dishonesty the truth about lies transcript

He says he has definitely become more conscientious. DAN GOLEMAN: A belief is simply a self-confirming theory. ROGER BOISJOLY: Which was worth in excess of $1 billion. What have we learned from the lies of our collective history? BILL MOYERS: [voice-over] The third-ranking member of NASAs launch chain of command participated in the conference call and heard the warnings. [on camera] Groups of all kinds, from personal families to the First Family, require their members to choose: Are you on the inside or the outside? Harsh Truth #1: Toddlers Cant Lie A two-year-old might say they didnt eat Now before you berate yourself and vow never to lie again, relax and take a breath. If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.. Theres a loyalty within the peer group. BILL MOYERS: He saw it as warfare. In 1963 John F. Kennedy had said the spearhead of aggression in Vietnam had been blunted. I thought you said this marsh had a hard bottom, the traveler says to the boy. Theres no doubt that presidents do lie. Decisive moments in our recent past, unforgettable moments, reveal those pressures that drive people to deny the truth and distort reality. As we become more self-aware, we learn to spot our lies before we repeat them or they spiral out of control. PAUL EKMAN: The amazing thing is the comparability. WebLifestyle Politics. amir johnson shooting; lasalle hotel seattle. Can you imagine how much information they would have found out if we had done that? Find out more on Wikipedia . But like a family in denial over a loved ones addiction, America often refuses to face the painful truth about itself. And so two great streams converged in July of 1965, the Great Society, which Johnson loved, and which he saw as his ticket not only to history, but perhaps to Mt. Based mostly on the research of Dr. Dan Ariely, Professor of Psychology and Behavioral Economics at Duke University, this film explores how, when, and why people lie (see NEWSCASTER: Pilot Mike Smith, followed by Christa McAuliffe, teacher in space. February 25, 2023. I said, This Isnt my this isnt the way I would run the show if I were running the show. But I also said, Im not running the show. But finally, it seems, Rupert Murdoch himself wasn't willing to lie when he was deposed under oath in the $1.6 billion Dominion lawsuit that puts his entire company at risk. And you know, our government lies to us all the time too. SAM DASH: It could be funny, but it really wasnt, because what it really illustrated was that these people saw themselves as not only super patriots, but anybody who disagreed with them or questioned them were their enemies. 28. He was convinced that the booster design contained a major flaw. He fooled everyone for a while, because he had fooled himself. They dont point the finger at the doctor whos the incompetent. WOMAN: And yet I know there are some things that are so painful to face, and I know I couldnt have recovered without facing them. How does this affect electronic transactions? This made it hard to keep hiding the cost of the war in the closets of the Pentagon budget. "When we don't admit to our shortcomings, it prevents our learning and self-improvement." Now, the significance is not only a money significance, but the fact that they were the sole source, they were the only company without competition that were making those motors. That is, that if you lie you lose someones trust. Ollie is citing that its improper to lie, it doesnt come easy, its distasteful. With compelling personal and academic findings, this book will change the way we see ourselves, our actions, and others. We dont want to get punished. In an age of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. (Dis)Honesty The Truth About Lies From seemingly small white lies to full-blown criminal confabulations, lying permeates human behavior. Web(Dis)Honesty The Truth About Lies is a documentary feature film that explores the human tendency to be dishonest. This transcript was entered on May 15, 2015. CANDACE: Oh, because I would have gotten in serious trouble! CANDACE: I have four boys that live down the street. JOHN DEAN: Well, Im sure some of them to this day feel that way. Start your 14 day free trial. Nobody knows how to reestablish trust. Pressures to fulfill it were evident the night before the launch of Challenger. Were still healing as a nation from the lies of Vietnam and Watergate, but Ronald Reagan left office the most popular president in years, even thought most Americans believed he lied about the Iran-contra scandal. Almost everyone else in the film does. Hes only sending 50,000 over. ROGER BOISJOLY: Now, we all thought it was going to blow up on the pad, was going to blow up right when they ignited the motor. According to the documentary, most lies start out fairly innocently before falling victim to a slippery slope that ends in a consequence ditch. And he made a few terse comments and then asked his man, who essentially was chief engineer at NASA, for his launch decision. Chuck Klosterman . WebBut finally, it seems, Rupert Murdoch himself wasn't willing to lie when he was deposed under oath in the $1.6 billion Dominion lawsuit that puts his entire company at risk. Follow this author to stay notified about their latest stories. And then its very hard to reestablish it. We grow up not wanting that particular role in life. You just run that one through. The reason I talk to myself is because Im the only one whose answers I accept.. You know, the National Security. You will have endless dinner party conversation material as well good strong scolding for your own personal behavior., (Dis)Honesty is lively, witty and captivating, For press inquiries, please contact Because Johnson recognized that if the public mind recognized that we were mobilizing reserves, this would look much serious than Johnson wanted the public mind to perceive it, because he wanted the public to focus on the Great Society. That, I believe, is wrong. JOHN DEAN: I was uncomfortable with it. Six months later Challenger was rolled into place and the seven astronauts made their final preparations for liftoff. BILL MOYERS: [voice-over] The belief had taken on a life of its own. This was your president. And that need is so basic that well do everything to protect that sense of belonging. In an age of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. As our generation heals from the wounds of past deceptions, what can we teach our children about truth? And the mom comes out, and she says, John, why are you out in the street? And he says, Oh, those girls pushed me. And we said that we didnt. I havent been elected to anything, Im a staff man. Now, I believe thats that view is widely shared, and I actually believe in it also. WebThe No. Supply Chain Values. While most of the liars shown in the documentary paid a price for their untruths, publicist and marketer Ryan Holiday is an exception. That has been worrisome to me and I've changed a lot." The first time we lie, we feel its impact in our amygdala and insula which are the parts of our brains that are connected to emotion. To market the film "I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell," based upon author Tucker Max's bestselling book, most of the press campaign orchestrated by Holiday was predicated upon publicity stunts and manipulating the media and blogosphere into believing that public protests and defaced billboards were a direct result of public anger towards the controversial film. Shortly after the meeting I told Bob Haldeman that I had to meet with film. We also lie to advance ourselves, enhance our image, protect ourselves, or gain power. Truth. The truth is that lies get a bad rap despite being an inevitable and often useful part of every human beings social arsenal. But given two options he always chose the one that if it failed, eventually brought more escalation. Doctors are loyal to each other. I had a myth that my daughter and I were close, and we werent. And only a few of you knew how to do it. Spirituality & Practice. And to this day I dont know that we know everything that went on in that White House. However, if a person lies excessively and causes significant problems in their personal or professional lives, they may require professional help. I had a myth that I came from a close family, and I didnt. BILL MOYERS: [voice-over] During the hearings some managers from NASA and Morton Thiokol tried to portray the Challenger disaster as too technical for the commission to understand. WebLifestyle Politics. WebFrom political lies and fake news to financial fraud, plagiarism, and infidelity, dishonesty seems to be a universal part of the post-truth world we live in. Theres nothing in its original specifications that has come anywhere near reality and performance. It is meant to encourage meaningful and thoughtful discussions about our (dis)honest behavior. The Truth Box is a booth containing a single stool, a screen and keyboard, sound muffling curtains, and a camera, all for people to tell their stories of a time when they lied. WebLies Quotes. BILL MOYERS: [voice-over] Sixteen years ago Presidential Counsel John Dean was fired by Richard Nixon for refusing to help cover up the White House crimes known as Watergate. It you know, a lie needs both someone who speaks it and someone whos willing to believe it. BOY: I found out that my fathers lied to me. The top people. Bill Moyers examines how deception has influenced some of the major events of our recent past and how self-deception shapes our personal lives and the public mind. That night the temperature was below freezing. Join the CNBC Panel. No man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar. Petty deceptions are part of the fabric of everyday life. Inspired by the work of social scientist, Dan Ariely, the film interweaves personal stories, expert opinions, behavioral experiments, and archival footage to reveal how and why people lie. He knows that in our family, as in most families, you get into a lot of trouble at school youre supposed to tell your parents about it. PAUL EKMAN: I do think that on a personal level lying is a slippery slope. WOMAN: Oh, God, it was tough. It gets dangerous when it endures over a long period of time. I dont need to ask him every night, Did you get in trouble in school today? Most people would say if I had asked him that question and he said no that would be a lie. NEWSCASTER: Big smiles today. A Satisfactory Solution To Your Complaint From scandalous headlines to little white lies, (Dis)Honesty The Truth About Lies explores the complex impact dishonesty has on our lives and everyday society. Somethings going on here. BILL MOYERS: Are there any similarities between personal lying and political lying? Its the loss of trust. In some ways even more susceptible. DAN GOLEMAN: You dont want to be the one who brings up the unpopular truth. PAUL EKMAN: Its very hard for the young child to understand the issue of trust. With the support and compassionate of others we are allowed to speak the truth without rebuke. Those warnings went no higher. Oliver North admitted he lied to Congress, and he became a hero to millions. Weve paid that cost in human life and mutual trust. DAN GOLEMAN: Its anything in your reality, in your immediate reality, your emotional world that you can. 1 Question Everyone Working in Dishonesty The Truth About Lies Transcript Should Know How to Answer Lying and Stealing Encyclopediacom. BOY: Once I broke a window, and then I was I kind of think, you know, I lied, but then I decided to tell the truth. BILL MOYERS: [voice-over] Morton Thiokol had pressures of its own. Detecting and Decoding Lies Learning to detect behaviors associated with lying and dishonesty can help teachers remedy these situations before they escalate. It wasnt like a lie. The Department of Justice, of course, is in charge. WebThe Truth Box is a booth containing a single stool, a screen and keyboard, sound muffling curtains, and a camera, all for people to tell their stories of a time when they lied. WebThe Truth About Lying Statistics. I do it in terms of conflicts of interest. Whats the motive? BILL MOYERS: But you know, people who tell the truth in public, whistleblowers, usually get into trouble. Its easier on your memory, and you can always claim you were going to tell the person later, so youve got a way out. You hadnt. Webuva scott stadium parking. And was reeling off to the press all the different investigations that were going on. WebIn The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty, Ariely shows why some things are easier to lie about, what keeps us honest, and how our (un)honesty actually depends on outside influence. It was stamped, Company Private, and never reached NASA. BILL MOYERS: [voice-over] As Watergate unraveled, the rest of the Presidents men kept allegiance with their chief. I mean, why people lie for very often the same reasons, if you look at children, you look at adults, you look at politicians. If youre not with us, youre against us. From the Oval Office he plotted how to destroy his enemies. It might be a story that a family lives by in order to keep a sense of security, a sense that people are safe in the family. There was one more chance to avoid disaster. By the time Challenger lifted off at 11:30 the next morning it was still only 36 degrees. Don't fall into the trap of believing that one behaviour equals a lie Tips and Traps Series # 1: Believing one behaviour equals a lie. DAN GOLEMAN: And there he was able to speak. WebIn The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty, Ariely shows why some things are easier to lie about, what keeps us honest, and how our (un)honesty actually depends on outside influence. And you really need a code book to understand what theyre talking about. It cost the entire nation a measure of confidence and prestige. Stretching out over such a period of time that the electorate when they were exercising their choices couldnt get accurate information. As citizens we hear it from leaders. PAUL EKMAN: So why didnt you tell the truth? He convinces some men to go check it out. And I discovered that when you put some pressure on it for a while and then undo it, it maintains it doesnt stretch back, it stays the same dimension. And it gets dangerous when many different other aspects of the information process need to be distorted to support that lie. ROGER BOISJOLY: There was not one engineer in that room the night before the launch that supported the decision to launch. And the problem with that was once I found the truth about what was going on, it really has affected my life. JOHN DEAN: I made it very clear that despite anything else they thought I had done for them, there was one thing I was not willing to do, and that was to lie. And it sets the kid up, because eventually the kids going to grow up and maybe find out that he was being he or she was being lied to all along. GIRL: Of course I was always taught by my parents that lying was wrong. RICHARD FEYNMAN, Physicist: Well, I took this stuff that I got out of your seal, and I put it in ice water. People lie for various reasons, such as to avoid punishment, to gain advantage, or to protect someone's feelings. Almost everyone else in the film does. When LBJ a year later discovered none of this was true, he made the basic mistake, one born of his devious and secretive ways, and of his own belief in his powers of persuasion. On a lighter note, he says that he has made a pact with himself always to tell people when they have spinach caught in their teeth. You say, Oh, my parents were very good disciplinarians. You dont realize, I was an abused child.. Very dangerous. Not one. Nobodys going to say you shouldnt lie to the murderer. WebTranscript for the Piece Audio version of Why We Cheat: Stories of Dishonesty and Human Nature from Dan Ariely and Others. Thats especially so for a particular type of lie. Their answer was the shuttle. But finally, it seems, Rupert Murdoch himself wasn't willing to lie when he was deposed under oath in the $1.6 billion Dominion lawsuit that puts his entire company at risk. What's more, we tend to rationalize our lies. The documentary feature film will be titled (Dis)Honesty The Truth About Lies. Along with the Truth Box and the film, there will be a website to carry on the conversation of the project. It involves the telling of lies, the withholding of information, and the twisting of the truth in order to gain an advantage and deceive others. BILL MOYERS: He just told the press you had done a report. WebFrom little white lies to criminal deceit and global deceptions, dishonesty is a universal constant of the world we live in. Everybody lies a little. WebWarrant For Not Paying Court Fines. What if everybody lied? Harsh Truth #1: Toddlers Cant Lie A two-year-old might say they didnt eat . This is not to say that lying should be rewarded, but that parents need to be honest with themselves about dishonesty and what it represents. He wanted it both ways. I dont want you to wake them. Would that be a lie? You just have to protect them. BILL MOYERS: So this kind of deception requires collusion? "Some lying is socially useful, but we do it too much in an undiscriminating way. MAGICIAN: Heres a card with some spots on it. And I went over and told him what had happened in Mitchells office. May require professional help who speaks it and someone whos willing to believe it ] the had. Us, youre against us them or they spiral out of control its own to millions small... Grow up not wanting that particular role in life at 11:30 the next morning it was,! In 1963 John F. Kennedy had said the spearhead of aggression in Vietnam been... To stay notified about their latest stories stretching out over such a period of time,. 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