We really should be fixing their salaries and the little scam theyve got going on, theyre not joining them, Bredefeld said. Engineering, Inspection, and Street Work, Transportation About Fresnoland by Josef Sibala July 29, 2022. Do not scrape our website or use our stories to populate websites designed to improve search rankings or gain revenue from network-based advertisements. 6-8.1 Idea$ Pay 2022-152, amending Exhibit 6 . A more responsible approach would be to provide incremental pay increases over time that will allow elected officers to receive salaries comparable to cities similar to Fresno. Fresno OMB CAP 15-16 Collectively will improve pavement, improve safety, reduce congestion, improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, consistent with the RTP/SCS. Compensation & Labor Agreements. 76 Request List of One-Time General Fund Carryover Appropriations per 14th AAR Amendment 6.24.20 This includes byline credit (for example, Cassandra Garibay, Fresnoland) and a line at the top of the story that reads, This story was originally published by Fresnoland, a nonprofit news organization, where Fresnoland is hyperlinked to the fresnoland.org version of the story. Staff received several written and verbal comments on the plan and guidelines. 2-6 Employment Procedures and Records Maintenance 49 Request for Public Works Latest Version of the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) 5-Year Plan 6 Councilmember Miguel Arias says his income was reduced by half when joining city council. The Council adjourned at 9:06 p.m. B. Upon mutual agreement by the City and Consultant, Section 2 of the Agreement may be amended to extend the term of the agreement. TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. In June 2022, a transfer was made interim to accommodate the need for extra help in Public Works. The mayors salary currently at $130,000 would be tied to the city council and earn a multiple of just under 163% of that rate. 3-3 Sole-Source Purchases Over the Formal Bid Limit Establish an annual $100,000 minimum allocation within the Street Repair Program for each of the 16 agencies in Fresno County, 5. If you have a
TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. Most recently, Blais assisted with the award of nearly from the Clean California program for highway corridor beatification and prepared an application for Animal Control Services. TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. 28 Request to Follow Up with Directors Regarding the Solid Waste Plastic Can Lids 6.19.20 26 Report of Homeless Trash Tonnage 6.19.20 24 Request for an Update on the Well Issues Under Litigation 6.19.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. If you have a
FY20 Property Tax Override (PTO) Fill shortfalls in coverage State Disability. Bredefeld called supervisor salaries a scam and outrageous. He said tying salaries to judges avoids accountability. The #CityofFresno was awarded a $600,000 Reconnecting Communities Grant for the planning and community engagement for a pedestrian bridge over SR 99 - from the Jane Addams Neighborhood at Parkway Drive to #RoedingPark. FY 21 Master Fee Schedule Salary range steps consist of one through five (1-5) salary steps with approximately 5% intervals between each step. In comparison, the population of San Diego is nearly triple that of Fresno - more than 1.4 million. 74 Line Item Detail of YTD GF Expend. The Master Fee Schedule (MFS) Resolution reports fees for services that are provided to our citizens. The compensation increase would not include a pension. In October 2021, FCTA conducted a series of in-person and online public forums specific to Measure C renewal. Council (5-0) adopted Resolution Adopting Management Salary Schedules for the Fiscal Year 2022-2023. The City of Kerman is extremely satisfied with the performance of B&A to date, during which over $1.5 million in grant funds were secured for priority projects in Kerman. 6-23 Garbage Removal Clean-up of Temporary Shelters; and Code Enforcement Abatement Procedures 32 Request CARES Act Spending Plan be Posted for the Public on the Citys Website 6.18.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. I. 25 Request for a Plan to Fund Appliance Pickup 6.18.20 Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Services, Long-Range Plans and the Development Code, Apply for a Concealed Weapons Permit CCW, Fresno-Clovis Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility (RWRF), Public Works: Streets, Lights, Landscape, & Construction. The Plan is administered by a Board of Trustees consisting of eleven (11) Trustees representing Employees and three (3) representing the Employer. Council (5-0) approved warrants and electronic bank transfers as presented under Government Code 37208). 40 Request Ethnic and Gender Breakdown of Police Officers and Job Title Sergeant Captain Etc 6.18_ Before winning election in 2018, Arias was a spokesman at Fresno Unified. Consider Support of Fresno Council of Governments Approved Measure C Renewal Expenditure Plan and Implementing Guidelines (JAJ). FY 18 Budget, FY 22 Master Fee Schedule 8-19 Social Media Policy Unit 3 Non Supervisory White Collar, Fresno Police Officers Association (FPOA Even though your earnings remain the same, your taxes will be reduced, giving you more spending power in your paycheck. Job classifications are assigned a salary range with the exception of elected positions and other positions as designated in the Alphabetical Position Listing. Miguel Arias, Luis Chavez and Nelson Esparza won re-election; Annalisa Perea won a term for a new seat. TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. 8-13 Citys Use of Environmentally Preferable Products, 1-1 Grant Administration 39 Request Calls on a Daily Basis of Emergency and Non-Emergency Broken Down by Policing District 59 Status of Basketball Mural(s) at Martin Ray Reilly Park 6.18.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. A second opinion poll was also conducted, resulting in nearly identical results to the first poll. During that period, society adapted to meeting in a virtual environment. by Josef Sibala, Fresnoland July 29, 2022, This and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.. The TWG later refined these two alternatives. After considerable public and Board discussion, the Fresno COG Policy Board approved the EC/TWG plan as modified by the City of Fresno. Deputy Coroner I/II. If Lightbox link for post with description #UPDATE: Due to continuous cold temperatures, the Lightbox link for post with description We need your opinion on trees! 32 Request CARES Act Spending Plan be Posted for the Public on the Citys Website 6.18.20 The public comment period closed on June 27, 2022, and staff posted a final draft revision of the draft plan and guidelines on June 29, 2022. Plans designed to pay directly to employee, not hospital/DR. Referral. Council (5-0) adopted a resolution approving a landscape maintenance agreement with the State of California Department of Transportation. Newly-elected council members would have their salary go from $80,000 a year to $135,000 a year. Council (5-0) adopted a resolution amending the bylaws of the Kerman Sales Tax Oversight Committee to change regular meetings from quarterly to semi-annual. FY 18 Master Fee Schedule FY17 GANN Spending Limit (GANN) 37 Req. The City of Fresno Annual Budget is the most important document the City produces. 2011-2021 salaries for Fresno County 89,200 employee records found - Page 1 of 1,784 . TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. Increases would take effect when a member is sworn in for a new term. In summary, the approved plan provides total projected revenue over 30 years of $6,835,044,756 or approximately $7 Billion. Fresno OMB CAP 12-13, FY22 Budget TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. 1027 (ATU) Portability leave, retire, relocate. FY23 Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) 2022 - 2023 Career Technical Education Charter High School Academic Intervention Salary Schedule. 2-34 Lactation Accommodation Policy 3-10 Disposal of Junk Material and Scrap Metal, 8-11 Use of Electronic Systems and Tools You may also make minor revisions for style or headline size, and you may trim stories for space. 45 Request a Memo with Current Response Times for Various Types of Calls Received 6.18.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. 2. 23 Update on Purple Pipe or Recycling Water Program 6.19.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. The overall transportation needs in Fresno County exceed the revenues generated through a cent sales tax. 2-26 Light Duty Assignments for Temporarily Disabled Employees The threat of exposure precluded FCTA and Fresno Council of Governments (Fresno COG) staff from scheduling meetings of these committees for approximately 11 months. A full copy of both the Expenditure Plan and Implementing Guidelines are included in this Board package. 3-9 Purchasing Card (CAL-CARD) Use Policy TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. 63 Requesting Amount Spent on Youth Internship Program 6.22.20 Spanish speakers completed approximately 1,070 surveys. The same should be applied to the council, he argued. With rare exceptions, staff did not contact specific individuals but worked through agencies and organizations to identify who would serve on the two committees. Favorable Underwriting Health not an issue. TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. Newsletter Unit 14 Management Classes, Operating Engineers, Local Union No. 16 Request for ISD to Provide Status on Integration of Apple Products 6.22.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. Staff initially presented four alternatives to the TWG. 55 Request Number of Job Opportunities for Youth in the PARCS Department and Provide Council with The Council (5-0) adopted a resolution supporting the Fresno Council of Governments approved Expenditure Plan and Implementing Guidelines. The Classification Program makes every effort to keep all information as timely and accurate as possible; however, recent changes may not be posted. 72 Request for Public Works McKinley Trail Update 6.22.20 It is responsible for representing the City in negotiations with employee organizations, administering negotiated contracts, grievance resolution, personnel policy consultation and training, unit determinations and elections, bilingual certification, special projects / assignments, and salary and benefit analysis and surveys. 6-3 Use of City Facilities and Equipment Including Use for Political Activities On August 7, 2019, the Fresno County Transportation Authority (FCTA) Board authorized staff to begin the process of seeking to renew Measure C with a target of placing the Measure on the November 2022 ballot. 3-6 Uniform Program They voted on a proposal to raise the salary to $135,000. Specifically, this plan will: B. According to its website, the City Council serves as the policy-making board of the City. The site also contains dependent care search engines, reference libraries, legal and financial resources, self-improvement programs, and educational training modules. The agreement will supersede any prior Landscape Maintenance Agreement and include areas where no Landscape Maintenance Agreement exists. 54 Request for Meeting to Discuss Proposed Timeline of when Community Engagement will Begin at Mil, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. After Court Decision, Will States Misused Environmental Law Finally Be Reformed? General Development Fees TRAY MEMO FY 2020 Citywide Position Vacancies 6.17.20. 44 Request Report of Prior Financial Audit Findings for PD 6.29.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. And I think for that reason alone, it shouldnt even be happening.. 2-22 Salaries and Workers Compensation Benefits While Absent Due to Work-Related Injury or Illness We need your opinion on trees! SECTION 4. Change a few projects included in the City of Fresnos portion of the Tier 1 Major Roads and Highway Program, 6. TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. FY 21 Budget The current salary for judges . TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. OPT OUTS - GAINING OTHER COVERAGE EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2023 Because the County of Fresno health benefit plan year becomes effective December 12, 2022, your opt out status will become effective beginning the pay period immediately following the effective date of your coverage, January 9, 2023. 24 Request for an Update on the Well Issues Under Litigation 6.19.20 1. "You have households that have a median income of less than 50,000, and you're going to give yourself 55,000 and people can't put food on the table, they cant pay gas. We are proud to make all of our stories free for all to read and republish. City of Fresno employee benefits include medical, dental, and vision coverage, paid holidays and vacation, flexible spending account programs for dependent care and health care expenses, deferred compensation, retirement, and more. Rental Rates for Convention Center I totally understand that when gas is above $6 a gallon it sounds almost crazy to be able to bring a proposal forward, Karbassi said. The Fresno Housing Authority joint meeting of the boards of commissioners took place on Tuesday, April 25, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. For more information, please contact the Human Resources Department, Classification, at (559) 600-1830 or by email at HRClassification@co.fresno.ca.us. For more detailed information please refer to the Summary Plan Description; email Retire@fresno.gov; or call the Retirement Office at (559) 621-7080 to speak . The City Council meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the Kerman City Hall, 850 S. Madera Ave. The Cost Allocation Planhas been developed in accordance with the Federal Circular Office of Management and Budget (OMB) A-87 principles. H. Resolution Approving Contract with Civic Plus for New City Website and Support Services for $71,509.69 (JAJ). 6-20 Public Information and Media Relations 49 Request for Public Works Latest Version of the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) 5-Year Plan 6, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. FY 19 Master Fee Schedule Lightbox link for post with description Alan Jacobsen is a Fresno FAX supervisor and an to raise money for the hospital. TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. 2-28 Part-time, Hourly and Temporary Employees 4.3 Requesting Overtime Information 6.12.20 Unit 15 Airport Public Safety Supervisors, Fresno Airport Public Safety Officers (FAPSO) Fresno OMB CAP 16-17 Utility Poles/Small Cell Conductor Fees, Parks, After School, Recreation, & Community Services 43 Request PD to Provide Status of Gang Injunctions 6.18.20 53 Status of EOC Food Distribution Agreement and Plan to Continue Food Distribution During Pandemic, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. Participants have freedom of choice in choosing the Hospital and Physician they wish to use. Consistent with the Fresno City Council approved Transparency Act, Mayor Ashley Swearengin directed this web page bemaintained to simplify the publics access to this information. 2014 Property Tax Override (PTO) 45 Request a Memo with Current Response Times for Various Types of Calls Received 6.18.20 A Flexible Benefits Plan, sometimes referred to as a cafeteria plan, flex plan, or a Section 125 plan, offers you the opportunity to pay health insurance premiums and out-of-pocket medical and dependent care expenses with pre-tax dollars. It outlines the City's spending plan and priorities for the coming fiscal year, which runs from July 1st to June 30th. Building Permits-Minor Additions, Alterations Provides over $800 million to the three transit agencies in Fresno County, an increase of 180 percent over the current transit allocation. For information on City of Fresno online services and updates on policies, programs and events, For information about novel coronavirus (COVID-19) please visit the Fresno County Department of Public Health Website. FY20 Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) FY21 GANN Spending Limit (GANN) In addition to in-person and telephonic services, a wide array of resources are available to you on the Halcyon EAP website. 2-15 Resolution of Concerns of Management and Confidential Employees FY19 Property Tax Override (PTO) Senior Management. Senior Records Clerk You may not edit our content, except for minor updates to time and location references or editorial style. Limit Urban Transit Oriented Development (TOD) funding to certain high-density and transit corridor requirements, 7. Revising the distribution of these street repairs funds from 75 percent population 25 percent road miles to 80 percent 20 percent (later revised to 78 percent 22 percent), 3. Affordable rates as low as $5 per pay. 41 Request Audit of Video Policing Surveillance Unit 6.18.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. 31 Request for ISD to Find Out Who is Making Negative Comments During Budget Hearings 6.19.20 TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. We are @fresnoland on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. of Incidents of Violent or Escalated Altercations With Homeless Individuals R In the consent calendar, the Council (5-0) unanimously approved the items as follows: A. www.surveymonkey.com/r/FresnoTrees #UPDATE: Due to continuous cold temperatures, the City of Fresno is extending the date of operation for warming centers through 8 a.m. on March 8, 2023. 17 Request for Ethnic and Gender Breakdown of Workforce 6.18.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. Various Types of Calls received 6.18.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No MEMO fy Citywide... 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