things named after benedict arnold

According to W. D. Wetherell, he was: [A]mong the hardest human beings to understand in American history. Andr then drafted instructions to Stansbury and Arnold. [107], The pursuing American army included the Marquis de Lafayette, who was under orders from Washington to hang Arnold summarily if he was captured. [citation needed], He then continued on to Philadelphia where he met with members of Congress about his rank. But despite all the financial and political reasons he had for his betrayal, it's possible it was actually about love. [136], Fictional invocations of Benedict Arnold's name carry strongly negative overtones. 8. Their friendship became the foundation for the treason for which Peggy's. In April of 1775, after learning about the conflicts at Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts, Arnold organized his men in preparation for a march to Cambridge to aid in the fight against the British . During the American Revolution, British Major John Andr joined with American General Benedict Arnoldin a scheme to secure British control over the American fortification at West Point, New York. [145], There are plaques on the grounds of the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York, commemorating all of the generals who served in the Revolution. [24] Arnold initially took no part in any public demonstrations but, like many merchants, continued to do business openly in defiance of the Parliamentary Acts, which legally amounted to smuggling. Arnold never received all of the 20,000 pounds he was promised by the British for becoming a traitor. See the fact file below for more information on . [85], On August 3, 1780, Arnold obtained command of West Point. During the summer of 1778, he met Peggy Shippen, the 18-year-old daughter of Judge Edward Shippen (III), a Loyalist sympathizer who had done business with the British while they occupied the city;[57] Peggy had been courted by British Major John Andr during the British occupation of Philadelphia. Arnold and his men went towards Boston. [140], Canadian historians have treated Arnold as a relatively minor figure. He engaged in a variety of business deals designed to profit from war-related supply movements and benefiting from the protection of his authority. He returned a hero, but his rash courage and impatient energy had aroused the enmity of several officers. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. [27] Margaret died on June 19, 1775, while Arnold was at Fort Ticonderoga following its capture. Arnold demanded a court martial to clear the charges, writing to Washington in May 1779: "Having become a cripple in the service of my country, I little expected to meet ungrateful returns". Benedict Arnold was an American Senior Officer during the Revolutionary War. The other leg ached constantly, and he walked only with a cane. After formal inquiries, he was usually acquitted, but Congress investigated his finances and determined that he was indebted to Congress, and that he had borrowed money heavily to maintain a lavish lifestyle. . I used the widely accepted 1910 translation by the sinologist Lionel Giles, available in various . Some could even argue that, patriotism aside, it might have seemed insane for him not to turn traitor. 4. You may think it was odd that parents would name their newborn . 1.Saint Benedict was a teenager when he became a monk. While en route to West Point, Arnold renewed an acquaintance with Joshua Hett Smith, who had spied for both sides and who owned a house near the western bank of the Hudson about 15 miles south of West Point. Unable to obtain a regular commission in the British army after the war, Arnold pursued various business ventures like land speculation and privateering before permanently settling in London. [103] He had suffered from gout since 1775,[124] and the condition attacked his unwounded leg to the point where he was unable to go to sea. Arnold was made a brigadier general in the British army. S T I L L W A T E R, N.Y., June 14, 2001 -- Benedict Arnold, America's most infamous. Some theatrical treatments of the 19th century explored his duplicity, seeking to understand rather than demonize it. With Benedict Arnold, he led the Green Mountain Boys to capture Fort Ticonderoga from the British in 1775. Arnold's name had become synonymous with the word traitor. [103], Washington remained calm when he was presented with evidence of Arnold's treason. Despite Arnold's defection to the British, he was a fierce patriot for . In 1763, he repaid money that he had borrowed from the Lathrops,[17] repurchased the family homestead that his father had sold when deeply in debt, and re-sold it a year later for a substantial profit. Through his maternal grandmother, Arnold was a descendant of John Lothropp, an ancestor of six presidents. Upon the outbreak of hostilities at Lexington, Massachusetts (April 1775), Arnold volunteered for service and participated with Ethan Allen in the successful colonial attack on British-held Fort Ticonderoga, New York, the following month. He sent an Indian messenger into the camp of British Brigadier General Barry St. Leger with news that the approaching force was much larger and closer than it actually was; this convinced St. Leger's Indian allies to abandon him, forcing him to give up the effort. [113] George Johnstone turned him down for a position in the East India Company and explained: "Although I am satisfied with the purity of your conduct, the generality do not think so. She was a close friend of British major John Andr and kept in contact with him when he became head of the British espionage system in New York. (Benedict Cumberbatch doesn't count; he's British.) He also provided information on a proposed French-American invasion of Quebec that was to go up the Connecticut River (Arnold did not know that this proposed invasion was a ruse intended to divert British resources). They issued him a colonel's commission on May 3, 1775, and he immediately rode off to Castleton in the disputed New Hampshire Grants (Vermont) in time to participate with Ethan Allen and his men in the capture of Fort Ticonderoga. Washington Irving used it as part of an argument against dismemberment of the union in his 1857 Life of George Washington, pointing out that the unity of New England and the southern states which led to independence was made possible in part by holding West Point. Shutterstock Though one might guess that the dish was named for Benedict Arnold, the most famous traitor of the American Revolution, it was not. She couldand did. [33], The Second Continental Congress authorized an invasion of Quebec, in part on the urging of Arnoldbut he was passed over for command of the expedition. He dared not tell me his name. "No one has betrayed those in uniform like Donald Trump ," said the voiceover in the latest ad . Benedict Arnold A historical marker in Danvers, Massachusetts commemorates Benedict Arnold's 1775 expedition to Quebec Bayley Seton Hospital in the Clifton section of Staten Island was named in part for Richard Bayley, father of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Early in May he made secret overtures to British headquarters, and a year later he informed the British of a proposed American invasion of Canada. Brown was particularly vicious, publishing a handbill which claimed of Arnold, "Money is this man's God, and to get enough of it he would sacrifice his country". [120] The family left Saint John to return to London in December 1791. When Arnold learned the following morning that Andr had been caught and that . Discussions had not borne fruit between Schuyler and Washington by early June. A colonial resident by birth, Arnold made his living as a merchant before joining the American military to defend against the British. On July 12, he wrote again, making explicit the offer to surrender West Point, although his price rose to 20,000[b] (in addition to indemnification for his losses), with a 1,000[b] down payment to be delivered with the response. Before anyone spouts off about me being a 'libtard' I am a conservative. He followed up that action with a bold raid on Fort Saint-Jean on the Richelieu River north of Lake Champlain. After trying and failing to hand the fort at West Point over to the British, he joined the Royal Army and took . For his services he was restored to his proper relative rank. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. One thing that we can set aside is any notion that the dish was named after Benedict Arnold, the Revolutionary War general who became the most famous American traitor in history after he defected to the British army and became a general for the other side, leading troops against those he once commanded. When his British contact, Maj. John Andr, was captured by the Americans, Arnold escaped on a British ship, leaving Andr to be hanged as a spy. [128][d], Benedict Arnold's name became synonymous with "traitor" soon after his betrayal became public, and biblical themes were often invoked. He was named after his great-grandfather Benedict Arnold who was once governor of the colony of Connecticut. We largely don't even know who he is. Peggy came from a loyalist family in Philadelphia; she had many ties to the British. From there, he was ordered to Vermont where he met with Ethan Allen. In real life: Arnold left for England in late 1781, before the official surrender, in an unsuccessful bid to persuade the Crown to keep the war going in America. Thereafter his name became an epithet for traitor in the United States. [29] She is buried in the crypt of the Center Church on New Haven Green. The second was Benedict Arnold. Lee Moran. [45] He then distinguished himself in both Battles of Saratoga, even though General Gates removed him from field command after the first battle, following a series of escalating disagreements and disputes that culminated in a shouting match. However, Arnold was a prominent figure in the American Revolution and, for a time, was a distinguished war hero who simply became . Benedict Arnold's name has become infamous for his treacherous acts regarding the fort at West Point, which he was in command of, and his very name has even become a synonym for either treason or betrayal. The most famous of these occurred on May 10, 1775, when Ethan Allen and his band of Green Mountain Boys, accompanied by Benedict Arnold, who held a commission from . [21] However, it is unknown whether this encounter actually happened or not. A Connecticut militia force arrived at Ticonderoga in June; Arnold had a dispute with its commander over control of the fort, and resigned his Massachusetts commission. Benedict Arnold was a patriot officer who served the cause of the American Revolution until 1779, when he shifted his allegiance to the British. [89] Eventually, a meeting was set for September 11 near Dobb's Ferry. The British withdrew from Philadelphia in June 1778, and Washington appointed Arnold military commander of the city. The British promised 20,000[b] for the capture of West Point, a major American stronghold; Washington greatly admired Arnold and gave him command of that fort in July 1780. [127] His funeral procession boasted "seven mourning coaches and four state carriages";[103] the funeral was without military honors. He was on his way home from Ticonderoga when he learned that his wife had died earlier in June. Arnold was aware of his reputation in his home country, and French statesman Talleyrand described meeting him in Falmouth, Cornwall in 1794: The innkeeper at whose place I had my meals informed me that one of his lodgers was an American general. This plan very nearly succeeded, but Arnold changed living quarters prior to sailing for Virginia in December and thus avoided capture. At a prearranged rendezvous point on the shoreline his contact arrived just after midnight. [98], Arnold learned of Andr's capture the morning of September 24 while waiting for Washington, with whom he was going to have breakfast at his headquarters in British Col. Beverley Robinson's former summer house on the east bank of the Hudson. [b][6] He led British forces in the Raid of Richmond and nearby areas, and they burned much of New London, Connecticut, to the ground and slaughtered surrendering forces after the Battle of Groton Heightsjust a few miles downriver from the town where he had grown up. They bought three trading ships, using the profits from the sale of his homestead, and established a lucrative West Indies trade. [95] They found the papers exposing the plot to capture West Point and passed them on to their superiors,[96] but Andr convinced the unsuspecting Colonel John Jameson, to whom he was delivered, to send him back to Arnold at West Pointbut he never reached West Point. [111] He renewed that request when he learned of the surrender, which Clinton then granted. "[32], Arnold began the war as a captain in the Connecticut militia, a position to which he was elected in March 1775. Samuel Spring carried him to the makeshift hospital at the Htel Dieu. Washington was one of the few who genuinely liked and admired him, but Arnold thought that Washington had betrayed him. The Portrayal of Benedict Arnold in American History", Shy, John. [9], Arnold's father was a successful businessman, and the family moved in the upper levels of Norwich society. Unlike his accomplishments in the battlefield, Arnold was not a good Governor. Working as a spy, Armistead gained the trust of General Cornwallis and Benedict Arnold,. [1] Only he and his sister Hannah survived to adulthood; his other siblings died from yellow fever in childhood. At first, he asked for indemnification of his losses and 10,000,[b] an amount that the Continental Congress had given Charles Lee for his services in the Continental Army. Excited by the prospects, Clinton informed his superiors of his intelligence coup, but failed to respond to Arnold's July 7 letter. His first name was actually Enoch. Benedict Arnold passed away on 3 March 1849. "[144] The victory monument at Saratoga has four niches, three of which are occupied by statues of Generals Gates, Schuyler, and Morgan. By Joyce Lee Malcolm. [6][103] Among his bequests were considerable gifts to one John Sage, perhaps an illegitimate son or grandson. Needed repairs were never ordered on the chain across the Hudson. For a time, he was a successful businessman, but after yellow fever took the lives of three of the Arnold children, the patriarch was devastated. [60] Some of this communication was effected through the services of Joseph Stansbury, a Philadelphia merchant.[61]. After Benedict Arnold betrayed the Continental Army, his British contact, Major John Andr, was captured by the Americans and hanged as a spy while Arnold escaped on a British ship. That autumn he was appointed by Gen. George Washington to command an expedition to capture Quebec. Benedict's exploits and continuous wins caught the eye of George Washington, who . [81], Early in April, Philip Schuyler had approached Arnold with the possibility of giving him the command at West Point. Saint Benedict once lived in a hermit cave. [143], The Boot Monument at Saratoga National Historical Park pays tribute to Arnold but does not mention his name. During the American War for Independence, several engagements were fought at the five-pointed star-shaped Fort Ticonderoga. One plaque bears only a rank and a date but no name: "major general born 1740". The house where Arnold lived at 62 Gloucester Place in central London bears a plaque describing him as an "American Patriot". During the Revolutionary War, West Point was known as Fort Arnold, but after Benedict Arnold's betrayal, it became known as Fort Clinton. His mother came from a wealthy family, but his alcoholic father squandered their estate. Arnold received a commission as a brigadier general in the British Army, an annual pension of 360,[b] and a lump sum of over 6,000. [63][64], Arnold had an extremely ambitious and jealous personality. He hoped that this work would earn him wider respect and a new command; instead, it earned him and his sons a land-grant of 15,000 acres (6,100ha) in Upper Canada,[122] near present-day Renfrew, Ontario. in George Athan Billias, ed., This page was last edited on 15 February 2023, at 10:05. He was a war hero who persistently fought for America's independence. Unable to obtain a regular commission in the British army, he later pursued various business ventures, including land speculation in Canada. [26], On February 22, 1767, Arnold married Margaret Mansfield, daughter of Samuel Mansfield, the sheriff of New Haven and a fellow member in the local Masonic Lodge. Benedict Arnold's name is synonymous with the word traitor. On June 16, Arnold inspected West Point while on his way home to Connecticut to take care of personal business, and he sent a highly detailed report through the secret channel. Though Trump has checked off the betray the USA box quite well. [72] Clinton was pursuing a campaign to gain control of the Hudson River Valley, and was interested in plans and information on the defenses of West Point and other defenses on the Hudson River. He and his men were joined by Richard Montgomery's small army and participated in the December 31 assault on Quebec City in which Montgomery was killed and Arnold's leg was shattered. [87], Once Arnold established himself at West Point, he began systematically weakening its defenses and military strength. By. 3 January 1740][1][a] June 14, 1801) was an American-born military officer who served during the Revolutionary War. His father was a successful businessman and young Benedict had a comfortable childhood. [1] [7] Arnold was the fourth surviving member of his family named after his great-grandfather Benedict Arnold I, an early governor of the Colony of Rhode Island; his grandfather (Benedict Arnold II) and father, as well as an older brother who died in infancy, were also named for the colonial governor. Wallace, Willard M. "Benedict Arnold: Traitorous Patriot." He then presented the attack of Fort Ticonderoga. [94], Andr was captured near Tarrytown, New York, on Saturday, September 23, by three Westchester militiamen. [88], On August 30, Arnold sent a letter accepting Clinton's terms and proposing a meeting to Andr through yet another intermediary: William Heron, a member of the Connecticut Assembly whom he thought he could trust. [44], Arnold returned to the Hudson where General Gates had taken over command of the American army, which had retreated to a camp south of Stillwater. As a teenager, Arnold's family faced financial hardship. [86], Arnold's command at West Point also gave him authority over the entire American-controlled Hudson River, from Albany down to the British lines outside New York City. Later Arnold revealed to the British that he expected to receive the command of American forces at West Point, New York, and agreed to surrender that garrison to them for 20,000. 2. Arnold was born in Connecticut. In the House of Commons, Edmund Burke expressed the hope that the government would not put Arnold "at the head of a part of a British army" lest "the sentiments of true honour, which every British officer [holds] dearer than life, should be afflicted". How did Benedict Arnold betray the Continental Army to the British? This meeting was thwarted when British gunboats in the river fired on his boat, not being informed of his impending arrival. Benedict Arnold was born on January 14, 1741 in Norwich, Connecticut and named after his His mother was Hannah Waterman King, a rich widow. [101] From the ship, he wrote a letter to Washington[102] requesting that Peggy be given safe passage to her family in Philadelphiawhich Washington granted. An epidemic of yellow fever ravaged Arnold's family in the 1750s, however, claiming three of his . At the age of sixteen, Arnold enlisted in a militia and served in the French and Indian War in upstate New York . Unable to find a new military or. Wikipedia Sign up to our newsletter. Benedict Arnold was unhappy with his position in the Continental Army by the time he betrayed the cause of the American Revolution to the British. Benedict Arnold is an epithet for traitor in the United States; calling a person a Benedict Arnold implies that they are a traitor. At critical moments Arnold inspired the Patriots with his grit and determination and earned the admiration of George Washington. 0:00. Benedict Arnold was an enthusiastic patriot who believed passionately in the cause of American liberty. [54] Such schemes were not uncommon among American officers, but Arnold's schemes were sometimes frustrated by powerful local politicians such as Joseph Reed, who eventually amassed enough evidence to publicly air charges against him. The prisoner seemed suprised to see the gallows, but walked calmy toward it. [62], Wetherell says that the shortest explanation for his treason is that he "married the wrong person". His father was also called Benedict Arnold and his mother's name was Hannah Waterman King. He marched with 700 men by way of the Maine wilderness, a remarkable feat of woodsmanship and endurance, and, reinforced by Gen. Richard Montgomery, attacked the well-fortified city. "Arnold, Benedict (17411801)". Together, they won the Battle of Fort Ticonderoga, America's first victory in the Revolutionary War. [141] Historian Barry Wilson points out that Arnold's descendants established deep roots in Canada, becoming leading settlers in Upper Canada and Saskatchewan. [22], The Sugar Act of 1764 and the Stamp Act of 1765 severely curtailed mercantile trade in the colonies. Later he became infamous for being a traitor, fighting for the British. His ventures met with mixed success. To raise money, he violated several state and military regulations, arousing the suspicions and, finally, the denunciations of Pennsylvanias supreme executive council. [a][133] Historical markers in Danvers, Massachusetts, and Newburyport, MA commemorate Arnold's 1775 expedition to Quebec. Benedict Arnold was born on January 14, 1741, in Norwich, Connecticut. At the end of 1781 Arnold went to England. [40] In February 1777, he learned that he had been passed over by Congress for promotion to major general. Benedict Arnold was born a British subject, the second of six children of his father Benedict Arnold III (16831761) and Hannah Waterman King in Norwich, Connecticut, on January 14, 1741. [18] On one of his voyages, he fought a duel in Honduras with a British sea captain who had called him a "damned Yankee, destitute of good manners or those of a gentleman". The crowd of hundreds of people was quiet. He then directed the construction of a fleet to defend Lake Champlain, which was overmatched and defeated in the October 1776 Battle of Valcour Island. He helped organize militia forces on British-held islands, receiving praise from the landowners for his efforts on their behalf. Bettmann / Corbis "You have five. In 1780, when "The Capture of Benedict Arnold" episode takes place, Rittenhouse in real life was treasurer of Pennsylvania. Before it could be carried out, however, minutemen captured John Andr and informed General George Washingtonof the plot. [80] Many of these documents had been lost during the retreat from Quebec. Nor was it named after Pope Benedict XIII, the leader of the Catholic Church from 1724 to 1730 (or any of the 15 other popes who took the name Benedict). Neither side knew for some days that the other was in agreement with that offer, due to difficulties in getting the messages across the lines. Arnold was rebuffed by Congress and by local authorities in requests for security details for himself and his in-laws. By early July, he was back in Philadelphia, where he wrote another secret message to Clinton on July 7 which implied that his appointment to West Point was assured and that he might even provide a "drawing of the works by which you might take [West Point] without loss". Arnold lost most of his siblings to yellow fever, calamitous events that triggered alcoholism in his father. Troops were liberally distributed within Arnold's command area (but only minimally at West Point itself) or furnished to Washington on request. [133] George Canning Hill authored a series of moralistic biographies in the mid-19th century and began his 1865 biography of Arnold: "Benedict, the Traitor, was born". On November 10, 1778, General Nathanael Greene wrote to General John Cadwalader, "I am told General Arnold is become very unpopular among you oweing to his associateing too much with the Tories. Through the early morning hours of Sept. 22, 1780 the two plotted. [106] This activity brought out Virginia's militia led by Colonel Sampson Mathews, and Arnold eventually retreated to Portsmouth to be reinforced or to evacuate. [75], Arnold's court martial on charges of profiteering began meeting on June 1, 1779, but it was delayed until December 1779 by Clinton's capture of Stony Point, New York, throwing the army into a flurry of activity to react. In exchange for cash and a commission in the British army, Major General Arnold promised to betray his cause and hand over the American fort at West Point. [1] Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Benedict Arnold was named brigadier general by the British government and sent on raids to . Meanwhile, in April 1779, Arnold married Margaret (Peggy) Shippen, a young woman of loyalist sympathies. [27] Their son Benedict was born the following year[28] and was followed by brothers Richard in 1769 and Henry in 1772. [114] His reputation also came under criticism in the British press, especially when compared to Major Andr who was celebrated for his patriotism. AD 1781, when the British, under the command of the Traitor Benedict Arnold, burnt the towns of New London and Groton and spread desolation and woe throughout the region. He later revealed that he expected to obtain the command of West Point, New York, and asked the British for 20,000 for betraying this post. Following the deaths of three of his. 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