ground rules for group discussion

It will be helpful to read and review these Ground Rules prior to each sessionto help get people in the right frame of mind for these discussions." Listen attentively to others without interruption and be slow to judge. A group of two or three generally doesnt need a leader to have a good discussion, but once the number reaches five or six, a leader or facilitator can often be helpful. Work begins long before you sit for the group discussion. Mute yourself whenever you're not speaking on the current topic. What I really hear you saying is. Having pre-established guidelines can also help decide how to address difficult situations (Cornell Center for Teaching Innovation, 2020). She or he can lay ground rules for discussion, such as asking participants to focus conflict on ideas rather than people and to resist being judgmental. Its less formal, and may have no time constraints, or structured order, or agenda. Based on the authors' extensive experience in a range of settings in the United States and Canada, the book addresses the most common stumbling blocks to understanding social justice. Ames, IA 50011-2102, Copyright 1995-2019 ", 3. If the recorder is a group member, the group and/or leader should come up with a strategy that allows her to participate fully in the discussion. Maintain an atmosphere for discussion and analysis of our options. A second strategy is to ask opinion questions occasionally (e.g., How do you feel about this?). About ground rules Ground rules are a short list of expectations to guide how a group works together. Mitchell, B. and Cornelia Gamlem. Take responses and add them to the list. Im uncomfortable with the imprecision of your questions. Tuckman, B. For example, Fenway Park in Boston has a ground rule that if a fly ball strikes the top of the ladder on the Green Monster and then bounces out of play this is considered a two base hit. Suggestions for Leading Small-Group Discussions, prepared by Lee Haugen, Center for Teaching Excellence, Iowa State University, 1998. Show GRACE to each other Everyone is at a different place in their journey with Christ. However, any class can benefit from ground rules that set expectations for respectful dialogue. 12 Ground Rules for Online Discussions Participate: This is a shared learning environment. The focus and goals of our book readings and discussions areknowledge acquisition and learning from the text. University Library701 Morrill Rd Group members can receive and respond to respectful but honest and constructive feedback. Try to keep the group on task without rushing them. Several of the examples given at the beginning of the section the group of parents concerned about their school system, for instance, or the college class fall into this category, as do public hearings and similar gatherings. Joining Together: Group theory and group skills. Undiscussable issues are those issues that are on everyones mind, but no one is able to bring them forwards. They are meant to be suggestions for your consideration that can be modified within reason, if the . Become familiar with the purpose and content of the discussion. Mayer, B. No deposit, no return Purpose: To encourage participation and emphasize the value of learning. What is said in the group, stays in the group. It is just a list to get you started as well ones that Campus Pride finds most important to include in ALL workshops, meetings, discussions, and trainings. Active listening - Facilitators can paraphrase the message they heard and check out the accuracy of their assumptions before responding. It may also mean a space away from the ordinary. Did you feel like a valuable member of the team? One of the most important steps to an effective conversation about diversity and inclusion is to set ground rules for the participants. Each session will be a facilitated discussion of selected chapters, led by a member of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee. G.R.O.U.P.S. INTRODUCE YOURSELF. It's often difficult to reach an agreement in a meeting because some people are often dogmatic about their position. Discussion Group Role Cards. Tips for Leading Discussions, by Felisa Tibbits, Human Rights Education Associates. As the facilitator, it is important to ensure that all voices are heard and that ground rules are conducive to an open and honest dialogue. Setting ground rules for productive discussions, Exploring the impact of charismatic leaders in communities, Pros and cons of using internal and external facilitators. It helps greatly if the leader comes to the task with a democratic or, especially, a collaborative style, and with an understanding of how a group functions. Half the preparation is about knowledge. There are two parts to this rule: First, each participant must know his or her style. We will use theGround Rules below for our discussion group. Dont ask people to do something, and then ignore it. In some cases, the opportunity to lead a group discussion can arise on the spur of the moment; in others, its a more formal arrangement, planned and expected. 6.1. Study Circles Resource Center. Group and Organizational Studies, vol. Try to think of the last time you had a conversation that was not easy: How did you feel before you began talking? Did you accomplish your goals? In good discussions, conflicts will sometimes arise. Encourage people to consider their comments seriously, and to avoid becoming defensive if someone disagrees. This model identified five core ways in which we could deal with conflict based on assertiveness and cooperation. Community activists. There is no one size fits all list of ground rules. Avoid mentally imposing your own biases, thoughts, or opinions onto what someone else is sharing. Feedback could be positive, negative, or merely clarifying or correcting factual questions or errors, but is in all cases delivered respectfully. Playground Rules Posters. is a detailed and engaging textbook and professional development resource presenting the key concepts in social justice education. Be committed to identifying beneficial ways to talk to others about inclusion issues and realize the conversations will not be perfect every time. A college class in human services approaches the topic of dealing with reluctant participants. Test Assumptions and Inferences. So lets make sure we are listening 100 percent. Request that if participants challenge others ideas, they back it up with evidence, appropriate experiences, and/or appropriate logic. Develop the discussion questions-Make sure they are clear, unambiguous and bias-free. Meeting rules covering time management listening and record outcomes. In less formal circumstances, youll have to make the best of existing conditions. Boyce, K. (2002). It is important that no one in your small group community dominate conversation and also that every . Things will emerge, unplanned situations will arise. The literal definition of a group discussion is obvious: a critical conversation about a particular topic, or perhaps a range of topics, conducted in a group of a size that allows participation by all members. Group Work in the Classroom | Resource Pack. 5. Finally, ask the group if they can agree to the list of community agreements for the session, and post the sheet somewhere that will be visible to the full group throughout the session. Be conscious of body language and nonverbal responses: They can be as disrespectful as words. Donate now. Provide sufficient time and space for participants to gather their thoughts and contribute to discussions. Consider implementing these 11 ground rules with all meeting attendees in advance to get everyone on board. Encouraging participation can be accomplished by: adapted from: Center for Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning Handbook, accessed July 2008. In the 1970s, a model for understanding managing conflict was created and from it the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) was born. A way to approach the dominant participant and pull in non-participants is to redirect the discussion to another person or another topic. Ground Rules for Group Discussion Listen with respect. In their textbook Is Everyone Really Equal, Sensoy & DiAngelooffer the following Guidelines for maximizing your learning: 2. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Some facilitators keep discussions on track by listing the questions or issues they want to cover on the board or summarizing the discussion on the board as it proceeds. The group's size and purpose can determine how ground rules are set. Developing Facilitation Skills, Section 3. Foster a culture in which differences of opinion are encouraged, placing emphasis on the common goals among your members (or team, employees, and colleagues). If youve been the recorder, you might want to put the notes from the session in order, type them up, and send them to participants. Facilitators might also ask one or more members of the group to act as observers for a few sessions, reporting back their observations to the group. Here are several solid ground rules for virtual meetings: 1. Find out the kind of topics that are given at the institution or company you are applying for. Another strategy is to have participants write out their answers to a question. When the group numbers eight or more, a leader or facilitator, whether formal or informal, is almost always helpful in ensuring an effective discussion. She may have agreed to sponsor particular ideas that are important to her group, but she may still have her own opinions as well, especially in other areas. These guidelines, often referred to as "ground rules" or "community norms . Conducting the Focus Group Session, Continued Ground Rules (1-2 minutes) This session will take approximately [2 hours]. 1994-2023The University of Kansas. Ground rules help a group start and maintain a productive discussion. The group's agreement allows the leader or a group member to directly address an issue when a ground rule is not followed. Deferring - Often, the best strategy is to invite participants to come up after the session and arrange for a time to talk about the disagreement further, and then move the discussion on to another topic. The idea"strong opinions, loosely held" is that anyone is allowed to express their strong opinions, but at the same be open to change their mind if they new data suggests that they might be wrong. In these circumstances, the leaders ability to identify points of agreement, or to ask the question that will get discussion moving again is crucial to the groups effectiveness. The materials are broken down into "modules" and facilitation trainers can use some or all of them to suit their needs. If the group meets multiple times, repost rules at each meeting to orient new participants and remind others. (The exceptions are opinions or ideas that are discriminatory or downright false.) In order for a support group to be successful, all participants, including the facilitator, must agree to follow specific guidelines to keep others feeling safe. When participants argue for the sake of argument, facilitators will usually lose if they take the bait. Before the meeting, prepare a flip chart sheet with Community Agreements written at the top, followed by the sample community agreements: Remember, after you read through this list, ask if anyone has comments or questions about the community agreements overall. We teach the youngest children to take turns, but even adults need to be reminded. If you can do these things, the chances are you can become a discussion leader that can help groups achieve the results they want. (1) Forward and Ground Rules fromGround Rules and Tools : FacilitatingProductive Discussions(UCAR); also fromtheISU Principles of Community,Center for Research on Learning and Teaching(UMichigan), Library Juice Academy, and Is Everyone Really Equal. Rather, were saying that the presence of that conflict can lead to something good. This can have a negative impact on the meeting. Facilitators are non-directive, and try to keep themselves out of the discussion, except to ask questions or make statements that advance it. Ground Rules. The sound of water from the mill stream rushing by put everyone at ease, and encouraged creative thought. These folks may be respected for their leadership president of the Rotary Club, spokesperson for an environmental movement for their positions in the community bank president, clergyman or simply for their personal qualities integrity, fairness, ability to communicate with all sectors of the community. The Tool Box needs your help St. Paul, MN: University of Minnesota Extension. Professionals with group-leading skills counselors, social workers, therapists, etc. Invite inquiry into your views. well explained so that students are very . If the question is one of values, the facilitator may use the occasion to help participants become aware of the values involved. 2 "Disagree without being disagreeable" Asking the contributor for further clarification and/or elaboration. Weekly Discussion Guides. Do group members want to be called on or would they like to speak freely? No one wants to find out he or she has been the subject of gossip or well-meaning "prayer discussions." This is probably the most important ground rule of all. Techniques for Leading Group Discussions, Chapter 16. Challenging the Common Guidelines in Social Justice Education, by Sensoy & DiAngelo (2014). For most group discussions, the facilitator role is probably a good ideal to strive for. A community health educator facilitates a smoking cessation support group. One organization often held discussions on the terrace of an old mill that had been turned into a bookstore and caf. Some examples are to: participate actively speak one at a time treat everyone's ideas with respect-don't criticize minimize side conversations Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Especially if most people in the group dont know one another, its your job as leader to establish a comfortable atmosphere and set the tone for the discussion. The following are ground rules that groups in previous classes have adopted after discussion. You can express your strong disagreement or discomfort with such remarks and leave it at that, or follow up with Lets talk about it after the group, which could generate some real discussion about prejudice and stereotypes, and actually change some thinking over time. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2000. Ground rules are a short list of expectations to guide how a group works together. Ground rules are still important for holding yourself accountable for a positive and productive conversation. Marcus., The Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice (3. You should always ask attendees if they agree to abide by the ground rules established at the beginning of . As instructors, offer points for participating in conversations. -Approved Feb. 9, 2007. Not being afraid to admit your own ignorance or confusion if you dont know something invite others to provide resources, and use the opportunity to discuss with the group how one might go about researching the issue. 5. Ask for clarification if unclear about a participants intent or question. In discussions around diversity and equity, it's important to understand that everyone sees and experiences the world differently - what seems "right" in your experience may not be so in someone else's. Nothing said in the group should be discussed outside the group without the permission of those involved. Parking Lot is a place, where participants can park off-topic ideas, questions, or comments for a later time. Confidentiality. New York: Penguin Group, 1999. Part of your job here is to protect minority rights, i.e., unpopular or unusual ideas. stream This forces participations to clarify their ideas, helps them to avoid miscommunication, and offers a much better ground for constructive discussions and feedback. Then, ask if the participants have any to add. "Tackle problems, not people" helps to avoid this, by using language that focuses on the objective problems at hand. If the group doesn't address these elements on their own, this list could be used as a discussion prompt during the development process. Ask dominant participants to allow others to speak. Ground rules help the facilitator establish what behaviors are expected of the focus group participants. Participants should read and review our Ground Rules prior to the sessions. In most group settings, misunderstandings are inevitable, sometimes resulting in confusion, frustration, or defensiveness. When you have enough knowledge on a particular topic, then it is natural that you will confidently speak about it. Author: Lisa Hinz, Extension educator, leadership and civic engagement. How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Discussing Race. Your performance is as good as your preparation. Make the discussion functional by clarifying the goals of each session to the group. Air concerns and differences among individuals or groups. Stone, D., Patton, B., and Sheila Heen., Difficult Conversations: How to discuss what matters most. Locating - Facilitators can ask the questioner to explain the context behind the question. Meeting rules defining agenda listening actions. Our aim is to provide tools to make these conversations meaningful and productive. Allow others to share. Which makes this rule so powerful, because it's easy to point out and bring into discussions. "Agree to disagree" highlights that there is always an option to come to an agreement, even though two people or a group disagree with each other. There are a number of reasons for this, some practical and some philosophical. The more assertive and less cooperative you are, the more likely you are to exhibit traits of the competing style for managing conflict, and the more cooperative and less assertive you are, the more accommodating you are in your style of conflict management. Join on time (or early). Some Thoughts on Establishing Ground Rules "All the literature on classroom management considers setting groups rules essential (Baldwin, 1997-1998; Ballantine & Risacher, 1993; Boice, 1996; Brooks, 1987; Feldmann, 2001; Gonzalez & Lopez, 2001 . Even in that situation, the individual may find herself swayed by others arguments, or may have ideas of her own. Here are suggestions for ground rules that can be especially helpful for public meetings: Groups can create ground rules in advance of the meeting, or with the group at the meeting. Empower your team by reminding them that they have permission to: ask . RESPECT another person's right to have opinions and thoughts . Welcome Packet and Week 1 Discussion Guide Week 2 - Belonging; Week 3 - The Roots of Polarization; Week 4 - Humanity in Disagreement; Week 5 - Connection Across Divides; Ground Rules. Good listening requires concentration and attention. Action plan for enhancing team capabilities team charter with strengths and ground rules. Everybody participates. DISCUSSION GROUND RULES We will use the Ground Rules below for our discussion group. All of these might be examples of group discussions, although they have different purposes, take place in different locations, and probably run in different ways. Ground rules articulate a set of expected behaviors for classroom conduct. If it was the beginning, however, or part of an ongoing discussion, you may have a lot to do before the next session, including contacting people to make sure theyve done what they promised, and preparing the newsprint notes to be posted at the next session so everyone can remember the discussion. This is particularly true when it comes to group discussion, where the process is, in fact, the purpose of the groups coming together. Listen actively respect others when they are talking. We recommend each state and branch (if appropriate) fill this role with someone whos passionate about diversity and inclusion and demonstrates a radical yet respectful curiosity to embrace change. The presence of conflict can help us problem solve, innovate new ways of doing things, generate new ideas and perhaps most importantly, it can help us expand our understanding of new concepts and experiences. Ground rules that work are: appropriate for your students' age and developmental stage. 4. If those are brought out in the open and discussed reasonably, the two sides often find that they have as much agreement as disagreement, and can resolve their differences by putting their ideas together. How can you create guidelines? HERE ARE SOME SUGGESTED TIPS AND GROUND RULES: 4 IDENTITY AND PLACE. Instead of invalidating somebody elses story with your own spin on her or his experience, share your own story and experience. Each person gets a chance to talk. 2. The Dynamics of Conflict Resolution: A Practitioners Guide. Whenever you are talking to your branch or board about diversity and inclusion, its important to ensure that everyone feels safe for conversation and exploration. If you dont usually talk as much in groups and do a lot of your thinking and processing in your own head, know that we would love to hear your contributions and challenge yourself to add your voice to the conversation. Listen to each other. Be present, and don't attend to non-meeting business. One is to state your opinion, but make very clear that its an opinion, not a fact, and that other people believe differently. This is true for everyone, regardless of our group (s). Work Smart & Start Smart Salary Negotiation Training, National Conference for College Women Student Leaders, 1310 L St. NW, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20005, Guidelines for Discussing Difficult or High-Stakes Topics, Creating Brave Conversations about Diversity and Inclusion at Work, Heres how we can discuss diversity and inclusion without confrontation, How to Start the Conversation about Diversity & Inclusion, 5 Tips for productive conversations about diversity, How to Start the Conversation about D&I in 2020, Effective Workplace Conversations on Diversity, How to Have that Tough Conversation about Diversity and Inclusion, Fun Activities to Spark Conversations about Racial Diversity, Diversity and Inclusion in the College Classroom, Diversity & Inclusion: Starting the Conversation, 6 Practical Diversity and Inclusion Activities You Can Start Today, 5 Diversity and Inclusion Activities to Build Belonging on Teams. What do I bring to the group? This ground rule highlights that the meeting is more productive and fun, if everyone participants and contributes equally. The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book. Using "I" statements, helps participations to speak for themselves and creates more respect for everyone's unique point of view. Enter the room a few minutes early to resolve any technical issues. "Be the crew, not the passenger" highlights the value of actively contributing to the meeting (crew), instead of falling back into the role of an observer (passenger). This may encourage participation by reducing participants fear of answering incorrectly. The term ground rules was originally used to describe the rules of baseball that teams agreed to use in a particular venue, or grounds. For Zoom Meetings, consider these ground rules to ensure a great group discussion: Find a quiet space to participate in the meeting. Establishing this as a ground rule highlights that participants can suggest on their own when to place something on the parking lot in order to keep the meeting on track and on time. We each have a style we prefer, and sometimes, under certain circumstances, some styles are better suited to manage conflict given the situation. Forsyth, D .Group Dynamics. Respect the views, values, and ideas of other members of the group. Most often because they are afraid of the consequences or think the context isn't the right one to address the issue. Follow the agenda. If you are unsure of their meaning, ask for clarification. After the group has completed a task, debriefing is an important step to take in order to gain insight into understanding the process and results. Each sessionwill be a facilitated discussion of selected chapters, led by a member of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee. ask clarifying questions when you need someone to elaborate. This list is not a complete list! 4 0 obj Some you might suggest, if the group has trouble coming up with the first one or two: Ground rules may also be a place to discuss recording the session. This group is not intended as "Diversity 101" training. They should be discussed and agreed upon by the group members. All rights reserved, Call Number: LC191 S38 2017 ; Also available as an ebook. How you challenge prejudice is the real question. Respect: We do not advise, analyze or "fix" others. As a result, discussion can become toxic and can quickly grow into conflict. The facilitator can list both sides of the argument on the board. Then she has to guide the discussion, being careful to promote an open process; involve everyone and let no one dominate; attend to the personal issues and needs of individual group members when they affect the group; summarize or clarify when appropriate; ask questions to keep the discussion moving, and put aside her own agenda, ego, and biases. Allow participants to introduce themselves you can even set up an ice breaker to have pairs of students introduce each other. Agree not to blame ourselves or others for the misinformation we have learned, but to accept . No lurking in the cyberspace background. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> Participants should read and review our Ground Rules prior to the sessions. It is important to prevent misunderstandings by making it clear that all things shared in small group are not to be shared with others. The first ground rule is to review each other's style of communication. Explain the topic. 2. Confidentiality first. University of Minnesota Extension discovers science-based solutions, delivers practical education, and engages Minnesotans to build a better future. Creating a Collaborative Learning Environment Guidebook, Center for Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (University of Wisconsin-Madison). Usually, a group discussion will be based around a central topic. 2 x=@! Poster. Bring materials to help the discussion along. (Do not merely formulate what you are going to say while others are talking.) This is the new edition of the award-winning guide to social justice education. If youre asked your opinion directly, you should answer honestly. 9. The following ground principles must be followed and put into practice by all staff members working on-site and off-site as a team unless explicit exceptions apply. This is not meant to make you the expert, but rather to allow you to ask good questions that will help the group generate ideas. These categories include (but arent limited to): The need or desire for a group discussion might of course arise anytime, but there are some times when its particularly necessary. In order to do so, it is important to consider the features of effective discussions, and conditions that promote small group interaction and engagement. hold people back if they are dominating the conversation. Remind everyone to be aware of time, and to make their points succinctly so everyone has the chance to share. There may actually be no need for one, in that the goal may simply be to discuss an issue or idea. Thinking Hats Questions Prompt Frame. Not to be called on or would they like to speak for themselves and creates more respect for 's. Or errors, but to accept allow participants to gather their thoughts and contribute to discussions are 100! Conducting the focus and goals of our options reasons for this, by Sensoy DiAngelooffer! Attendees if they are dominating the conversation Lisa Hinz, Extension educator, leadership and civic engagement argument. ; fix & quot ; Disagree without being disagreeable & quot ; norms! 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