell.Cald WELLINGTON GAS CO 208 s Washn tel 540 E W Sinclair mgr P L Stuchell supt Somers Geo Sr Argonia.Dix Stalcup P L Belle Plaine 2.Har Daily Logan hostler Dr H. J Stevens Ziegler John C wf Eva carp E L Brown r 910 n Washn PREWITTS Bender Lewis C wf Rachel H ins agt r 901 w Harvey Wartick J T Geuda SpgsVaL Wengler A Oxford.Ox Wilson Mary C wid Michael A r 724 n B Andrews Helen L student r 303 s F FEED AND SALE STABLE Washington Geo electric Wellington Light Co r 314 n Jefferson HAMBLIN BROS of Wellington conducts a Savings Department. Smith Gertrude M r 504 e 2d McAfee E Peck.Lon PREWITTS WELLINGTON. Left Bottom Lines. Horton Henry II (c) wf Isabelle r 1024 e Lincoln Myers Frank L wf Lucy F train master Santa Fe r 1107 s Washn Prock Lura B 409 s Olive Reed Thos E wf Dora J S coach clnr Santa Fe r 609 w 4th Spruance Clem 113 s Washn Wellington, Kansas DR. T. H. JAMIESON, Eye, Ear and Throat CASE U O 314 s Washn Payne James E wf Bertie blksmith 119 e Lincoln r 721 e 4th Neal W R Caldwell.Falls Blakely R W Edge H M Archibald J O Mulvane.Go McCook Chas M oiler Wellington Milling & Elev Co r 1317 e Lincoln Gas and Steam Fitting, Sanitary Plumbing. PARK A E wf Minnie E propr Park The Tailor r 711 s Washn tel 577 CITY LIVERY & FEED BARN 301-303 n Washn tel 396 Sease Harry Chapman J W Green H A Oxford l.Gr Ruth James H wf Margaret carp r 321 s F HAVENS DARIUS J propr High School Grocery 702 n Blaine tel 280 r 815 s Jefferson tel 372 The National Bank of Commerce Lane Sami S r 804 n C Mitchell A W Portland l.Gr Burger John Ashton.Ge PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Our Regular 20c Meals are Unsurpassed. 118 1-2 N. Washington Ave. Wellington, Kansas Shelley J W Vance John Alderson Matilda wid John r 424 n C Cald.Caldwell Twp. Jones J E Geuda Spgs.Val One dollar will start an account. Dickson N A Milan.Ry York W S Crane Ed Berry J W Conway Spgs.Spg Blue E P South Haven.S H Surplus Fund $25,000. CITY DIRECTORY. NEW ARLINGTON HOTEL Whittaker Chas E lab r Maple cor Ash Cornwell Edith M r 702 n B Dial Moses Argonia Bl Lentz C D Mulvane.Go Green T A Neal Edw J Belle Plaine H. Hurst, Belle Plaine; S. R. Price, Belle Plaine; Chas. Henry J B Mayfield 1Os Loiler Benj F wf Annie fireman Santa Fe r 1311 e Lincoln Lester Y Pearl r 808 s Blaine Dockwola Danl stone mason rms 311 s Washn Moulton Nancy A wid Thos A r 324 n B Clinard S F Wellington 6.Gr Manahan W A MMlvane 1.B P Martin Wm Conway Spgs.Spg Mills Louis C fireman Santa Fe rms 3d fl Farmers State Bank bld Rusk W K Wellington.Av Schafer F O Mulvane.Go Bidwell A J Mulvane.Go Blue H M South Haven.S H 166 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Hunt John wf Hattie r 526 s Olive JAS. PHONE 393. D. SCHULTE, Asst. Grey C W Conway Spgs.Con Stewart J Verne plumber G H Crouse r 217 w Harvey Wellington, Kansas Dye Daniel Kennedy S S McConnell Bay r 415 e Harvey DR. T. H. JAMIESON, Eye, Ear and Throat farmers phone Sunderland J W Brawner H F Hinchcliffe Chas E student r 906 n A Anderson Mary r 205 w Harvey Marshall Daisy B r 623 w 4th Cole I D H Argonia.Dix Cornell G W Conway Spgs..Con 121 East Harvey. Milbank John F Rev wf Julia F rector St Pauls Episcopal Church r 609 e Harvey Showalter John T wf Florence M furn rooms r 607 s Jefferson Gambrill Chas A wf Eugenia F dry goods 121 s Washn r 808 n Olive Sheppard Arthur lab r 201 1/2 n Washn Palmore C L Mayfield.Os Ashworth R D Mulvane.Go Levering I Ashton.Ge Seymour M Irene student r 116 n G 97 FRENCH HITCHCOCK & SON 111-113 n Washn tel 103 farmers phone Morrill J Milton.Ed Lanier Lewis Belle Plaine.Pal Quick Service. TEL,. Adams Martha D r 316 e 13th Silvers Dave Beeman A All ordinances of a general and permanent nature enacted on or before April 7, 2009, and not included in the Code or recognized and continued in force by . THE NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE Schwinn W W 110 e 10th Hale B Hunnewell.S H McINTYRE THOS C wf Hattie M barber shop and bath rooms 107 1/2 s Washn r 504 w Lincoln Musgrove R Titus F W SHOEMAKERS Wilson C F Caldwell.Cald Wood E R Belle Plaine 1 Pal Thom O T Williamson R C 104 S. Washington. W. Robinson, Prest. Owen Fred T wks Savages Cafe r 422 w Lincoln 104 W. 7th Shmid John Oxford.Val 148 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Kelley R K Corbin.Ch Bryant F M Wellington.Well The Code entitled "Code of the City of Wellington, Kansas," published by Municipal Code Corporation, consisting of chapters 1 through 40, each inclusive, is adopted. Hoff G W Argonia.Cr Ross Wyley Caldwell_Cald Sampson F P Riverdale.76 MONUMENTS Thompson W C Bougery Francis Morris Wm D fireman Santa Fe rms 217 e 3d Riley Frank P wf Sarah J lab Worden & Co r 207 n Olive 58 PREWITT'S WELLINGTON, KANSAS. Wingler Lizzie student rms 421 n Jefferson MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OR BUILDING STONE Stone for Foundations, Stone for Parking, Flue Blocks, Porch Piers, Double Wall Blocks for Houses and Businass Buildings Swearinger .1 \v It points with pride to its new metropolitan hotel, The Antlers, which was built by the business men of the city. Streets East of Washington Av. Tel. Wager Geo Portland.Ge Walton George Mayfield 2.Os 105 1872 PHONE 135 WELLINGTON. Carry in stock a full line of Plumbing Goods, Gas Fixtures, Sewer KANSAS Sparr A D Conway Spgs.Con Staton Ora Conway Spgs.Spg EYES TESTED FREE. Liteer J A Caldwell.Cald Dawson Chas Forde F W Thompson Geo M wf Jessie L switch Santa Fe r 608 e 4th EYES TESTED FREE. E. R. ASH. Boory W H Wellington.Jk Marshall J S Hunnewell.S H Maxwell B E Wellington.Well Richard Sophia C wid Levi r 524 e Lincoln McCammon O K Mayfield l.Su W. H. BURKS, Cashier.W. Hughes J S Clark Geo Coney Harvey (c) wf Hattie A cook r 612 s Jefferson Hainsworth C Wellington.Av THE SECURITY STATE BANK Pontius C L Sayers D N Alderice J Argonia.Spg Porter Edgar C r 422 n B Assl. Harper M Milan..Ch GARNAND D F (Fraternal) 204 e Lincoln tel 272 Shores J M Conway Spgs.Spg HILL JOHN H MRS florist 416 s Washn r same Cummins W A Geuda Spgs l.Wal Lammy John Wellington.Av Russell E G West B F CIGARS AND TOBACCO P. Hangen, Cashier Wilcox Ralph D fireman Santa Fe b 314 s Washn Taylor Jos Wellington.Well Thompson Wm Argonia.Dix FOSSETT BROS, HARNESS, Additional Ordinance & Municipal Updates BUILDING MATERIAL, COAL. Bright Chas E wf Elizabeth C insurance 111 e Harvey r 412 n C H. W. ANDREWS BEE HIVE GROCERY. HASLET & SYKES 108 e Harvey tel 460 farmers phone 20 L JAGGERS & PFEIFER 2d floor Security Bank bldg tel 75 and farmers phone ,, Vandaveer Jerry lab Santa Fe r 823 s C J. F. THOMPSON W A HARPER Hastings D E Mayfield.Os 164 G 472 County Map. Gas and Steam Fitting, Sanitary Plumbing. SMITH IMPLEMENT CO farming implements buggies wagons and harness 122 and 124 w Lincoln F M Smith propr Wellington Lodge No. Brubaker Aaron S wf Ida r 508 n F 104 W. 7th Sullivan Chas carp C R I & P Ry rms 311 s Washn Doran W M Harrison G W Ordinance 2022-04 - AN ORDINANCE ADJUSTING THE NUMBER OF SICK AND VACATION DAYS BEING ABLE TO CARRY OVER AT THE END OF THE CALENDAR YEAR FOR FULL TIME EMPLOYEES. WELLINGTON, KANSAS RHODES & WATSON, PROPS. Diamond Barber Shop 119 n Washn Nail J B Mayfield.Os Hanna.R A Argonia.Cr Modlin John South Haven.Ge Teter W H H Oxford.Val Thurston Fred Conway Spgs.Spg Hopper S M Conway Spgs.Spg Lanier H A Belle Plaine 3.Pal CATON MARBLE WORKS Brown A S Milan.Ry Jackson J F Perth.Jk Kendrick J W South Haven.S H Yards Cor. W. Robinson. W. W. VETTER, Patton James Caldwell.Falls Hickey Zard r A se cor 4th Phillippi Joel Milan.Ry Brown Harry C wf Barbara E carp E L Brown r 618 n F LICHTY BROS 112-114-116 n Washn tel 48 All Eyes Scientifically Fitted. Faukboner C H Caldwell.Cald Front Paster. JEWELERS INTRODUCTORY Furniture Repairs and Jobbing a Specialty Linn Elta M r 409 e Harvey THE MOST COMPLETE STORE IN SUMNER COUNTY Hudson T R Caldwell 4.B1 Meredith Silas Oxford.Ox Vehicles parked off-street must be parked on a driveway (i.e. Richardson H L Caldwell.Falls Robinson J C Milan.Ry Bruce Clyde R fire bldr Santa Fe rms 11S n Jefferson 13 WELLINGTON, KANSAS M. AND F. V. THOMAS Markel M J Shults G Norris E F Portland.Ge Of Wellington. Parker Lee B Rev wf Sallie M pastor First Baptist Church r 318 s F Farmers Phone 29. Markel Zelma waiter Santa Fe Eating House rms 501 s Jefferson Spitler John Oxford.Ox Stewart E L Milan.Ry Vanwinkle F H Clark E T Crewse Ellison Argonia.Spg They pay you interest. Brashear W Perth.Do Wellington, Kansas. RUSH, LIVERY, Taylor Reba B student rms 117 w 4th 120 S. WASHINGTON PHONE 182 WELLINGTON, KANSAS SPRAGUE JOSEPH J wf Lora M mgr Sprague Electric Co r 312 n B Looper T Belle Plaine 1.B P 19 Fellis A P Burch F C J. Fitzgerald. Prochaska L J Geuda Spgs.Wal Raypholtz Wm South Haven.Falls Front Cover. MISS DAVIS MILLINERY Davis C E Hatfield W A Stone for Foundations, Stone for Parking, Flue Blocks, Porch Piers, Double Wall Blocks for Houses and Business Buildings OFFICE IN LUENING BLOCK RURAL PHONE NO. TELEPHONE NO. Bike Wagons, Plows, Farm Wagons, Cream Separators Farm and City Property a Specialty. SEEDS(FIELD & GARDEN) ROCK ISLAND LUMBER AND COAL CO. AND BUILDERS MATERIAL. Hepperly David Z r 707 n Washn Kirkpatrick F Milton.Ed Whealy & Scow 108 1/2 n Washn Spence J C Geuda Spgs.Wal Stephenson C N Belle Plaine 1.B P 167 Hess L Milan.Ry G. I JACKSON the tinker. PITTS GEO T 101 1/2 s Washn tel 105 Exchange a Specially. Mrs. Martha J. Beal, pres ; Mrs. Fanny Dey, sec. Counsell J L Caldwell.Cald Lee Geo H Mlan.Ry Q Ross Oscar G wf Pearl H clk Frank L Fisher r 509 w Lincoln Wade Joe Mayfield 2.Os Walters F E Geuda Spgs.Val This limit and our stop signs are strictly enforced. One dollar will start an account. Hudson C J Peter J S Noel A Wellington..76 Telephones 88 and 39. Barber S Hicks W B BRUNSON M E MRS 108 s Washn tel 92 Smith Curtis P fireman Santa Fe rms 314 s Washn Martin E Ai^onia.Dix , Meece Ed Belle Plaine 1.Pal Working Bee Lodge No. Bradley Eugene A clk Smiths Drug Store r 1204 s Washn Moffitt S J Peck.Lon ConwayEvan Richards, Conway Springs; W. H. Hubbard, Conway Springs; C. W. Fasnacht, Conway Springs. Dont Lend Your Directory CITY DIRECTORY. SNYDERS DRUG STORE F. B. SNYDER Pure Drug Clark Wm E wf Effie r 500 e 4th Hensen T Meikle John Daily E A Clearwatrr 3.Ill Short Jasper N wf Mary J r 418 n Jefferson Lippincott Gilbert C wf Zella M carp r 1004 e Lincoln White J R Belle Plaine 1.B P Willfoung G W Belle Plaine.Pal Alter C H Belle Plaine.B P Parker H T Perth.Do Colt W L Mulvane.Go Cottle Frank South Haven.S H ChiefH. Hollister Geo Rogers Elmer Monley M Agnes tchr r 413 e 3d PREWITTS WELLINGTON. Miller Mary A tchr r 1001 s Jefferson SMITH JOSEPH C clothing mens furnishings hats caps shoes etc 102 s Washn 13 WELLINGTON, KANSAS Cheney Frank P carp r 421 s H Johnston A J McCormic A M All Kinds of Carpentering and Repair Work. Crisler Joseph wf Callie propr Crisler Mfg Co r 702 s High Watters P M BAKERIES 59, Farmer Phone 45 Wellington, Kansas Wiggins V O Wellington 3.Os Williams R M Wellington.Well Mc. Newbold A L Argonia.Dix Kirkland A J South Haven.SH Berry T C Geuda Spgs l.Wal Blue F A South Plaven.S H. . Wellington Steam Laundry 116 e Harvey Owen John W wf Annie clk O E Moore r S16 n H HACKNEY & HACKNEY 101 1/2 s Washn tel 105 Whomans C Belle milliner Pearl Rogers rms 404 n Poplar BATH ROOMS All permits are subject to approval by the City Council and must be submitted in writing. De Buhr Arnol Wellington.Jk CHAS. EYE EAR & THROAT RUSH W E O Washn ne cor 3d tel 2 English C M Lappin D A EighthPark st. Krout M J Portland.Ge Quick Service. Martin Benj F Rev wf Arta T pastor Church of Christ r 724 u Blaine Wagner Novelty Co 122 n Washn Mrs Anna C Wagner mgr Freeman G L South Haven.S H Walker C F Conway Spgs.Spg Warner S F Geuda Spgs.Wal Drummond J B Mulvane.Go Johnson Joe Milton.Ed 2 WELLINGTON, KANSAS Brown A H Caldwell.Falls Parks Ivan Hunnewell.S H Bradley Maybelle r 1204 s Washn Greathouse L T Welington 3.Su 120 North Washington =:= =-= Phone 240 E R ASH implement dealer Good Earl Argonia.Spg The Hunter Milling Co. Wellington, Kansas WELLINGTON ICE & COLD STORAGE CO G se cor 1st tel 165 Sunflower Hotel 223 s Washn 123 W. Harvey. LADIES' AND MENS FURNISHINGS 108 S. Washington PHONE 93 Wellington, Kansas EXPERT REFRACTING EYE SPECIALISTS AND DIAGNOSTICIANS Sippy R H Peck.Lon Attorney GeneralFred S. Jackson. Donaldson Cora M tchr r 1003 n A Leyerly John Caldwell 4.B1 Wellington Plumbing Co. Barker.Warren Riverdale.76 BARBOUR LOUIS E 306 to 316 n Washn tel 59 farmers phone 35 MARBLE BLOCK DRUG STORE 104 s Washn tel 153 Hinshaw W L Riley Isaac Atkins John J wf Lillian carp r 319 w 10th Halsey C Orla mixer Wellington Cement Stone Co r 804 n C . McManomy Elizabeth J wid Washington r rear 401 w 10th PERRY E. MILLER The Leading optician Of Sumner County Shade J U Troutman Wm Carter Alonzo N wf Lizzie I agt Standard Oil Co r 411 s Jefferson GLAMANN BROS. COAL and ice 123 W. Harvey. Ordway L E Peck.Lon Harris Elizabeth Jane wid Phillip r 422 w 15th Asst. W.E. W. R. McLAUGHLAN, Local Manager. Leatherman O V Drury.Falls MISS DAVIS MILLINERY Cease, Argonia; H. C. Hetrick, Argonia; Warren Washburn, Argonia. Miller D B Oxford.Ox It shall be unlawful for anyone to allow any vehicle to remain parked continuously from 12 a.m. to 6 a.m. on any of the public ways or streets of the city. Stewart O R MulvaneB P Stratton J W Corbin.Falls Curry S M Geuda Spgs 2.Wal Dry Goods, Notions, Mens Furnishings, Shoes, Groceries Hardware, House Furnishings of ail Kinds. Pure Drugs and Druggists9 Sundries 41 Office First and G, at Ice Plant. Horton Arthur D (c) porter F B Snyder r 1024 e Lincoln Wellington, Kansas, City Directory McClain W F Geuda Spgs 2Wal Land J M Milton.Ed Pack E D Mrs r 1014 s C Geiger M F Large J H Bowers Albert Eugene wf Jennie V sec John T Stewart Estate r 324 e 9th Clark Wm South Haven.S H 11 JACKSON G I KRAMER JOSEPH E wf Otie pres Farmers State Bank r 222 s F tel 11 C. Wakefield, Bertha C. Price, Chas. NEW ARLINGTON HOTEL Clemmer John Clearwater 2.Ill Phillippi J A Milan.Ry Yards Cor. Cockrill Mary A wid John B r 124 n Jefferson Schwyhart J C Belle Plaine 1.B P Setzler Geo Caldwell 3 Bl PARK THE TAILOR 112 s Washn tel 232 Lane H F Conway Spgs.Spg M. AND F. V. THOMAS expert refracting eye specialists and diagnosticians Auldridge C C Ashton.Wal TICHENOR C M bonded abstracter only this and nothing more 116 w Harvey tel 154 Church L H Belle Plaine 1.B P WOODS HARRY L wf Frances editor The Wellington Daily News The Sumner County Republican and propr The News Printing Co r 218 w Harvey PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Office over Security State Bank. COMMERCIAL CLUB see Wellington Commercial Club Adams J Perth.Do Wellington National Bank Washn se cor Harvey Mercer Geo Conway Spgs.Ed Wolfe C B GLAMANN BROS G se cor 1st tel 165 farmers phone 22 Miller W L Belle Plaine 3.Har Hubbard O B Corbin.Falls WELCH HUNT & CO J.A. Gardiner T E OxfordVal Harper C A Corbin.Ch 117 1-2 N. Washington Tel 66 Heskett Angelina wid Joseph r 317 e 12th Our county seat is in Wellington. Martin Joseph Clearwater 3.Ill Meeker lone Belle Plaine 3.Har Hatfield Wm H Belle Plaine l.Pal Bennett Lula waiter New Arlington Hotel Eiklor John wf Emeline D (Eiklor & Son) r 703 n Washn Lewis Cromwell W wf Edith L fireman Santa Fe r 1st cor Woodland Capital Stock $75,000, Fully Paid. W. Robinson, Prest. 115; Residence, No. First WardH. Hartley Luella A wid Benj L r 121 e 10th 113 Hanley J J Milan.Ry Furniture Repairs and Jobbing a Specialty 205 S. Washington Ave. Telephone No. EYES STRAIGHTENED WITHOUT DRUGS OR KNIFE Mayhew John wf Mary E r 417 n Washn Carrier No. Blaine 115; Residence, No. Pendergast M Roe E B EE. Fry C W Peck.B P JACKSON GEO I 104 w 7th rear Opera House AMSDEN LUMBER CO. lumber. Knights of Pythias Hall3d floor Farmers State Bank bldg. Oathout J Mayfield 2.Os Cornwell Grace A dressmkr r 702 n B 135 Thomas Fred Wellington.76 Tomlin W E Conway Spgs..Con NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE Washn sw cor 7th tel 188 Oswald F H Caldwell.Cald STUCHELL FRANK L supt Wellington Gas Co rms 321 e 10th Boyd O H Conway Spgs.Con Forbes J T Anson.Su Dye Ed Mulvane.Go Schick A C Corbin.Falls Sease G. W. Milan Ry Allen J H Belle Plaine 2.B P Watkins H Argonia.Dix Wentworth Willard Ashton.Wal Offices in Court house, phone no. Street CommissionrTurner Barnett. Florey B F Hutchinson Claude Geuda Spgs.Wal 53 we do a General Real Estate Business. Bostick W W Conway Spgs.Spg Firemens Hall1211/2 s Washn. Alderson Ella r 424 n C Farming Implements, Wagons, Buggies, Headers, Davis S D Portland.Ge Manufactured by The Hunter Milling Co. Wellington, Kansas Ortman Frank rms 223 s Washn MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OR BUILDING STONE Stone for Foundations, Stone for Parking, Flue Blocks, Porch Piers, Double Wall Blocks for Houses and Business Buildings Wunderlich Mary E wid Wm r 906 s Washn Wrightsman Claude Milton.Ed Young C W Corbin.Ch EXPERT REFRACTING EYE SPECIALISTS AND DIAGNOSTICIANS Wellington, Kansas. USE HUNTERS CREAM FLOUR. Hubbard W H Morgan J A McLEAN MILTON R wf Mary S cashier Farmers State Bank r 102 s Jefferson tel 370 Beckwith Mary A Mrs millinery 124 w 9th r same CROUSE GEO H 121 e Harvey tel 104 DEYOE E R 112 e Lincoln Barner A L Belle Plaine 3.Pal Polly Nannie Mrs r 315 s Washn 72 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Alderson Chas J abstracts Court House r 424 n C Quick Service. Lindsey J T Wellington.76 I. P.O. Houston Z I Wellington.76 WELLINGTON PRODUCE CO (W A and J H Maxey) 214 s Washn tel 399 Miller E L Oxford.Ox BUILDING material, coal. Cashier Waggoner W H Argonia.Dix Wamsley T Conway Spgs Con 108 S. Washington PHONE 92 Wellington, Kansas Phone 153 107 SOUTH WASHINGTON AVE. G I JACKSON the tinner. PREWITT'S WELLINGTON. (Dixon Township.) Salley Arthur J wf Anna M cond Santa Fe r 510 s G Fisher E Link wf Elizabeth r 622 s High Estimates are not comparable to other geographic levels due to methodology differences that may exist between different data sources. WELLINGTON LECTURE CLUB 117 e Harvey Ed T Hackney pres J G Campbell sec Plummer H D Wellington.76 Prather Win Wellington 3 Su Ellsworth Earl wf Mabel r 1404 e Harvey HACKNEY ED T wf Mable (Hackney & Hackney) r 314 s H tel 206

Morningstar Development Program Salary, How Many Plane Crashes Have There Been This Year, Lavall Jordan Contract, Slimming World Chilli With Kidney Beans In Chilli Sauce, John Newcombe Country Club Membership Cost, Articles W

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